My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 948: You can make a big profit.


Ling Yuwei’s eyes showed a look of disbelief. “You have already discovered me? You have been so high, can you still know this?”

Ye Fan laughed and laughed. "I didn't pay much attention."

"Yes?" Ling Yuwei did not pursue this much. He joked: "Why don't you go in and play with Master Jiang? Waiting for him here, isn't it boring?"

"I brought Jiang Xiaobai to help him complete his dream. When I was in the selection of Hidden Dragon, I promised him. This is a commitment between men." Ye Fan looked serious.

Ling Yuwei said: "I see you know the market very well, do not have to ask the price code, usually do not play less?"

Ye Fan sighed and said: "Miss Ling, I understand, does not mean that I go to play, just like I know how to rob the bank, do I have to go?"

Don't think that I am the kind of casual man, in fact, I am very principled.

I like beautiful women, there are a few lovers who are not fake, but I don't just play around casually. Outside, I can't do things that I am sorry for my wife."

"Oh... I didn't see it, I thought you were the one who came here." Ling Yuwei said brightly: "It seems that you are quite self-control."

Ye Fan took the wine glass and poured himself a white cup. He said, "That is for sure. Otherwise, can my wife let me run around so safely? Like a man who pulls the wind like me, it is easy to go anywhere. I’m beating the butterfly...”

"Less come! You are not too ugly that the women standing at the door are too ugly? It’s so nice... obviously it’s a big radish, who is fooling!”

Ling Yuwei said disdainfully, and reached out and took Ye Fan’s glass of wine.

As soon as the woman looked up, she was bored, and she spit out the powdery tongue and fanned it by hand.

"It's so hot... I haven't been drinking this wine for many years. It's so much better than that of whiskey. It's so cool."

Ye Fan is speechless. This international day, after drinking sorghum wine, it is quite a tiger. It is worthy of being a bad girl. It is estimated that there is no drink in the student days.

Since the woman wants to drink, Ye Fan does not stop, but also has a glass of wine, and they drink while drinking.

"Miss Ling, how do you want to eat this sheep's kidney, this is our man's kidney."

Ye Fan saw that Ling Yuwei was not jealous. He was holding the sheep's waist and was there, his mouth was oily, and he was speechless.

"You eat a string is almost the same, eat more, you are not allowed to do bad things, I have to keep an eye on Xiaoxue," Ling Yuwei said righteously.

Ye Fan really has nothing to refute, but his kebabs and sheep's kidneys are so bad that they are not enough to eat, so they have to rush to the boss and shout: "Boss, three more leeks, three strings of waist, three bags Pulp tofu..."

Ling Yuwei saw a man order a bunch, could not help but frown: "You still eat leek? Fart stinky people?"

"I don't sleep with you, what are you afraid of?" Ye Fan said.

Ling Yuwei glanced at the man. "You really want to be beautiful. I want to sleep and only sleep with your wife!"

Ye Fan listened, and he couldn't help but admire him. He didn't sleep too much in Su Xuexue.

Ling Yuwei saw something. He couldn’t help but whispered: "Are you still in the same room with Xiaoxue?"

Ye Fan retorted the time. "We have been receiving the certificate for almost a year. What are you talking about?"

"Less me, I have touched my hand, Xiaoxue is still there," Ling Yuwei chuckled.

Ye Fan was shocked and blinked. "This... can you touch it? You put your hand in... Touch..."

Ling Yuwei couldn’t help but giggled: "You stupid, of course I lied to you! You really believe it! Haha, I know, you are a superficial couple!"

Ye Fan only knows that he has counted it, and he was even overcast by this "little man"...

Feeling particularly no face, Ye Fan had to bury his head and drink, and he was thinking about it. He wanted to come up with the idea of ​​marriage proposal as soon as possible, and then turned Su Xuexue into his own woman. Otherwise, people would laugh at it.

Ling Yuwei saw Ye Fan not talking, and could not help but drum up. "As for why, a man is so stingy? I just joked with you."

Ye Fan sighed. "I respect my wife, you will not understand."

"How can I not understand? In fact, I am somewhat envious. If Ye Feng is the guy and knows respect, I will not become like him now." Ling Yuwei laughed and laughed.

Ye Fan said: "You should not, actually like Ye Feng?"

"Nervous disease!" Ling Yuwei rolled his eyes and said: "I just said that if Ye Feng respects me a bit, don't treat me as his personal belongings, I will accept it.

Grandpa and Dad, if they must marry me, I will marry him. After all, I will marry sooner or later.

However, Ye Feng does not respect me at all. If I marry him, I will fall into hell, so I have no good feelings about him... I will never marry him. ”

Having said that, Ling Yuwei picked up the glass and stretched toward Ye Fan. "Come, I respect you. After all, compared with Ye Feng, you are much better than a man who respects women."

Ye Fan is crying and laughing, is he going to compare with Ye Feng? This is too pathetic.

After Ling Yuwei finished the cup, he poured another cup and continued to touch Ye Fan. "This glass of wine is officially thank you and saved my life."

Ye Fan shook his head. "Small things, although I kill a lot of people, but I am a doctor, saving people is my job."

"Hey," Ling Yuwei said: "You, this person, is really contradictory, killing and saving people, will not be schizophrenic?"

Ye Fan shrugged. "It’s just a habit. Life is not a constant choice question. Choose to kill, choose to save... It should be like this."

Ye Fan took out the smoke, gave himself a point, tilted his legs, and looked at the town under the night, leisurely.

Ling Yuwei looked at the man with ecstasy. She could see the vicissitudes of life and free and easy from Ye Fan’s gaze. This natural masculinity made her heart unconsciously move.

Speaking of it, the two people know each other for a while, and the number of meetings is not much, but he not only saved his life, but also seems to gradually resolve her heart disease...

Ling Yuwei is more and more curious, unconscious, and wants to understand everything about this man in depth...

"If you were in ancient times, you would make a big profit." Ling Yuwei’s mind was full of thoughts and smiles.

Ye Fan squatted, "What do you mean?"

"In ancient times, you saved my life, such a great grace, shouldn't a small woman be a part of it? And, in ancient times, the wives and wives were taken for granted..." Ling Yuwei blinked, electricity Full.

"Oh, although the wife and the sorrow are beautiful...but that woman has to be willing," Ye Fan swallowed his throat.

"If I said... the little woman is willing to..." Ling Yuwei bites the rich red lips.

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