The two of them were busy, but the two of them were busy.

In the group chat...

It was very lively...


Ying Zheng: "Fuck!"

Liu Bowen: "This..."

Li Shimin: "What a strong sword!"

Ying Zheng: "Is this... the power of Xiu Xian?"

Li Shimin: "It's outrageous! Isn't this... a little too strong?"

Liu Bowen: "This is just... the first level of Qi training?"

Li Shimin: "The sword energy is ten meters away from the body, this is Xiu Xian!"

Ying Zheng : "Damn, I'm so jealous! I want to learn! Old Yue, teach me the Huashan swordsmanship!"

Li Shimin: "I want to learn it too! But first I have to open up this Qi Sea. I'm here to practice the Qigong of Purple Qi from the East!"

Liu Bowen: "It's so terrifying! This time Old Yue is really soaring into the sky!"


The group chat has completely exploded...

Everyone is discussing it crazily...

Obviously, Yue Buqun's sword has obviously shocked all three of them!

Having seen Muchen take action, Yue Buqun's attack is naturally not as powerful as Muchen's. After all, when Muchen practiced the Void Dragon Art and the Purple Qi from the East Qi Art, the noise...almost the whole city was shocked!

But that guy is not a human!

Everyone will subconsciously exclude Muchen from the comparison. After all, the skills were all created by this guy. If he is compared with Muchen, isn't he just feeling uncomfortable and waiting to become autistic?

Yue Buqun, this is a normal person!

A normal person, who practiced the Purple Qi from the East Qi Training Technique, broke through to the first level of Qi Refining, and then performed the Huashan Sword Technique... and then... produced a ten-meter sword energy?


This is totally off the mark!

Yue Buqun's move gave everyone a feeling that he could do it too. Thinking that he could also emit a ten-meter sword energy, thinking that he could also use his spiritual power to directly chop out this heaven-defying sword... Whether it was Ying Zheng, Li Shimin or Liu Bowen, they were already a little impatient...


At this time, Yue Buqun was looking at the front with a blank face...

Looking at the white clouds that were split by his sword, and the sword energy that lingered for a long time... Old Yue was a little confused at this moment...

"This... was I chopped it out?"

Yue Buqun couldn't believe that this sword was actually from his own hand!

After a moment, after a little slowing down, Yue Buqun showed joy on his face!

Good guy!

The benefits of cultivating immortals are too obvious, right?

I originally thought that since I had just entered the Qi Refining Stage, I still had a long way to go. I should not be much different from ordinary people at present. At most, I was just a little stronger than ordinary people. But I didn't expect...

There is an essential difference between spiritual power and internal power!

Indeed, the cores of the two powers are completely different. The difference between the two is like fuel drive and controlled nuclear fusion drive. The difference is as big as the sky and the earth!

After changing the engine and the power, Lao Yue felt that he was taking off directly!

With just this sword of mine, who in this world can take it?


At the same time.

Not far away...

Feng Qingyang, who was preparing in secret, stood still on the spot... staring at the ten-meter sword energy in front of Yue Buqun in amazement...

He was originally a sword master. Facing this sword energy, although it was not directed at him and he was not very close, he felt a breath of death from a distance!

If I were to face this sword directly...

I can't stop it!

I can't stop it at all!

"Good fellow, Yue Buqun...hidden his true strength!"

"Is this the highest realm of Qi Sect?"

Feng Qingyang has begun to doubt his life...

As a member of the Sword Sect, Feng Qingyang actually still believes that swordsmanship is more important than internal strength. He has always been good at swordsmanship. The reason why he doesn't think much of Yue Buqun is that Yue Buqun's swordsmanship has always been mediocre. In Feng Qingyang's opinion, his swordsmanship is rigid, inflexible, and has no spirituality...

But now...

From the perspective of swordsmanship, Feng Qingyang still has the same view that swordsmanship is rubbish!

But this ten-meter sword energy...

Fuck, how to block it?


In the chat group.

Yue Buqun: "Haha

Haha, cool! So cool!"

