My Cold Gentle Husband

Chapter 886: There will be in the future

White lightly turned back, smiled and waved at the blood geese: "Sorry, correct you, white is my daughter, she calls you a bad woman, call me mommy! Waiting for me to be good and in vain Tell me about your bad deeds, let her completely dislike you, no thanks, this is what I should do."

White lightly turned back and waved: "By the way!"

Blood geese can almost vomit blood and die.

Why can't white light be so careless?

Is she loaded?

Or she really thinks so!

This is the last chance!

She never thought of any other way to get close to Gu Yuzhi!

The blood geese's men have been keeping their side, and they have witnessed everything. They are also stunned and haven't returned to God for a long time.

Miss Yan is obviously not the opponent of others!

"Go back!" Blood Geese gritted his teeth.

At this time, a black car stopped in front of her, just to stop her way.

The blood goose looks very ugly, and she looks at the driver's seat sharply and squats.

The door was pushed open, and the blood eagle came down from the car. He just came back from the hospital and learned that the ghost of the blood geese five years ago was so gloomy.

He went straight to the blood geese.

"Blood Eagle"



The blood geese just opened two words, and the blood eagle kicked her wheelchair. The whole person fell and the wheelchair fell on her lap. Her legs were completely unconscious, no pain, and the wheelchair was still squatting. On the back of her hand, she couldn't help but scream.


The two followers of the blood geese will immediately come forward.

The blood eagle turned and turned, and the long legs swept over. The two men fell directly on the ground and screamed.

The blood eagle pulled his lower lip and he stepped on the wheelchair.

"Ah!" The blood geese screamed, and the back of the hand that was pressed by the wheelchair was scratched by a sharp chair. Blood was leaking out and it hurt her cold sweat on her forehead.

The blood eagle gritted his teeth: "Blood geese, you are so bold! Not only did you push the wife down the stairs five years ago, but you also have the children of you and your husband! You **** it!"

The blood geese bit their teeth and look at the blood eagle: "Yes! All I did! Blood Eagle, how to say, I am the mother of Gu Nianbai, I have a daughter with Gu Yuzhi, how dare you?"


The blood eagle stepped on the foot of the wheelchair and continued to use force: "Is the hand that steals the gene a left hand or a right hand? Mr. kindness, let you take a horse, I helped him to abolish your hand."

"呃" blood geese have already hurt the cold sweat on their foreheads, she licked the blood eagle, "blood eagle, I know that you are retaliating against me, you like me for many years, but I have not responded to you, so you hate, I know, I tell you, even if you kill me, I will never fall in love with you."

The blood eagle pulled the lower lip and ridiculed a smile: "I used to like you when I blinked. Could it be that you thought that I still have feelings for you now? Your heart is so ugly, do you think you deserve my love?"

The blood geese didn't say anything, the blood eagle's feet were always on the wheelchair. Her hands hurt her and she was shaking slightly. Her light crossed the tall body of the blood eagle and looked at the two men who had already climbed up.

The blood eagle naturally noticed her little movements and immediately released her foot to retreat. The two men who intended to attack him directly fell on the blood geese.

The hand of "呃" blood geese was once again hit hard, and suddenly it was fainted.

"Oh," the blood eagle pulled the lower lip corner. "Roll! Then appear at the gate of the castle to let you go."

The two men looked at the blood eagle with fear, and quickly hung the blood geese that passed out and pushed the wheelchair to run. Bai Yanyan and Gu Yuzhi just used the meal and met the blood eagle who walked into the hall.

"Sir, madam." Blood Eagle respectful dagger.

Gu Yuzhi took the white light face and sat down on the sofa, carrying: "Result."

The blood eagle was lifted and looked at the white light, which gave a paper bag to Gu Yuzhi.

"Miss White, it is indeed the child of the blood geese, the paternity test did not falsify." Blood Eagle said with some regret.

Gu Nianbai is so cute, I didn’t expect it to be the daughter of Blood Geese.

Gu Yuzhi's finger holding the document tightened a few points, and turned to look at the white light.

White lightly lowered his eyes, then shrugged, said: "I have known for a long time, no matter who is bleeding in the white body, she is the daughter of our gentle face."

After she paused, she turned to Gu Yuzhi and said: "The important thing is that you have not betrayed me, right? Mr. Gu?"

Her eyebrows were bent, but Gu Yuzhi saw the smell of sadness.

He reached out and took her into his arms and whispered: "Yan Yan, I will try to cure the disease, we will have our own children."

White lightly lifted him: "I said, in vain is my child, you are not allowed to treat differently."

"Good." Gu Yuzhi looked at her deeply, beheading.

The blood eagle quietly retreated.

Bai Yanyan pushed Gu Yuzhi and said: "I have to eat and sleep, I have to go back to the room to sleep."

"Good." Gu Yuzhi took her upstairs.

White lightly returned to the bathroom to wash it, and lay down on the bed.

Gu Yuzhi is lying on her side.

"Hey, can you close the curtains?" Bai Qingyan back to Gu Yuzhi, whispered.

"Good." Gu Yuzhi responded, pressed the corresponding button, the electric curtains were pulled up.

It is a very thick kind of curtain, the shading is very good, the room is dark, and the fingers are not visible.

White lightly squinted, his palm slowly covered his belly.

Her baby is indeed gone.

It is impossible to say that you are not sad.

Yesterday, her first reaction was not sad. Her child was gone, but she didn't want to be wronged in vain. It was so cute. She didn't want to give her blood geese.

Her palm rested on her lower abdomen, and she sighed in the bottom of her heart.

She and her baby, really only three months of fate.

In the next moment, a warm palm was placed on the back of her hand. She was slightly stunned. After a few seconds, she turned her head and saw Gu Xizhi’s close-knit face.

In the dark, she can only see his outline, feel his breath, but can't see his expression.

In the darkness, his voice is unusually gentle: "Yan Yan, I know that you are sad, we will have our own baby, there must be."

"烨之" white light turned and flung into his arms, his hands clasped his neck, buried his face in the man's shoulder.

She just stared at him quietly, and there was no more words.

Gu Yuzhi’s well-defined fingers patted her back gently.

The blood geese burst out of her is the matter of Gu Nianbai's mother. The dialogue between Bai Yanyan and Gu Yuzhi did not have any effect. The two men were cherished each other for five years, and their feelings only increased.

Bai Guangyan’s focus is still on how to monitor the Ameng Wanfeng’s small villas and find a suitable doctor.

I never thought that after a few days, Mrs. Wang actually came to visit.

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