My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 990: Walking dead


Through a sea of ​​fire, Ye Fan discovered that it was not Du Yuner and Dean Li, but the two welfare homes that were trapped, and three or four children.

"Help! Help!" The smoke around them made the two screams unable to speak.

The first time Ye Fan rushed over, he took two children and said: "You don't move, I will send them out, then come back soon!"

Not waiting for the two big bangs to react, Ye Fan has jumped up directly, and two jumps, they went out of the wall and went to the outside road.

Regardless of whether there are passers-by outside to see this scene, Ye Fan mentioned the speed as the fastest, and repeatedly entered and exited several times, saving all the trapped people.

Two big cockroaches working in the cafeteria have been shocked by Ye Fan and looked at him incredulously.

"Ye... Ye Fan... You will still be martial arts?" What do you think of both of them is the effort in the martial arts film.

Ye Fan did not have time to explain and asked: "What about the Dean and Yuner?"

"President? Yuner? Didn't see it... didn't you come out?" The two dad didn't know.

Ye Fan did not dare to hesitate, jumped into the courtyard again, looking back and forth in the flames.

At this moment, he heard the location of a storage room at the end of the welfare home, and the cry of the little girl.

Ye Fan rushed over and rushed with him, as well as Xiao’s father and daughter who had searched other places and saved several people.

"Yes! She is inside!" Xiao Xiner said without hesitation.

Just talking, I saw only the woman in the storage room, holding a crying little girl, and it was Du Yuner and the group!

"Your children!" Ye Fan saw the girl's moment, ecstatic, and rushed up!

But at this time, I didn’t know anything, and it exploded after being heated in the storage room!

"Boom"! A flame rushed out of the storage room!

Du Yuner heard the sound, and the subconscious mind held the group for the first time, and he used his body to face the flame!

Ye Fan’s heart was tight, but then he saw that the blazing flame was coming, but as soon as he approached Du Yuner, he seemed to be tamed into a docile sheep, and he was not close to Du Yun’s body!

This scene is very strange to ordinary people, but Du Yuner himself, but not too surprised, obviously this is not the first time she encountered such a situation.

Ye Fan thought of this, Du Yuner did not seem to be afraid of fire, he was too worried, forget this!

This scene naturally fell into the eyes of Xiao Fengshan and Xiao Xiner!

Xiao Fengshan's eyes tightened, showing an incredible color, and the body could not help but tremble.

And Xiao Xiner looked back at her father, who was full of complex looks and clenched the powder punch.

Ye Fan glanced at Xiao's father and daughter, but did not take care of them. He took the group from Du Yuner and said, "How are you here!?"

"I... I am saving people, just seeing this child flipping things around here, I want to take her out!" Du Yuner gasped.

Ye Fan noticed that he was holding a small photo album on the hands of the group.

This is an album that every child in the welfare home takes pictures every year, in order to record the children's appearance every time period.

The first is to remember, and the second is to give parents who come back to find a few years later to recognize their children.

In today's ability to do paternity tests, these photos are actually optional, but the group is not clear about these.

Obviously, the group is afraid that their parents will not know themselves, and they will come to take the photo album when they worry about the baby’s photo.

A group of adults did not consider the problem, this little girl faced the fire, but thought, it is difficult to imagine how much she longed to wait for her parents to come to her.

Ye Fan’s heart stabbed, listening to the crying of the group, even more uncomfortable.

He took the girl over and hugged him in his arms and said, "I will send you out, let you go outside and save me!"

Xiao Xiner said: "No, we all go out, I have searched with my dad, I can be sure that there are no other survivors here."

Du Yuner discovered that Xiao Xiner and Xiao Fengshan were there. She showed a trace of doubts. "Sister Xiao... How are you?"

Xiao Fengshan looked at Xiao Xiner next to her eyes and frowned. It seemed that she did not expect Xiao Xiner to know Du Yuner. It seems quite familiar.

Xiao Xiner said: "Let's talk long, go out first."

This fire is purgatory for ordinary people, but for Ye Fan and others, this is nothing at all.

After coming outside, the staff of the Welfare Institute saw that Du Yuner and the group were alive, and they were happy to begin to thank God.

Su Xiaoxue saw the group, especially happy, she was still worried about how this little girl was not here, and then hugged the pro and kissed, and calmed the group to cry.

Ye Fan looked up and the crowd outside, there was no trace of Li.

He was very reluctant, but he still asked Du Yuner: "Yun... Li Dean, she..."

When I heard Ye Fan Ti Li’s dean, Du Yun’s tears of control for a long time finally couldn’t stop falling, crying heartbreaking and rushing into Ye Fan’s arms: “President... Dean, she was killed. ...oh..."

Ye Fan’s entire portrait is like an electric shock, and his mind is blank in a moment, and the noisy sound outside his ears can’t get into anything...

The only echo in his mind is "she was killed"...

Dead, dead, Dean Li... dead?

Du Yun's tears in just a few dozen seconds, soaked the clothes on the chest of Ye Fan, crying like a helpless child.

"That bomb... just exploded under the desk of the dean... Dean... The dean is so good, who is going to do this to her...

She is already so old...the body is not good...why is there anyone who wants to kill her so cruelly...why..."

Du Yuner’s crying also caught the attention of everyone nearby.

Su Xiaoxue and others were also red-eyed. I couldn’t believe that Li’s chief could not even keep the body...

Su Xiaoxue looked at Ye Fan with concern, because at this time, Ye Fan, the whole person has no blood, like the spirit of the gods, the walking dead...

Xie Linyuan knows deeply how much influence President Li has on Ye Fan. He went forward and advised: "Boss... It is imperative that we can't let the **** go!"

You must be active, only calm down, think of countermeasures, find him to avenge the dean, is the best way! ”

"Husband, don't be like this, you look like this, so people are worried." Su Xiaoxue also saw the appearance of Ye Fan, and he couldn't feel bad. He grabbed Ye Fan's hand and found that the man's hand was cold. .

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