My Cold and Elegant CEO Wife

Chapter 254: Sad women

"The president turned out to be Brother Li's wife?" Zhang Xiaoyue held her pink hands, her pure face pale.

She had just thought that Brother Li was bullshit, but now President Lin Xuedu admitted that he was Li Qingfeng's wife, and also received a marriage certificate with him, so it must be true.

Zhang Xiaoyue is very sad, very sad, very sad, because she likes Brother Li, but Brother Li is married, and his wife is the president.

The president is so beautiful, so competent, Zhang Xiaoyue feels that she is no match for the president Lin Xue in any respect, which makes her very frustrated.

In fact, it is not only Zhang Xiaoyue who is sad, but the summer and autumn beside him are also pale, very sad and sad.

If Li Qingfeng's wife is someone else, Xia Wanqiu still has confidence to compare with her, but it is the president Lin Xue. Xia Wanqiu knows that he is not as good as the president because Lin Xue is the most dazzling woman in Donghai City.

In the whole city of Donghai, the only one who can compare with Lin Xue is Liu Ruyan.

For a time, the room was shocked by the news that Lin Xue was Li Qingfeng's wife, quietly, without speaking.

Li Qingfeng can't stand this dull atmosphere, he said: Qiao Wei, you take care of the president first, I will buy some food for her in the cafeteria.

After talking, Li Qingfeng turned and left the ward. Zhang Xiaoyue and Xia Wanqiu were in the ward. He was also embarrassed to see the sadness of the two women.

Of course, Lin Xue didn't know the reason why Zhang Xiaoyue and Xia Wanqiu were sad. She thought they were sad because they were hospitalized?

Li Qingfeng walked out of the ward, took a deep breath, and then walked towards the cafeteria.

This is the first time he came to the hospital, so after a long search, he did not find where the cafeteria was, which made him very depressed.

At this moment, a surprised voice came from behind: Li Qingfeng, why are you here?

Hearing this familiar voice, Li Qingfeng turned his head to look and found that a beautiful woman was standing behind her. The woman was wearing a police uniform, her face was bright, her skin was white, she was tall, and her proud figure was unobstructed. Charm.

This woman is none other than Xu Mengyao, the captain of the criminal police.

"Hey, Li Qingfeng, you haven't answered me yet, why are you in the hospital?" Xu Mengyao asked with a blushing face and some shyness.

Ever since Xu Mengyao took Li Qingfeng to dinner last time, and said in front of her father that Li Qingfeng was her boyfriend, she had a special feeling for Li Qingfeng.

She used to be very violent when she saw Li Qingfeng, but now that she would be shy, this expression never appeared on Xu Mengyao's face.

Violent police flowers will be shy and shy. If you let the police know, you will definitely drop your chin.

"My wife is hospitalized, and I will buy her some food." Li Qingfeng glanced at Xu Mengyao and said.

"What, do you have a wife?" Xu Mengyao was shocked, his eyes full of disbelief.

Like Zhang Xiaoyue, she didn't believe Li Qingfeng, how could this guy have a wife?

"My wife is Lin Xue." Li Qingfeng said with a slight smile.

He had met Xu Mengyao before, and he always had to make a fuss and called Xiao Yaoyao, but now he is not in that mood because Lin Xue is in hospital.

"Fool the ghosts, Lin Xue is the president of Bingxue Group. She will be your wife, and I don't believe it." Xu Mengyao shook his head and didn't believe Li Qingfeng's words.

If Li Qingfeng said that his wife is someone else, Xu Mengyao still believes, but this guy actually said that his wife is Lin Xue, it is simply bragging, Xu Mengyao has seen Lin Xue, this is not only a big beauty, but also the president of the Ice Group.

A company president will marry a salesperson, which only appears in fairy tales.

"You don't believe it." Li Qingfeng shook his head. He knew that few people really believed this kind of thing.

If you let Lin Xue admit it personally and tell Xu Mengyao, she might believe it, but it is not necessary.

"By the way, do you know where the hospital cafeteria is?" Li Qingfeng was not talking about Lin Xue, but asked the location of the cafeteria.

"The cafeteria is in the underground restaurant on the first floor. Let me take you there." Xu Mengyao smiled slightly and walked towards the restaurant with Li Qingfeng.

The hospital canteen is on the negative first floor and covers an area of ​​more than 1,000 square meters. There are three areas: the leader dining area, the doctor dining area, and the patient dining area.

Lin Xue had not eaten for two days, and his stomach was very empty. Hard food like noodles and rice could not be eaten. It was not easy to digest. He could simply drink a little rice porridge.

Millet porridge is a liquid food, easy to digest, and most suitable for patients.

Li Qingfeng bought a bowl of millet porridge for two yuan in the patient's dining area, then bought a spoon with three yuan, and walked towards the ward with Xu Mengyao.

"Why did you come to the hospital?" Li Qingfeng asked Xu Mengyao on the

He just observed Xu Mengyao and found her face was rosy, her skin was white and tender, her whole body was full of energy, and her forehead was also white and shiny, not like being sick at all.

"I came to visit Grandpa Tang. He was seriously ill and is now hospitalized." Xu Mengyao smiled faintly and said to Li Qingfeng.

Oh, Li Qingfeng uttered aloud, did not speak, he was not familiar with that grandfather Tang, naturally did not know what to say?

"By the way, Li Qingfeng, your medical skills are so high, why don't you show Grandpa Tang." Xu Mengyao suddenly remembered Li Qingfeng's medical skills and said.

She knew, however, that Li Qingfeng's medical skills were very high. During the last meal at the hotel, Li Qingfeng cured his sister-in-law's infertility.

"What is he sick?" Li Qingfeng frowned and asked.

"I don't know very well, anyway, the doctors in the hospital said that they could not be cured, and now they can only rely on nutrients to maintain their lives."

"Well, wait until I finish feeding Lin Xue, and then go with you to see it." Li Qingfeng smiled slightly and said.

The two went to ward 3 while talking, Li Qingfeng pushed open the door and walked in, and Xu Mengyao followed.

When she saw Lin Xue above the hospital bed, Xu Mengyao's expression was stunned. She did not expect that Lin Xue was actually hospitalized.

"Wife, come, I will feed you dinner." Li Qingfeng walked to Lin Xue's side, squatted down, picked up millet porridge, and began to feed Lin Xue's meal.

"Her husband, this millet porridge is a little hot." Lin Xue took a sip and felt a bit hot.

"It's okay, I'll blow it for you." Li Qingfeng breathed at the millet porridge in the spoon to lower the temperature of the millet porridge, and then fed it to Lin Xue's mouth.

He feeds very carefully, as if feeding a child, and envy the few women next to him.

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