The first time, the second time.

Ying Zheng has started a group live broadcast, do you want to watch it?

Suddenly, a pop-up window suddenly appeared in front of the four people who were chatting...


When this pop-up window appeared, everyone was stunned...

What does it mean?

Ying Zheng started a live broadcast?

Is this also going to be practiced?

Liu Bowen, Yue Buqun, Li Shimin, and Muchen all clicked to watch.....


Everyone's eyes flashed.....

Suddenly, the picture in front of them changed drastically.....

After seeing the picture clearly, Liu Bowen was stunned.....

Not only Liu Bowen, Yue Buqun, Muchen, and Li Shimin were all stunned.....

At this moment, Ying Zheng was wearing a plain robe and a white scarf on his head... His eyes were full of tears.....



Everyone was stunned...

What the hell is this operation?

Liu Bowen: "What happened to A Zheng?"

Yue Buqun: "I don't know, why are you wearing mourning clothes..."

Li Shimin didn't say anything. He was exhausted physically and mentally at the moment. Although he was still watching everyone chatting, he tried not to talk as much as possible to save some energy...

Mu Chen: "Did his father die? No, his father died a long time ago... What's going on?"


Everyone was confused...

At this time, Ying Zheng was concentrating on the funeral ceremony and didn't pay attention to the group chat at all...

"Come here! Bring me the paper man!"

With Ying Zheng's order The guard brought up a paper man...

Ying Zheng picked up the paper man and set it on fire...

"Ah! o(╥﹏╥)o"

"Shimin!!! o(╥﹏╥)o!"

"You died miserably o(╥﹏╥)o!!"

"Although you are a person with nothing to say, you are not necessarily successful in life, your talent is just so-so, and your speech is not pleasing, but we two brothers have known each other for a long time, and we are still group friends, right?"

"You left so suddenly, I don't have anything good to give you, take these three sacrificial animals with you on the road, and burn a few women for you, so you won't be lonely on the road to the underworld. ..."

"Come here! Bring me some more paper figures!"

Ying Zheng shouted again.....


In the group chat...


Everyone was stunned...

Looking at Ying Zheng concentrating on offering sacrifices to the heavens, he spoke a bunch of sacrificial words sincerely...

Greetings followed by curling green smoke...

Mu Chen: "......"

Liu Bowen: "......"

Yue Buqun: "......"

The group chat fell into silence...


And at this time...

Looking at the mourning Ying Zheng, Li Shimin was furious... a nameless fire suddenly burst out...


Tang Dynasty...

In the palace...

The imperial physician was treating the seriously injured Li Shimin... Empress Changsun and several sons were beside him with a concerned look...

Of course, there were also three witnesses, Cheng Yaojin, Qin Qiong and Yuchi Gong...

Although Li Shimin was seriously injured, he was emotionally stable and in good condition overall. The imperial physician was treating him...

Suddenly, Li Shimin's face suddenly turned red...

Veins popped out!

"Doctor, what's going on?"

This sudden change immediately made everyone panic...

It was fine just now, why is it now...

The doctor was sweating profusely at this moment, and grabbed Li Shimin's hand: "Your Majesty, calm down! Calm down! Don't get excited, don't get excited!"

The doctor saw at a glance that the current situation was caused by excessive emotional fluctuations, and immediately tried to comfort him...


In fact, it was not just the doctor...

In the group chat...

Yue Buqun: "Shimin, calm down! Calm down!"

Liu Bowen: "Don't get excited! Your health is important, your health is important!"

Mu Chen: "Yes, take care of yourself first, your current situation is not optimistic, don't let others get angry to death when you survive the practice!"


Everyone talked about it, and Li Shimin forced himself to calm down...

Although it was very

Angry, but in order not to be angry to death, he chose to calm down....calm down...

Under everyone's persuasion, Li Shimin also forced himself to calm down.....

Calm down....

Calm down....

I'm not angry....

I'm not angry....


On the other side...

In the palace...

After offering sacrifices to the heaven, Ying Zheng returned his mind to the group chat...

Ying Zheng: "Brother Mu, Lao Liu, Lao Yue, you guys also say a few words, I will help you burn incense for Lao Li, I believe his spirit in heaven can rest in peace..."

