"Old Xie did it right," Ye Fan nodded and approved his approach. "I also suspect that those people are controlled in some way.

Just to see if this child has been hand-footed."

As soon as the voice fell, the phone on Ye Fan’s hand rang.

This phone is very old, black and white screen, the screen is still bad.

Ye Fan thought a little, and on the side of Ye Longteng: "Dragon King, wait for me to pick up the phone, you will find a way to let the technical department lock the signal source..."

Ye Longteng nodded. "I know, I will send a message to the technical department now, remote support!"

After the news was sent, Ye Fan picked up the phone.


"Lucifer, I am very happy to talk to you." There was a man who was quite vicissitude and said that he was fluent in Chinese.

"You are the behind-the-scenes master of all this?" Ye Fan asked at the door.

The man admits: "Yes, because time is short, I can only arrange so many shows, how are you, do you like it?"

The man’s voice was calm and there was no mood swing, as if it were just trivial things.

Ye Fan took a deep breath and sneered: "You are a pervert."

"That depends on what is your definition of metamorphosis. If you say that metamorphosis is different, prophetic, more than vulgar thinking, breaking ignorant moral values, and having people who look at the world's skills objectively, then... I It is metamorphosis."

"Is it?" Ye Fan said with a smile: "You are very high on yourself."

"I am just telling the truth," said the man.

"What are you looking for?" Ye Fan was too lazy to talk to him.

The man said: "I know Miss Chu Yunyao is by your side. I also know that she has a bad relationship with you.

However, for this world, for the future consideration of human civilization, I feel it is necessary to kill her, and at the same time, we need to eliminate the Earth's axis..."

The voice on the phone is not small, and there are ancient warriors next to them. Everyone can actually hear them.

When I heard that the man said that he wanted to kill Chu Yunyao and destroy the axis of the earth, everyone changed his look!

Sure enough, the other party’s main goal is Chu Yunyao!

"You want to kill, come, why call me?" asked Ye Fan.

"It's very simple. Miss Chu Yunyao can live to the present, mainly because of the existence of Lucifer. If you give up protecting her, or if you give up the dark and kill her, then it will not take much effort..." Road.

Ye Fan smiled. "If you know that I will protect her, how can I hurt her?"

"Of course you will, no one has a relationship with people, it can't be measured. You don't kill her, just because you haven't paid enough price..."

The man said very plainly: "I can guarantee that if you don't kill Miss Chu Yunyao now, you will lose the other people you care about...

The longer you drag on, the more people you care about, the more you will die, and then... If you continue to drag on, I will let more people related to Miss Chu Yunyao disappear from the world...

Even... those who have little to do with you, or who have nothing to do with you, will continue to kill, until... Chu Yunyao and the Earth's axis are destroyed at the same time..."

Ye Fan looked at the people next to him and gestured with them in a sign language. He asked a question - did you trace the signal source?

Ye Longteng nodded, indicating that he had found a source of mobile phone signals and had sent agents to rush.

Ye Fan met and decided to continue to drag the time, so he said: "Why do you have to kill Chu Yunyao, you have to destroy the axis of the earth, do you think they have any adverse impact on the world and on human beings?"

The man asked: "Do you know a world war, how many soldiers are killed and civilians?"

"1,560 million", Ye Fan probably reported a number.

"Yes, what about the Second World War?"

"More than 70 million?" Ye Fan blinked, and some doubted what the guy wanted to say.

"Yes... then you know, what made the second war, than the first war, the number of deaths nearly five times!?"

Ye Fan thought for a moment and said: "The number of combatants has increased, and the number of deaths and injuries has naturally increased. The global war will certainly be more than the number of deaths in the European War alone."

The man said: "You are wrong, Lucifer, the real culprit... is technology!

If before the First World War, Nobel did not invent strong explosives, there would be no deaths of tens of millions of people in World War I. If there were no planes in World War II, there would be no more advanced tanks and warships, and the world would not be thrown into war!

The most wrong direction of human development is the industrial revolution! This is not the progress of mankind, but the retrogression of mankind and the beginning of the destruction of human civilization!

Don't you understand? When the nuclear bombs of the world explode, humanity is over, and all this is because of this group of self-righteous scientists, the various scientific theories they put forward! ”

Ye Fan originally wanted to talk to this guy casually, delaying the time, but this time I heard it, but seriously thought about it.

"If you say that technology is going backwards, then you are talking to me now, isn't it relying on technology? Human technology has killed people, but it has saved people...

Our medical technology can overcome diseases and prolong human life; agricultural technology can enable more people to eat; with information technology, we can contact in time to accelerate cultural communication...

The industrial revolution and the information revolution are double-edged swords. If science and technology are used rationally, how could it be backwards..." Ye Fandao.

The man denied: "You are wrong, medical technology can cure people, but before the advancement of science and technology, there are fewer types of diseases;

Agricultural technology can produce a variety of high-yield food, but once non-GMO foods are more fragrant and more delicious, and have no side effects;

Information technology has accelerated communication and communication, but it has also lost real and true communication between people...

We have never controlled technology. Since the birth of the industrial revolution, we have been controlled by technology. We are only those scientists, those who are captured by technology! ”

"What do you mean..." Ye Fan wondered, everyone on the side, listening quietly at this moment, thinking about each other.

As a party, Chu Yunyao has a particularly complex look and seems to be thinking deeply.

"I will give a very simple example... If you are driving in the middle of the night, at a crossroads, there is a red light in front.

And just happened, there are no cars on the road late at night, and the red light needs to wait for two minutes, what do you choose? ”

Waiting for Ye Fan to answer, the man continued: "Yes, you will choose to park, because you are used to waiting for the red light, even if you know that this light is only delaying you for two minutes, but you still wait. !

A meaningless red light can make you a big living person, driving a car there to burn gasoline, pollute the air, and consume two minutes in your life!

For another example, what do you think of when you choose to travel? aircraft? train? car?

You will almost never consider it. In fact, when you take your foot and walk out of the house, you can start traveling!

How many people have traveled all over the world, but have never seen their hometown? ”

Ye Fan was silent, and everyone around him heard it, and he kept silent. The words of this guy made their thinking a little chaotic.

"Listen, Lucifer, because of technology, we are losing the most precious things of mankind - the instinct to know ourselves!

We no longer believe in ourselves, but believe in something other than human beings. This is not progress, it is a kind of degradation! The lack of humanity!

So... kill Chu Yunyao, destroy the axis of the earth, at least... temporarily slow down the pace of technology..."

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