Yunye thought of the Nirvana stored in the other world.

It could instantly generate a temperature of 6000℃, enough to evaporate the ocean in this area.

But using high-temperature destructive weapons deep under the sea is obviously irrational, which is why Nirvana was not chosen to eliminate the terrifying creatures.


"What happened there..."

The invigilator and the two elders stared at the tranquil sea level in the distance with solemn eyes.

Not only them, but anyone with a little strength could feel the terrifying force deep in the sea that was enough to destroy the world.

"What happened?"

Leorio surfaced with a red face.

Just a moment ago, he felt his heart stop, and even his breathing stopped.

Looking around, all the candidates surfaced at the same time and breathed in fresh air.

"All candidates, stop collecting and get on board immediately! Get on board immediately!"

A warning sounded, and the people on the sea hurried back to the boat.

Although they didn't understand what happened, it was definitely not good.

Within a few minutes, all the candidates returned to the boat and waited for the next step.

"Boss, where did you go just now?"

"Have you ever felt the terrifying breath from the depths of the ocean? It really scared me to death."

Gera patted his chest with lingering fear.

The stronger a person is, the more he can feel the horror of that creature. Even if he is thousands of miles away, he will still be affected.

"I feel it."

Yunye didn't choose to say more.

He needed to ask Netero about this matter later. He didn't know if he knew anything about this creature.

On the deck, the two elders came to the front of everyone and said in a slightly hurried tone.

"Due to an emergency, the most important thing now is to leave here as soon as possible."

"Because time is short and the treasure you have collected is limited, we have unanimously decided to lower the requirements."

"Now, those who have collected treasures, please come to me and register."

The exchange of treasures for houses is still going on, but the conditions are much lower.

But there are still some people in the crowd with very ugly faces.

Some people are quick to collect treasures, and naturally some people don't collect them.

"This is my treasure."

Xiao Jie quickly stepped forward and handed the fish he caught to the old lady with a smile on his face.

A basket full of rare fish showed that Xiao Jie's fishing skills were quite mature and he did not catch any fish empty-handed.

"Hmm~, medium room No. 157."

The old lady pondered for a while and gave the final answer.

Not as good as the best, but better than the worst, it's pretty standard.

Holding the key, Xiaojie entered the ship with a happy face.

"This is mine!"

Hanzo took out the sword in his hand with a serious look.

Although it has been corroded by sea water for a long time, the sword is still shiny, and the hilt is inlaid with a ruby.

It can be seen that it is worth a lot of money.

""Yes, room 23, superior room."

The old lady nodded with satisfaction.

Hearing this, Hanzo's serious face instantly broke and a smile appeared on his face.

The next person to come forward was Illumi.

He took out a broken ring with less than three carats of diamond on it.

But Yunye clearly saw that he was holding a treasure in his hand.

He is really a miser. It is estimated that taking out this diamond has made him feel distressed enough.

""Room 236, lower class."

The old lady said expressionlessly.

She threw the diamond in her hand into the box behind her and looked at the next person.

Her sight finally settled on Yunye.

"Please comment."

Yunye took out a dazzling sapphire.

Under the warm sun, it exudes a brilliant deep blue light, and there is a beautiful figure faintly inside.

According to the information in Yunye's mind, this gem has a great origin.

Legend has it that King Arthur specially found a world-famous craftsman to make it for his beloved woman. It is a fusion of hard work and skills, and it is a well-deserved treasure!

It is said that on every full moon night, if you point the gem at the full moon, you can see a hazy figure of a woman from it.

Its value is even more incomparable to money.

It is estimated that no woman can refuse to wear such a gem on her hand.

But for Yunye, it is of no use.

The old lady took the gem and observed it carefully for a while before handing it back to Yunye.

"The president specifically said that you don't have to hand in the treasure. This is the key to room 1."

Hearing this, Yunye took back the gem and the key.

Don't miss out on something for free.

This made the people behind him dumbfounded, but they didn't say anything.

There is no way, background is sometimes a kind of strength.

It is better to have a good relationship than to humiliate yourself.

In the following time, the candidates with treasures got their room keys.

Those without treasures came to the boiler room at the bottom of the ship to provide power for the entire ship.

The corresponding reward was the key to the lower room.

"The room is not bad.

Yun Ye came to the room and took a look.

The space is about 50 square meters in total, and all kinds of advanced furniture are available.

Compared with the previous lounge, it can be said that there is a world of difference.

Lying on the bed, feeling the turbulence of the ship

"Who could have imprisoned that creature?"

Yun Ye thought of that huge blood-red pupil.

Just looking at it made people feel cold all over.

I couldn't imagine how strong it would take to seal it deep in the sea.

"Could it be that person?"

A figure emerged in Yunye's mind.

It was the legendary figure of the Fulishi family.

Dong Fulishi!

A mysterious figure who traveled alone in the Dark Continent 300 years ago.

During the exploration, he wrote various information about the Dark Continent and compiled them into a book called"New World Travel Notes". It was sold on the market for a while, but people regarded it as a fabricated book, and eventually it gradually disappeared from people's sight for some unknown reason.

Until today, the book, which originally had two chapters, only has the Eastern chapter left.

"Maybe I can meet him in the future and ask him about it."

Yunye smiled.

In the near future, he will go to the Dark Continent in person to see the truth!

By then, he might meet Dong Ye who is traveling.

"Let's take a look at the stone tablet first."

Putting the future aside for the moment, the shadow behind Yunye squirmed violently.

The next second, the dark purple stone tablet emerged, emitting a dangerous black aura, full of ominous

"What on earth is written on it?"

Yun Ye observed the ancient handwriting on it.

He quickly flipped through the world library in his mind, searching for information about the text.

At this moment, his brain was working at an extremely fast speed.

Five minutes later


Yun Ye muttered to himself as he looked at the stone tablet in front of him.

Even after all the information was searched, there was still no explanation for the relevant text.

"By the way, Li might know something."

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