My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 952: Not reconciled


Ye Fanyi showed up the seven-star volt magic sword, and suddenly let the people who were planning to watch the show, all of them were fixed in the expression, stiff and frozen.

In particular, the second generation of disciples, such as Pan Wei and Li Lihong, met the ghosts!

The sword on the sail of the sail, as if it belonged to him, is very natural and integrated with Ye Fan.

And every trick, detail and strength control is wonderful!

Ye Fan did not deliberately think about every trick. He moved and moved, and the body naturally applied the sword to the river.

The key Ye Fan's seven-star volt sword is more oppressive than that of Pan Wei and others. It seems to be a sword-sword, a sword and a demon, and can't tell the chic and fierce!

"This... what is going on here? How can he get to the end of our school?"

"No, he seems to be slightly different from us. In the end... is he wrong, or are we wrong?"

There have been several second-generation disciples who have speculated, because they found that Ye Fan is different from them. It seems that Ye Fan is more lethal.

Ling Qingfeng and Ling Baiguang are also guilty. They have practiced the swordsmanship of Lushan for decades. Today, they found out that this sword method seems to be not so good. !

Ling Yuwei is the daughter of the head. Although it is not very good, the eyesight is not bad.

She had already stayed there all the time, watching Ye Fan sing the singularity of the mountain, and the man’s flowing figure with the sword made her heart beat faster...

In fact, Ye Fan did not specifically do anything. He learned almost all the world martial arts in the past, but after abolishing the cultivation of Tianyishengshui, he did not use these skills.

These swords of Lushan, he would have, just read these people to show, and the memory is more clear.

Then, Ye Fan integrated himself into the swordsmanship from ancient swordsmanship and his own understanding on the kendo.

Although they have only made some fine-tuning, these swordsmanships have returned to the truth and are closer to what they were supposed to be.

After all, after thousands of years, even if there is a sword in the swordsmanship of Lushan, most of them can still rely on the master to teach disciples, so that people are circulated to people.

People are not machines. They have been passed for a long time, and there have been many places where there have been discrepancies.

Ye Fan just "repaired" some of these swordsmanship and explained it with his understanding.

After the performance of a set of seven-star sorcerer swords, Ye Fan’s feeling of using the sword changed again and began to become lighter and more neat.

"Happy 13 swords!? He... how can he!"

Everyone in Lushan saw Ye Fan continue to practice another set of schoolless without any stagnation. The expression can only be described as stunned.

"Master, have you taught him the swordsmanship of our Lushan?" Pan Wei could not help but ask Ling Qingfeng.

Ling Qingfeng is a flash in the old voice, whispering: "Shut up! Look at it! Don't miss any details! Mr. Ye's swordsmanship is more subtle than ours!!"

Pan Yi and Li Lihong and other groups of second-generation disciples have been unable to speak. Even Ling Qingfeng feels that Ye Fan’s sword is better. Of course, it is impossible for Ling Qing to teach!

Ling Yuwei had a pair of hands clasped, biting his red lips, his eyes fixed on Ye Fan, and he was already crazy.

This man, how much to give her amazement...

The sword of Ye Fan, sometimes like a mountain, is steady and powerful, and sometimes it is like a rapid flow of water, changing rapidly, and like the unpredictable wind, there is no trace.

Look at Ye Fan to make a variety of swords, let everyone feel, this move should be like this!

Unconsciously, many of the Shaoshan school disciples on the scene began to unconsciously move their hands and fired the sword. They wanted to imitate Ye Fan, and they all had a strong desire to practice swords.

When I saw my apprentices, I began to want to imitate Ye Fan. A bunch of second-generation disciples were unwilling in my heart, but I had to admit that they did not even practice the swordsmanship of this door.

Ye Fan finished the five sets of swordsmanship in Lushan. When he stopped, the people present were already in the field.

"Okay, your sword," Ye Fan walked over to Pan Wei and returned the broad sword to him.

Pan Wei’s face was sluggish, and after taking over the sword, his eyes were very complicated.

"Mr. Ye, how did you know our swordsmanship in Shushan? Why does your swordwork seem to have so many unusual things?" Ling Qingfeng couldn't help but ask the doubts in the hearts of the people.

Ye Fan knew that there was such a question, but he could not tell the truth. After all, if he thought that he would have a relationship with the Tenjin Magic Training Institute, then the explanation was unclear.

Then he said: "When I was overseas, I saw your disciples in Lushan have used these swordsmanships. I have read them again and I will almost remember them."

Although a group of people in Lushan feel that they are somewhat outrageous, they can accept it. After all, the Lushan faction does have many disciples around the world.

"Mr. Ye is really a martial art. I did not expect to have my own opinions on the kendo."

The swordsmanship that Mr. Ye has just displayed, in many details, the old man wants to ask for advice. Can you ask Mr. Ye if he can give pointers to one or two? "Ling Qingfeng is very polite.

Hundreds of Lushan disciples were stunned at the scene. In their eyes, the elders were the general figures on the kendo. But the elders even publicly admitted that they need to ask Ye Fan.

This young Mr. Ye, what is the sacredness! ?

"Master! Disciples think this is not appropriate! We must practice the sword, but we still have to look at the actual combat. Although Mr. Ye’s swordsmanship seems quite mysterious, it really doesn’t really work!” Li Lihong then vaulted.

"Yeah! Master, let us simply try it. Let's talk about swordsmanship, no matter how it is repaired!" Pan Wei also asked.

Ling Qingfeng frowned, said: "Pan Wei, the last time you have been defeated by Mr. Ye, and even the division is not the opponent of Mr. Ye, how do you still say such a face?"

The disciples present were even more shocked! what! ? The elders are defeated by Mr. Ye! ?

Ye Fan was so embarrassed that he was watched by so many people. As for him, he didn’t make any sense of his sword... It’s a little improved and it’s not very comfortable.

Pan Wei’s face was red, and he was not willing to say: “The disciples know that the strength is not Mr. Ye’s opponent, but... we have been practicing the sword for decades. If it’s not as good as he’s learned a few times, then The disciples are really reluctant!"

"Master! Please let us try it! The disciples are not reconciled!" A group of second-generation disciples squatted directly on the ground, asking Ling Qingfeng to agree with them than the sword.

Ling Qingfeng frowned, he felt that letting these disciples go with Ye Fan than the sword, it is a bit disrespectful, because the strength of Ye Fan is there, a little self-sufficient.

However, these disciples who have been practicing the swordsmanship of the mountains for decades have tried to maintain the dignity of the Zongmen. He cannot bear to refuse...

"I am coming", Ling Baiguang stood up and smiled and said: "I am the head of the second generation. I am here to represent the younger brothers and sisters, and Mr. Ye is more than a sword... so, I can give you a statement".

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