Li Shimin: "Otherwise you Can you help me put one on too?"

Ying Zheng: "Okay."

Ying Zheng: "????"

Ying Zheng: "Fuck! Are you faking your death????"

Li Shimin: "You are the one faking your death! You are dead, you died a long time ago!"

After seeing Li Shimin's reply, Ying Zheng finally realized...

Ying Zheng: "Oh, you are not dead! You are still screaming!"

Ying Zheng: "What's going on? What's going on?"

Ying Zheng: "@刘伯文@岳不群. Lao Liu, Lao Yue, what's going on?"

Liu Bowen: "Why don't you watch it yourself..."

After Liu Bowen finished speaking, he uploaded a video Video.....

The video content is a clip of Li Shimin waking up after being shot by an arrow...

Ying Zheng: "So that's how it is, this guy is really a disaster for thousands of years! Li Er, Li Er, I knew you were a disaster!"

Li Shimin: "..."

Li Shimin: "Damn it! Ying Zheng, are you looking for death?"

Ying Zheng: "Oh, this little temper, I like it, come on, come and hit me! Stand up!"

Li Shimin: "¥%....@###!"

Ying Zheng: "You can't stand up, right? Oh! I forgot, you should be half disabled, right? You are recovering, sin, sin, my fault It's not my fault. I, Ying, bully the old, weak, sick and disabled. I'm not a human! I'm not a human! "

Li Shimin: "......."

Ying Zheng: "Forget it. Since you survived a disaster, I won't bother you with the offense. Next time, take it easy. Don't be so confident. Do you want to learn from Lao Liu to make continuous breakthroughs? Are you worthy of it?"

Ying Zheng: "You're better now, right? You're half disabled, right? You should take good care of yourself. When you recover, with your talent, you'll probably have become an immortal!"


Tang Dynasty...

In the palace...

Li Shimin closed the group chat directly...

Damn it!

I'm so angry!

It's so infuriating!

If it were any other time, I wouldn't be Li Shimin if I didn't fight back! But now...

With the current mental state, even if they were arguing with each other in the group chat, it would be difficult to sustain it, and the final result would only be self-humiliation...


"Your Majesty, are you awake?"

Li Shimin had just closed the group chat and opened his eyes when he suddenly heard a familiar voice...


When he opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was the tearful Empress Changsun...


"You scared us to death!"

Empress Changsun had been holding on, with tears swirling in her eyes, but when she saw Li Shimin waking up, she finally couldn't hold it back, and tears flowed down uncontrollably... The couple hugged and cried...

"Your Majesty, what's going on with you?"

From just now until now, it has been the imperial physician who has been busy, Cheng Yaojin, Yuchi Gong and Qin Qiong sent Li Shimin back to the palace from the top of the city.

When she saw Li Shimin, who was covered in blood and motionless, Empress Changsun almost fainted, but fortunately she held on.

She knew that the more she had to hold on and stay calm, otherwise there would be trouble!

So she forced herself to call the imperial physician, and the imperial physician continued to treat him.....

Fortunately, the imperial physician gave good news that he was not in danger of life.....


Until now, when Li Shimin woke up, Empress Changsun asked the doubts in her heart....

"Alas, it's not a big deal. It's just that I got some luck and there are immortals guiding me, so... I am cultivating immortals..."

"I just practiced immortal arts and haven't mastered them proficiently. I was injured for a while. It's a small matter, nothing to worry about."

Li Shimin is very clear about his current physical condition.

It looks serious, but it's not fatal, and he has spiritual power to protect his body, so he will recover quickly.

This injury is not as serious as the damage caused by Ying Zheng's anger.

If you don’t fight back against insults to your personality, it will cause long-term mental damage!

Practice... magic?"

Empress Changsun was stunned...

The imperial physician was also terrified...

Oh my god, your majesty is... having a brain problem!

"Erlang, are you having a brain..."

Obviously, Empress Changsun and the imperial physician thought the same thing, and she was about to touch Li Shimin's forehead to see if he had a fever...

"Okay, I'm fine! I'm telling the truth!"

Li Shimin was also a little powerless. If his body hadn't been injured so badly, he could prove himself by showing his magical powers, but now...