Yue Buqun came back to his senses and was very excited...

Ying Zheng: "Come on, Old Yue, try a few more moves?"

Li Shimin: "Yes, Old Yue, this sword is so cool!"

Liu Bowen: "Come again! Let me watch!"

Yue Buqun: "Hahaha, okay, I'll try a few more swords! "

Yue Buqun, who was full of vigor and vitality, said this and directly took the long sword in his hand and frantically performed Huashan swordsmanship...

Huashan swordsmanship is a general term for many swordsmanships. All the swordsmanship of Huashan School is called Huashan swordsmanship. Although Yue Buqun's swordsmanship level is not as high as Feng Qingyang, he is actually not too weak in swordsmanship.

Weak, only compared with the top group of people!

As Yue Buqun skillfully performed the swordsmanship, suddenly, sword energy continued to blast out from his sword...

Ten-meter sword energy blasted above the white clouds in the sky, but in an instant, a vacuum zone without white clouds was directly formed!

The clouds... were all split apart by the condensed sword energy!

"Hahahaha! Refreshing! Refreshing!!! "

Yue Buqun vented his anger and slashed countless times. He stopped only when only 30% of his spiritual power was left...

At this moment, there was no trace of white clouds in front of him. Any trace of white clouds was completely annihilated by the sword energy that condensed and did not disperse around him...


Just as Yue Buqun continued to use the Huashan sword technique and wielded his spiritual power...



Mu Chen, who had been dazed for a while, woke up...


Mu Chen was just about to open the group chat to check, but he saw 999+...


"How long have I slept? "

Looking at this group chat information, Muchen began to doubt his life...

Did he sleep the same amount of time as the immortals after he started cultivating? How many days, years, or decades can he sleep?

For an awesome immortal, it is normal to sleep for a thousand years, so... how long have I slept?

Took out his phone and looked at the time...

Looking at the time, Muchen frowned...

It wasn't long, just a few hours, very normal...


Then there is only one possibility!

That is... these guys are too good at chatting!

Muchen's mind moved, and he directly opened the Wanjie chat group...

Sure enough, these guys chatted very fast, and as soon as they entered, the screen was full of @ prompts...

Looking at the time of everyone's conversation, it was very intensive. These guys almost never stopped chatting after he fell asleep!

Positive The sex drive is quite high!

Especially Ying Zheng and Li Shimin! These two are the best!

Mu Chen flipped through the historical records, and couldn't help but twitch his mouth when he saw the two people constantly bickering with each other...

Who would have thought that the dignified Qin Shi Huang and Tang Taizong were actually two chatterboxes and stubborn people?

But in fact, it is very reasonable if you think about it carefully...

Both of them are emperors, both are people above millions of people. They have to hold back in their own world, and their temperaments cannot be exposed. This person, after being suppressed for a long time, naturally exploded, and directly exposed his true nature in the chat group...


Mu Chen read the chat records from top to bottom...

Seeing that Ying Zheng was the first to successfully practice the Void Dragon Production Technique, Mu Chen couldn't help but nodded...

As expected of the first emperor, he still has the talent for practice!

Then he saw Li Shimin was dissatisfied, and then he also successfully practiced the technique...

"Tsk tsk tsk, it seems that everyone in the group has a talent for practice. "

Mu Chen couldn't help but smack his lips...

It was quite interesting to watch everyone's chat...

Then I saw Yue Buqun practicing the Void Dragon Creation Technique and the Purple Qi from the East Qi Training Technique together...

Mu Chen couldn't help but be surprised...

"This old Yue... Wow, he is very talented!"

Mu Chen didn't expect Yue Buqun to practice the two techniques he created at once?

This talent... Very good! You have been recognized by me, Mu!

Then, Mu Chen saw that everyone suggested that Yue Buqun perform the Huashan Sword Technique...


Seeing this, Mu Chen's eyes suddenly lit up!


How could I forget it?

Old Yue has more than just the Purple Cloud Divine Art! There is also the Huashan Sword Technique!

