My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 984: not that simple



The guards of Xie’s family were scared and white, and if Xie Hongfei had an accident, they could not afford it!

"Mr. Ye! Mr. Ye is thinking about ways! How can he stop bleeding?" The bodyguards on the side immediately asked.

Xie Hongfei gasped and said: "Internal power... Can internal power seal the acupuncture points?"

Ye Fan shook his head. "The sealing point is a sealing point. If the aorta is broken, you have to have surgery. Otherwise, even if you don't die, you may have to amputate in order to save your life..."

"Do surgery!? This... how do you do it here??"

"Fast! Go and call an ambulance!!"

"How come the ambulance here! It's too late!!"

Ye Fan, no matter how the person next to him shouted, frowned at himself, thinking about the plan quickly in his mind, and with Xie Hongfei going to the nearest hospital, he was afraid that he could not afford to toss. The most urgent task was to stop the blood and send it to the hospital.

However, there is no shortage of surgical equipment and drugs here...

Suddenly, Chu Yunyao’s voice rang behind him. “There are rich people with heads and faces, and rich people are afraid of death.”

I don't know when, Chu Yunyao and Su Qingxue both looked behind Ye Fan.

Ye Fan was awakened, right! How did you forget this!

"You are looking for it. Here are some medical staff who are accompanying them and ask them to take an emergency medical kit!" After Ye Fan was reminded, he remembered that it was rich, and some people were older and should have private Doctor or nurse.

A group of bodyguards woke up and hurriedly searched around.

Sure enough, there are still a lot of nurses and doctors present, who are bandaging and treating wounds for their employers.

I heard that Chairman Xie was injured and needed medication. They quickly contributed what the medicine box was.

Ye Fan quickly got a few boxes. After sweeping a few eyes, he quickly took out the anesthetic and injected it into Xie Hongfei.

"Old thank you, he can't wait until the anesthesia is fully effective, it may be a little painful." Ye Fan races against time.

Xie Hongfei grinned and nodded. "I have also been a soldier. I am not afraid of this injury... Mr. Ye, come on!"

Ye Fan is also nonsense, picking up the scalpel, it is very close to the ligament near the groin, cut the fat layer...

After finding the broken arterial wound, Ye Fan used a rubber catheter to quickly perform a ligation.

The entire operation time, including dressing, was less than two minutes, so fast that the people around it were dazzled.

Chu Yunyao couldn’t help but blink and smiled. "Do you have a hand? It’s no wonder that Li can be cured."

Ye Fan smiled back and said: "Old thank you, now you can hold it for an hour or two, go to the hospital as soon as possible."

Xie Hongfei was sweating and gratefully said: "Mr. Ye... Da En does not thank you. It will be useful to thank us in the future, even though we say..."

As the fire and the police arrived, the fire was controlled and gradually extinguished.

For the sake of safety, Ye Fan did not let Chu Yunyao go home, but Su Xiaoxue and Chu Yunyao went to the Purple Leaf Tea House together.

Because Ye Fan is not clear, this time, whether it is for any of them, only to let the woman as close as possible to him, he can protect.

Ning Zimo learned about the bombings and was very worried. He helped several people arrange accommodation and sent Zizhulin people to inquire about the information.

This evening, Ye Fan has been in contact with people like Inferno, such as Sally Ye, and plans to see what is happening in the world.

Su Xiaoxue also urgently contacted the people in Ghost Valley and asked them to thoroughly investigate any clues.

One night, I passed without knowing it.

However, things are getting more and more fermenting.

The meeting of the National Federation of Trade Unions was killed by a terrorist attack and burned more than 30 rich people and their families and security personnel. This is a blockbuster for Xia Guo!

The key point is that this incident is impossible to cover up, because this night's effort, Xia Guo has seven multinational groups, lost their boss!

A stone provoked a thousand waves. From the evening, the news media began to broadcast madly, raising strong questions about Xia’s security issues.

Even the lives of these rich people can not be saved, how to keep the lives of ordinary people?

On the contrary, the rich and the big names of the famous family did not say anything publicly.

Because they are very clear, this time to keep a low-key, secretly alert, too loud, in case it becomes a target of attack is not good.

Early morning, purple leaf tea house.

In a quiet little box by the lake, Ye Fan and several women used breakfast.

Ning Zi Mo was holding a teapot and scented the tea with aroma. He poured a few cups and sent them to Su Liangxue and Chu Yunyao before handing them to Ye Fan.

Ye Fan took the cup and drank it, but did not feel the taste. He asked: "Ninger, what did the brothers of Zizhulin find out?"

Huahai locals, the intelligence ability of Zizhulin is more than the ghost valley. After all, most of the ghost valleys are focused on obtaining information, and some ordinary people will not pay attention to it.

"Things are very embarrassing", Ning Zi Mo sighed and said: "My brothers, I found out, Huahai underground market, some people actually bought some materials for making explosives.

And through in-depth tracking, I found that those who bought the materials were indeed the staff who had the opportunity to enter and exit the conference center last night. ”

Ye Fan frowned. "I said... The power of the explosives is not like military explosives. It was originally done by myself... Those who placed the explosives were internal staff? Why?"

"This is the strangest place," Ning Zi said with a puzzled voice. "We checked, these staff members, although several of them are working outside the country, most of them are married or live with their families. Local people.

They are normal employees, there is no criminal record, not the kind of evil person, the most outrageous thing, they are driving speeding, illegal parking only...

It’s strange that some people who have no criminal motives at all have bought materials and made bombs... and have done such a big thing. ”

Chu Yunyao also listened and wondered: "No, if they can make explosives, it is not so simple to place explosives.

There will be security checks at every pass, unless they also buy security personnel...

But as far as I know, the security inspectors are appointed by our trade associations, all of us, how can we put these people in and install bombs to kill ourselves? ”

Ning Zi Mo shook his head. "I don't know about it. In short, I have told the Yao of the Defense Bureau that he has obtained the information. He will go and arrest the suspects today.

When you ask, how did they do this, or if someone secretly led them, they knew..."

The words have not been finished, and the voice of Xiao Zhao came from outside.

"Missy, Fan Ge, Director Yao Zhengang came, he said that there is something to be done, I want to talk to you," Xiao Zhao said.

Ning Zimo is strange. "He won't catch people at this time, why are you looking for us? Please come in."

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