At this moment, Cheng Yaojin suddenly stood up...

"Empress, your majesty is telling the truth! We saw it with our own eyes. Your Majesty used his magical powers to wipe out tens of thousands of Turks in one move, and Jie Li Khan should have been among them. So the Turks withdrew their troops before the battle even started..."

After Cheng Yaojin spoke, he looked at Qin Qiong and Yuchi Gong...

The two reacted a little slowly, but they also reacted immediately.

"Report to the Queen, it is true!"

"Jie Li should be dead, otherwise there is no reason for the Turks to withdraw their troops! ”


With the testimony of Cheng Yaojin, Qin Qiong and Yuchi Gong, the matter of cultivating immortals has gained some foothold.....

Although Empress Changsun was still a little skeptical, she did not hesitate at this time.

This is not the time to hesitate about this matter. Li Shimin's health is the first priority....

When Li Shimin saw Empress Changsun's expression, he knew that she did not believe it completely, but he was not in a hurry.....

Hehehe... Queen, when my injury is healed, I will let you see how powerful I am!

Is it still a pity that you will not believe it at that time?


At the same time...

On the other side...




Lin Fan, a freshman at Jiangsu and Zhejiang University...

As a top student, he is keen on exploring nature while studying well...

The basis of exploration is observation, so Lin Lin Fan became an unknown wildlife observer;

He bought a lot of video recording equipment and monitoring equipment, which he buried in the mountains and connected to the computer through a self-made local area network;

In this way, he could observe all the time...


Jiangsu and Zhejiang University.

Longguo History Department.

Lin Fan was fiddling with his computer in the dormitory. The computer was playing the feedback images from various monitoring points...

Because he had to go to class during the day, the videos captured by these monitoring devices were basically uploaded to the cloud and saved. At night, Lin Fan began to watch selectively...

Tonight, Lin Fan opened a video as usual...

In the dormitory, his roommates were no longer surprised.

And just as Lin Fan put on his headphones and pulled the video progress bar...


Suddenly, a loud noise exploded in his ears...

"Damn! "

The loud bang startled Lin Fan, and then he looked at the screen, and this time... Lin Fan was stunned...


On the computer screen, Huanglong Mountain was facing...

This monitoring device was shooting the sky, originally intended to shoot passing birds, and the lens happened to be facing the entire Huanglong Mountain...

Amid the roar, Huanglong Mountain suddenly began to split in the middle...

The crack grew larger at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then... the entire Huanglong Mountain was actually split in half alive!!


Lin Fan was stunned...

The mountain... split?

Lin Fan watched Huanglong Mountain split in two with his own eyes, and an abyss appeared in the middle. The groundwater gradually seeped out and eventually formed a river.....

But in the blink of an eye, the entire Huanglong Mountain no longer looked the same as before, and the entire terrain and landforms had undergone earth-shaking changes!

Lin Fan couldn't believe it, and hurriedly pulled the progress bar back...

Then... I watched it again...

He was shocked again...


Although it was the second time to watch it, facing this video, Lin Fan still didn't know what to say...


And the previous word "Oh my God", Lin Fan's excited tone naturally attracted the attention of his roommates.

Roommate Li Gang asked a few questions, but Lin Fan's attention was focused on the video screen, and with headphones on, he didn't pay any attention at all

I heard Li Gang's voice...

Curious Li Gang walked behind Lin Fan...

At this time, Lin Fan had already started playing the video for the third time...

Li Gang knew what Lin Fan did, and he knew that he had a lot of surveillance equipment to film the video.

And it just so happened that Li Gang recognized Huanglongshan in the video.

Coincidentally, Li Gang had just climbed Huanglong Mountain during the spring outing this year... He was very familiar with the landforms around Huanglong Mountain...

As the video played, Li Gang was stunned...

When he saw Huanglong Mountain split in the middle, changing from a complete mountain to a landform of two mountains sandwiched by a river... Li Gang could no longer hold back...


Li Gang's voice was louder than Lin Fan's. The other three people in the dormitory all looked at Li Gang...


Lin Fan took off his headphones and looked at Li Gang, who was standing behind him and had just scared him, with a confused look on his face...

