A voice came from the heat wave, the tone was full of joy.

Yunye looked at the shadow of Feitan in the other world, and a smile appeared on his face.

He has never forgotten to collect the seven elements of Nen ability. He has not completed it because he has not found a good candidate.

Although the person found before was a fire element, he was contaminated with some other things after all, resulting in a weird appearance.

As a pure love warrior, Yunye will not accept such a thing.

This also means that there are still attribute Nen abilities that have not been obtained.

The attributes that have been collected so far are gold, water, fire, wind, thunder, and earth.

The corresponding Nen abilities are

【Pale Tiger】

【Roar of the Sea Monster】

【Howl of the Wind God】


【[Earth Escape Technique]

Yunye was quite satisfied with the first few, but he was helpless about the last one, [Earth Escape Technique].

So far, he has rarely encountered earth-related Nen abilities.

Even if there are, they only occupy a minority and can be almost ignored.

But the seemingly useless [Earth Escape Technique] is the ability that is closest to the earth element.

He had no choice but to add [Earth Escape Technique] in the end.

Now only the wood element has not been collected.

Until now, he has not seen any candidate that satisfies him.

In the distance, Kuroro's pupils were dark, staring at the sea of fire in front of him.

Ordinary Nen users may melt into it in an instant when encountering such a high-temperature attack.

But Yunye is obviously not an ordinary Nen user, and may even be the most powerful Nen user in the entire human society.

So even if he subjectively believes that Yunye is dead, his inner caution still makes him pay attention to the burning sea of fire.

""What are you looking at?"

Suddenly, a voice came into Kuroro's ears.

He could even feel the faint heat hitting his ears.


In an instant, Kuroro retreated hundreds of steps.

"Why are you so scared? I won't eat you."

Yun Ye stood there with an innocent expression.

He didn't get angry when Kuroro hit him with the small sun just now.

He is really a good man.

"You are really scary"

"But I still want to give it a try."

Kuroro's eyes were still full of calmness.

The next second, an antenna suddenly appeared in his hand.

Under Yunye's watchful eyes, Kuroro quickly inserted the antenna on his heart.

【[Automatic Control·Ultimate]

Instantly, infinite power erupted from the deepest part of Kuroro's body.

The terrifying power even overwhelmed the high temperature heat wave!

Kuroro exuded an astonishing sense of oppression, and just standing there made people feel breathless.

Even at this point, Kuroro still did not stop.

【Shura's Call】

【[Sun Incarnation]

Suddenly, Kuroro's body underwent earth-shaking changes.

The left half of his body quickly attached exquisite, regular patterns, a horn grew on his head, and it was filled with astonishing dark energy.

A golden light descended from the sky and entered Kuroro's body.

The golden flame instantly attached to his right half of the body.

This is the power from the sun.

"Can even the power of a race be stolen?"

Seeing this, Netero frowned.

The Sun Incarnation is a unique ability of the Yaoyang race.

If someone without the bloodline forcibly uses it, they will only be burned by endless flames.

But Kuroro's current appearance of being safe and sound made him have to be cautious.

This stealing ability is beyond common sense.

"You look pretty handsome now."

Yunye nodded and praised, as if he was admiring his most outstanding work.

Kuroro was now shrouded in darkness on the left and illuminated by light on the right.

He looked like a god or devil.

"But it will be mine soon."

Yun Ye smiled from the bottom of his heart.

He was waiting for this moment.

From the beginning to the end, the reason why he did not end the battle quickly was that he wanted to use Kuroro as a medium to copy the other members.

And Kuroro himself has a lot of Nen abilities. Copying one more is a profit. Now, Kuroro, who is at the end of his rope, has shown his last strength, and for him, he has achieved his goal.


Kuroro didn't say anything.

Perhaps he knew it from the beginning.

But he still wanted to try.

"Since you are so kind, I can't treat you unfairly."

"I will give you a decent death."

After saying that, the lightning on Yunye's body began to stir like never before.

The originally scorching sun was immediately covered by dense dark clouds.

There was a strong momentum of dark clouds pressing down on the city and ready to destroy it!


Countless violent lightning was brewing in the dark clouds, waiting to explode at any time.

【[Thunder God Incarnation]!

In full view of everyone, the lightning in the sky began to strike Yunye crazily.

The lightning as thick as a water column struck straight up.

For a moment, everyone's face was covered with extreme white, but they still couldn't hide the shocked expressions on their faces.

They had never seen such a grand scene.

Even Kuroro forgot to attack for a moment and stared at Yunye in front of him.

Finally, after countless baptisms of lightning, Yunye was covered with lightning all over his body.

From the outside, only the outline of Yunye could be vaguely seen.

"Cherish the little time you have left."

Yun Ye said in a serious tone, with a hint of electricity in his voice.

Hearing this, Kuroro, the person involved, immediately reacted.

"It is still uncertain who will live and who will die."

Kuroro waved his hand casually, and several small suns suddenly appeared behind him.

He stared at Yunye, and gently pointed his fingers wrapped in blazing flames.

In an instant, all the small suns fell towards Yunye.

Looking at the magnificent scene in front of him, Yunye's eyes were calm.

A creation spear slowly condensed in his hand.

He made a throwing motion in front of Kuroro.

"Today, I will be the Houyi who shot down the sun!"As soon as the words fell, several creation spears instantly condensed behind Yunye.

"��"Lose it, fake sun."

Yunye threw the Creation Spear in his hand at the largest sun.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

The moment Yunye threw it, the other Creation Spears shot out together.

The spears dragged out traces of electric current in the air, forming a beautiful picture.

Finally, after a moment of waiting, the spears collided with the sun.



On this day, Meteor Street exploded with unprecedented fireworks, blooming in the sky of the entire garbage city.

Under the dark cloud sky, endless flames flickered for a long time.

The spear finally shot down the sun, just like Houyi shooting down the sun in the myth.

Looking at the dazzling fireworks above his head, Kuroro's pupils flashed several figures.

Then, he set his sights on Yunye again.

"For the Brigade!"

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