Yunye said expressionlessly.

Every time Illumi appears, Killua will have a psychological shadow.


After hearing what Yunye said, Killua finally reacted.

The look he gave Illumi became fierce, as if he wanted to chop him into pieces.


Illumi didn't say much in the end.

A wise man knows when to act. If you can't beat someone

, you should say less to provoke him. Netero, who was standing by, was obviously watching the fun and didn't mind making trouble. He didn't start to announce until the two stopped talking.

""Game, start!"

After hearing the order, Killua did not rush to attack, but stood still and waited for an opportunity.

Compared with four years ago, his strength has been greatly improved. He is no longer the Killua who would be knocked down by one blow.


Illumi attacked first, pushing off the ground with his forefoot, and quickly came to Killua's front.

He kicked Killua in the face, and the strong force even generated an air wave.

Facing this sudden attack, Killua relied on his own flexibility to twist his body and barely avoided it.

But Illumi reacted very quickly, and after the first attack failed, he immediately launched a second attack.

He kicked directly at Killua's chest, and the speed was so fast that he couldn't react at all.


With a loud noise, Killua retreated a dozen steps.

Looking closely, he successfully put his hands on his chest, offsetting most of the damage.

"Killua, you are not worthy of fighting me now."

Illumi said calmly.

The next moment, his attack hit Killua like raindrops.

Every attack was painful to watch..


In the audience, Xiaojie said with a worried look on his face.

Just when Illumi was about to use the final blow to end the battle, Killua disappeared from the spot.

In an instant, a sharp claw pierced Illumi's waist from behind.


Blood continued to flow, but Illumi didn't take it seriously at all, and looked closely at Killua.

"You have grown up."

Illumi suddenly said.

His voice was still calm, but one could hear the feeling of surprise.

"This game, I must..."

Before he could finish his words, Illumi grabbed Killua's shoulders tightly and hit him in the chest with a knee.

The violent hammering sound made everyone present grab their chests.


A mouthful of hot blood spurted out of Killua's mouth.

In an instant, his heart was hit hard and stopped suddenly.


After this blow, Killua fell heavily to the ground.

The difference in strength between the two sides was fully reflected at this moment.

Yunye suddenly appeared in the ring, and his fingers gently touched Killua's chest.

"It's okay."

Carefully sensing, the heart is still beating vigorously.

It's just that the strong impact brought by the moment made Killua fall into a temporary coma.

Turning his head to look at the expressionless Illumi, Yunye rarely chose to attack.

As the son of destiny, Killua must face it.

"In this match, Jitaraku won."

Netero announced the final winner of the match.

The medical staff quickly came on stage and took Killua away for treatment.

"Game 8, Boudreau vs Leorio"

"However, since Boudreau was already dead, Leorio automatically won.

The sudden surprise did not make Leorio very happy.

As a doctor, he was most worried about Killua's physical condition.

After all, the heart is one of the most important parts of the human body.

"Xiaoyun, you don't have to compete."

Netero did not let Yunye compete.

His strength here is simply a dimensionality reduction attack.

Netero still remembers the purple-gold dragon that Yunye summoned.

That power that was enough to annihilate everything is always unforgettable.


Yun Ye said indifferently.

It doesn't matter whether we compete or not. It only takes a minute for him.

"Candidates who have passed the Hunter Test please go to the reception room to take the oath"

"Xiaoyun, come with me."

Netero called Yunye who was about to leave. He walked all the way and came directly to the president's office.

As soon as he entered, he saw a familiar figure.

Light green hair, puppy ears, and big glasses.

It was the dog of the twelve earthly branches.


"It's you!"

Seeing the person coming, Qiduo said with some surprise.

The scene when Yunye pretended to be a child to deceive him is still in his mind.

"Long time no see."

Yunye greeted with a smile on his face.

"President, I'm leaving first."

"No, you stay here.

Netero did not let Qiduo leave.

It can be seen that what he said next was also related to her.

"Do you have an answer, President?"

Yunye asked while sitting on the soft sofa.

That's right, Netero's only purpose in calling him here was to ask him about the matter.

"Well, I've thought about it."

"I choose to go with you, but there is one condition."

Netero's eyes flashed with a gleam.

"What conditions?"

Yun Ye asked with some doubt.

"I want to fight you."

Netero said solemnly.

Hearing this, Qiduo's eyes were full of disbelief and even doubt about life.

She must have heard it right, her own president actually wanted to challenge a child.

If this kind of thing were to be spread out, one out of ten thousand people would not believe it.


Yunye was a little surprised, but he still accepted it.

He didn't forget Netero's life goal.

Find a respectable opponent to fight him in a hearty battle.

Obviously, Netero found him.


Qiduo's drooping ears instantly stood up at Yunye's promise.

One dared to say it, and the other dared to promise. She was sure that the thing she regretted most today was not leaving.

"Haha, tell me what you know."

Netero was very satisfied with Yunye's answer.

"Since we are already partners, I will not hide it from you."

After saying that, Yunye glanced at Qiduo who was fidgeting.

""Qido, you go out first."

Netero gave the order.

Instantly, Qidu walked out quickly as if he had been pardoned.

God knows what kind of shock he will face if he stays here any longer.


Seeing that the person had left, Yunye casually snapped his fingers.

The next moment, a black shadow came in from outside holding a sleeping child.

"This child will be our guarantee for the future."

Yun Ye told all the information about Alluka.

The more he listened, the faster Netero's mood changed.

"I didn't expect that the Zoldyck family actually had a hidden trump card."

After hearing the outrageous wish mechanism, Netero's eyes were full of shock.

The existence of Naniga undoubtedly raised the exploration limitlessly.

Perhaps we can really go deep into the dark continent and discover the unknown existence.

"Currently, we have five members in the Zoldyck family."

"Maha Zoldyck, Zeno Zoldyck, Silva Zoldyck, Alluka Zoldyck"

"Finally, it's me, Kumono Zoldyck!"

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