"Gangzi, what are you doing?"

The roommate in bed number three couldn't help but ask.

At this time, Li Gang had not recovered from his shock. He did not reply, but looked at Lin Fan and pointed at the computer: "Old Lin, this is... Huanglong Mountain?"

Lin Fan nodded: "I just saw it too. The position of the surveillance camera just happened to capture the panoramic view of the entire Huanglong Mountain..."

"Hey! What are you two talking about? What mountain?"

"Huanglong Mountain! Huanglong Mountain cracked!"

"Come down and see! It's too fucking weird!"


The remaining two people in the same dormitory looked at each other, confused...

"Hey, isn't it just a crack in the mountain? What's the fuss? This is just a normal geological change..."

One of them got off the bed and came behind Lin Fan...

Li Gang had already pulled the progress bar back...


A few minutes later...



With two exclamations, the four people in the dormitory were silent...


Too weird!

Huanglong Mountain actually cracked in just a few minutes? And a river appeared in the middle?

Such a drastic landform change must be a super-large earthquake! But I am in Hangzhou. Is there an earthquake in Hangzhou...


The four of them thought of the same thing...

"Could it be the one during the day..."

"No way? The vibration is not obvious..."

"If the crack of Huanglong Mountain was caused by crustal movement, then such a violent crustal movement would probably not have spared the entire Hangzhou City and would have been reduced to ruins."

"And look."

Li Gang pointed to the crack of Huanglong Mountain on the computer: "The crack of Huanglong Mountain is very neat and it is cracked from top to bottom. If it is caused by crustal movement, it must be cracked from bottom to top, but this crack from top to bottom... It's like... It's like..."

"It's like... it was split?"

Lin Fan suddenly thought of the action of chopping wood...

The process of firewood cracking and the process of Huanglong Mountain cracking... The two are exactly the same!


"By the way, Lao Lin, can you slow down this video?"

"Yes! You can slow it down!"

Li Gang slapped his head: "Lao Lin, hurry up!"

Lin Fan didn't hesitate and started to work directly...

Ten times...

Twenty times...

One hundred times...

After the video was slowed down a hundred times, finally...

In the moment before Huanglong Mountain cracked... everyone saw... a lightsaber!


At this moment, everyone in the dormitory was stunned...



After a moment of silence...



"This video is going to explode!"

"Lao Lin, your video is going to go to the sky!"

The whole dormitory was in an uproar!

Although it is not clear why Huanglong Mountain has such a change, the visual effect of this sword cutting off Huanglong Mountain... is really awesome!

Lin Fan was also very excited.

I had captured such an awesome scene, and I felt a sense of accomplishment....

All of them were teenagers, and they were full of youthful spirit. After discussing it, they directly posted the video on TikTok....

And posting the video was naturally for... to gain the highest honor for men!


Upload the video...


Text: Location: Huanglong Mountain in Hangzhou, a real event, I accidentally filmed it, just ask: Is it awesome?


The video was just uploaded....

One minute later...

Comments and likes increased rapidly...




"Is this a special effect?"

"It's really not a special effect, my house is next to Huanglong Mountain, it's really cracked! I just don't know why it cracked..."

"Is this a real event? Bullshit, right?"



Room 7305, Jiangsu and Zhejiang University.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Lao Lin, this video has gone viral!"

"It's viral, it's viral, you treat me, tomorrow's dormitory meals are yours!"

"It's a small matter, no problem!"


The four people in dormitory 7305 are having a great time...

On TikTok, the video uploaded by Lin Fan has completely gone wild...

At first everyone was a little skeptical, but the changes in Huanglong Mountain are real. When people who live nearby investigated, they were completely dumbfounded...

Did Huanglong Mountain...really crack?

Is this really a real event?

For a while, the video became very popular! Many people who live near Huanglong Mountain even took videos and left them in the comment section...

As a scenic spot, many people know what Huanglong Mountain used to look like. As the news spread and the video spread, the video became more and more popular...

But in the middle of the night, the video went viral! It's on the hot search list...


Hangzhou Jiangsu and Zhejiang University, Dormitory 7305.

The four of them are excitedly staring at the video.