Damn it!

Just when he had almost finished reading the chat history, Mu Chen closed the chat history directly.


At this time, everyone in the chat group was chatting enthusiastically...

Yue Buqun used spiritual power instead of internal power to perform Huashan swordsmanship, and the effect was surprisingly good, which made everyone very excited!


Ying Zheng: "Old Yue, how is it? How do you feel after performing it?"

Li Shimin: "Yes, is there any discomfort in your body? Will it have any impact on your body?"

Liu Bowen: "If you feel uncomfortable, it's not a small matter. This spiritual power is always different from internal power. Maybe it has a greater power and a greater burden on the body..."

Yue Buqun: "Hey, you guys are really good. After you reminded me, I really feel like my body is a little different!"

As soon as Yue Buqun said this, everyone was nervous...

Li Shimin: "What's different? This body is the capital of cultivating immortals! If it doesn't work, don't perform it in the future!"

Ying Zheng: "Yes, Old Yue, there are not many people in our group. If you die again, won't there be only three people left in our group?"

Liu Bowen: "Three people? Shouldn't it be four people?"

Li Shimin: "Master, you are really an honest man. A Zheng means that Mu Ge'er doesn't count!"

Ying Zheng: "Yes , is Mu Ge'er a human being?"

Li Shimin: "Mu Ge'er is indeed not a human being. That is my God! Ying Zheng, I took a screenshot of what you said, and I will send it to Mu Ge'er when he comes online!"

Ying Zheng: "........"

Ying Zheng: "You little man!"

Li Shimin: "Tsk tsk tsk, you said Mu Ge'er is not a human being, I have to tell Mu Ge'er!"

Ying Zheng: "Shameless!"

The two chatted and started to argue again...

After a long while, everyone stopped Back to the main topic...

Liu Bowen: "Okay, okay, stop arguing with each other. Old Yue, what's wrong with your body? How do you feel?"

After Liu Bowen's words, Li Shimin and Ying Zheng also put aside their personal grudges...

In the group, everyone was waiting for Yue Buqun to speak, quite nervous...

There were not many people in the group to begin with, and the upgrade of the group chat still depended on everyone's joint efforts. If Old Yue got into trouble because of the test of the skills, it would be a great loss!


Yue Buqun: "I just feel it..."

Ying Zheng: "What do you feel?"

Li Shimin: "The spiritual power is too strong, the meridians are damaged, so the meridians are a little painful?"

Liu Bowen: "Is there something wrong with the Dantian Qi Sea?"

Yue Buqun: "No, there is no problem, I just feel... a little refreshed, a little high..."

Instantly, the group chat fell silent...

Ying Zheng: "????"

Li Shimin: "????"

Liu Bowen: "????"

Li Shimin: "A little... refreshed?"

Ying Zheng: "Yes "Liu Bowen: "What...what do you mean?" Yue Buqun: "Uh...when I perform sword skills, I feel the spiritual power flowing out from Dantian, and then flowing through the meridians of the whole body, filling the limbs and bones, and then after performing it, it seems that my body is nourished by the spiritual stronger...better?" In an instant, the group chat fell into silence again... Ying Zheng: "......." Li Shimin: "........" Liu Bowen: "......." Ying Zheng: "Fuck!" Li Shimin: "凸(艹皿艹)!"

Liu Bowen: "Old Yue, why didn't you say it earlier?"

Li Shimin: "I despise you, Old Yue, you've been so secretive that you can buy my Tang Dynasty!"

Ying Zheng: "You want to mess with us? I've worried about you for nothing!"

Yue Buqun: "Hehehe..."


In the group chat, dozens of messages appeared in the blink of an eye...

Mu Chen was speechless as he watched the scrolling screen in front of him without interruption...

Finally, I know where the 999+ messages came from... I witnessed the whole process...

Watching everyone chatting, Mu Chen immediately chose to join the battlefield...

Mu Chen: "Oh, everyone is having a good time chatting!"

As soon as Mu Chen appeared, the group chat instantly fell into silence...

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