The popularity of the video is equal to money!

For college students, this is pure windfall, and it is perfect to improve their lives!

What's more, Lin Fan has already spent all his pocket money and the money from part-time jobs during winter and summer vacations on his hobby. He is very tight on money. If the video goes viral and makes a lot of money, it would be great!

The other roommates are also proud of it.

At this time, the four people didn't know.... This video directly caused another part of Hangzhou to be in a mess...


Just as everyone in the 7305 dormitory was excited because of the video's popularity...

Hangzhou Command Center...

Li Chun was studying a series of strange events that happened today....

The first was the dragon roar and the nationwide earthquake....

The second was the Huanglongshan incident in Hangzhou...

Every one of these incidents was weird...

But what was the reason?

The investigation has been going on for a day, but nothing has been found.....

The technical department has also conducted satellite search to find out where the sword-like power on Huanglong Mountain came from, but after searching for a long time, there is still no discovery....

As for the changes in Huanglong Mountain now, the field investigation team did not find anything unusual.....

The mountain is still the same mountain, and the river... seems to have always existed. If it were not for the fresh cracks and soil, no one would dare to believe that Huanglong Mountain was just cracked today.....


Just when Li Chun was thinking about one thing after another.....

"Commander! It's not good!"


The door was not closed, and a man rushed in with a mobile phone.....

"Lao Wang? What's wrong with you?"

Lao Wang is Li Chun's subordinate, but the two have worked together for many years and have a good relationship.

"Didn't I ask you to be in charge of public opinion?"

"What's going on?"

That's right, Lao Wang's task is to calm public opinion as much as possible and prevent the Huanglongshan incident from fermenting.

As long as there is no conclusive evidence to prove that Huanglongshan has indeed changed overnight today, it will not cause too much repercussions if it is suppressed a little bit...

"I'm commanding you to look at this!"

Lao Wang handed the phone in his hand to Li Chun...

"What is this...?"

Confused, Li Chun took the phone, and the phone screen showed the panoramic view of Huanglongshan...

"This video has now been listed on the Douyin hot list, and it is estimated that the number of views has exceeded 10 million..."

Lao Wang clicked on the video...

The video angle is very good, the shooting is very clear, and the process also specially added slow motion shots, a hundred times slow motion, the moment before Huanglongshan cracked, the lightsaber flashed and fell clearly appeared in the picture...

Although it was only a moment, it was indeed


"Commander, what should we do now?"

Old Wang looked at Li Chun...

Li Chun frowned slightly: "Contact the publisher of this video."

"Ask him to delete the video?"

"No, if we delete the video, wouldn't that make it more obvious?"

"Then let him say the video is fake?"

"That's not good either. Let's do this. You contact him first. After you get in touch with him, tell him about the general situation and see what he thinks. As for what to do... I have to ask for instructions."

Li Chun did not make a decision directly. This matter was not just a matter in Hangzhou. This matter was reported to the emperor. If it was an important decision, he could not make a decision at all. He had to report it...

"Okay then."

Old Wang left and immediately started to contact Lin Fan through the backstage...

. ......

Jiangsu and Zhejiang University....

7305 Dormitory...

"Lao Lin, someone is looking for you!"

Li Gang stared at the backstage, while the other three were playing Landlord...

Several notes were already stuck on Lin Fan's nose...

"Who is looking for me?"

Lin Fan turned his head to look at Li Gang...

"Let me see..."

Li Gang immediately opened the private message...

Instantly, Li Gang's face froze... The words got stuck in his throat...

"What's wrong, Gangzi? Why don't you talk?"

"Who is looking for me?"

Li Gang turned his head with difficulty and looked at Lin Fan, his face was ugly...

"Well... He said he was... from the Hangzhou Command Center..."

"He also took a photo of his ID and the Command Center "The video of the heart, if you don't believe it, let's call the video..."

"Lao Lin, we seem to be in trouble..."

Li Gang had a bitter face, and his face was extremely ugly...

Lin Fan was also stunned...

But he still kept calm...

"It's okay, we are all law-abiding citizens, what can we do? Even if we do something wrong, it's innocent, it's okay... It's okay..."

Lin Fan comforted Li Gang and himself...

"By the way, what did the command center say?"

Lin Fan hurriedly got up, wiped off the small note on his face, and took his mobile phone from Li Gang's hand...

The private message was Lao Wang's ID photo to prove his identity and and the video taken by the Hangzhou Command Center...

"Hello, this is the Hangzhou Command Center, please reply if you see it."

Lin Fan: "....."

In the dormitory, the four people looked at each other with ugly faces... and panicked...

The four of them were just freshmen, and they felt a little uneasy when they were suddenly contacted by the Hangzhou Command Center...

"Lao Lin, what should we do?"

"Try to contact! Maybe it's a scam?"

Lin Fan gritted his teeth and sent a message...


Talk in two ways...

The other side...


It was late at night...

Mr. Wang, Mr. Zhou, and Mr. Li gathered together. A call from Hangzhou directly alarmed the three of them...

"Mr. Wang, what's going on?"

Mr. Zhou and Mr. Li haven't understood the situation clearly yet...

"Something happened in Hangzhou. The incident in Huanglong Mountain was filmed and posted on the Internet. It has now fermented."

"What do you to deal with it? ”


Mr. Zhou and Mr. Li frowned: “It’s a bit tricky....”

Mr. Wang: “It’s normal. There are many people near Huanglong Mountain. Although it has been closed recently, there have been people visiting before. It is reasonable to be discovered. It is normal for it to spread.”

“But we haven’t investigated it clearly yet.”

Mr. Zhou frowned even deeper...

“What should we do now?”

Mr. Wang thought for a while...

“How about... take a look first?”

“What to look at?”

“As long as we don’t get involved, as for the rest... just make it fun for everyone. Let’s continue to investigate secretly!”

Mr. Wang suggested.....

Mr. Li and Mr. Zhou looked at each other and nodded: “It’s not impossible... OK! Let’s do it! "


The Kyoto Command Center issued an order.

Li Chun, who was in Hangzhou, received the order immediately...


At the same time...


Jingran Jiayuan Community...

In a rental house...

Mu Chen had just given everyone some instructions and left the group chat...

Subconsciously opened his phone and opened


The moment he opened Douyin, Muchen suddenly had a familiar feeling... It was as if life had returned to him.....

Today, he had experienced so many things. He had obtained the system, entered the Wanjie chat group, and gained top-level comprehension...

Watching Liu Bowen's dragon-slaying technique, he created the technique of void dragon production, relying on his own strength, and forcibly transformed the earth from a place without spirits into a world with spiritual energy. Although there is only a trace of spiritual energy at present, and this trace has been absorbed by himself.....

But dragon veins can be nurtured. As the dragon veins grow stronger and feedback to the heaven and earth, the heaven and earth will also become stronger. At that time, dragon veins can be produced again, and the cycle will continue in this way. .....

Everything is difficult at the beginning, and today, I have completed the leap from 0 to 1.....

The second is that I have embarked on the road of cultivating immortals.....

Watching Lao Yue practice the Zixia magic skill, he created the Ziqidonglai Qi training technique, and with his super high comprehension to absorb spiritual power, he directly advanced to the peak of the twelfth level of the Qi training period.....

And the amazingly powerful Zhantian Sword Drawing Technique.....

One thing after another kept passing through Muchen's mind.....

He understood that he was no longer an ordinary person....

But... not being an ordinary person does not mean that you will not have an ordinary life.....

We are cultivating immortals, and we can still watch Douyin!


Mu Chen casually opened Douyin...


Looking at the first video he saw...Mu Chen was stunned...


"What is...?"

Text: Location: Huanglong Mountain in Hangzhou, a real event, accidentally filmed, just ask: Is it awesome?

"Huanglong Mountain?"

While Mu Chen was stunned, the video was playing... In addition to the normal speed, the video was slowed down at the key point, and the words "slow down a hundred times" were specially marked on the video...

A flash of sword light flashed, and then Huanglong Mountain cracked...

Seeing this scene, Mu Chen couldn't help laughing...

Casually opened the comment area and posted a comment directly...

"Hahahaha, awesome! It seems that this earth is not simple. Which sword fairy slashed this heaven-defying sword?"

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