In a cave hidden deep underground, three figures were quietly doing their own things in the cave, occasionally looking at the sphere in the center that was emitting a crystal blue light.

""Paknotan, how long do we have to wait here?"

Suddenly, a young man with sharp eyes asked seriously.

This person is a member of the Phantom Troupe.

Number 5: Finks!

"Don't worry, we just need to complete the tasks assigned to us by the leader."

The one who responded to him was a blonde beauty with cold eyes and a devilish figure.

This person is also a member of the brigade.

Number 9: Paknotan.

He is responsible for interrogation and reconnaissance, and occupies an important position in the brigade.

"That's right."

In the corner, a burly, honest-looking man smiled and touched his head.

He was also a member of the brigade.

Number seven, Franklin!

While they were still talking, the blue sphere in the center began to shake violently.


The next moment, under everyone's gaze, the sphere suddenly shattered into countless fragments.

This phenomenon made Paknotan's face pale instantly.


Paknotan was so excited that she couldn't speak.

Then, she seemed to remember something and suddenly became quiet.

She stood up again, her eyes turned cold again and looked at the other two.

"According to the instructions of the team leader, we started to implement"

"In this process, no mistakes are allowed!"

Paknotan coldly commanded the two people, and then quickly left the cave.

The two people who were ordered like this did not care.

They were also filled with disbelief and grief, and they could understand Paknotan's mood at this time.

Without hesitation, the two followed the footsteps and left the cave.

Yunye, who was far away in Meteor Street, had no idea about everything here.

"Will we meet again?"

Yunye muttered to himself as he looked at the empty space in front of him.

He could vaguely guess why Kuroro could say such a thing.

Because the plot had changed a little, the members of the brigade were a little different from the original plot.

A total of six people died in the brigade this time.

There were still several known members who were not present.

If nothing unexpected happened, these people were Kuroro's last resort.

"What a talent, what a pity."

Yunye shook his head with a little regret. He even predicted his own death, which showed that Kuroro's wisdom had reached a very high level.

He had probably been planning since the mission of sheltering the Chimera Ants.

After all, there was a traitor in his camp.


From the beginning, this guy didn't come, and he probably went to inform the Phantom Troupe early.

"Xiaoyun, are you okay?"

Just as Yunye was still speculating, a serious and concerned voice sounded beside him.

Turning his head, he saw Shiba coming to his side without knowing when.

"I'm fine, just a little hurt."

Yunye shook his head slightly. No matter how powerful Kuroro was, he was promoted based on him.

He reached his level through the power of contract and oath.

But Yunye not only had brute force but also unparalleled skills.

So being slightly injured was the greatest respect for Kuroro.

""This battle is very exciting."

Maha praised from the side.

The others nodded in agreement.

Unsurprisingly, this was the most exciting battle of mind power they had ever seen in their lives.

Whether it was Kuroro's chain reaction or Yunye's one-force power to break all methods.

Although they had seen similar ones, this was the first time they had seen such a powerful one.

"I really did make the right choice."

Netero smiled so hard that wrinkles appeared on his face.

He agreed to the offer because he was impressed by Yunye's strength.

Facts have proved that he did not make the wrong choice.

"This battle was extremely dangerous."

"Let's rest for a while before setting off again."

Netero said to everyone.

Hearing this proposal, everyone present nodded.

No one expected that the people in the brigade would be so crazy. Seeing that they couldn't win, they directly used the power of the oath.

This also made the battle that was originally thought to be easy become difficult.

But fortunately, Yunye's camp is full of world-class strongmen.

If it were anyone else, they would have been wiped out long ago.

"Then we'll go first."

Zeno nodded, then took out a whistle from his pocket.

Attaching his thoughts to it, he blew the whistle.


The sharp sound echoed around.

The next second, a shadow enveloped everyone.

Looking up, I saw a green dragon-like creature with scales all over its body and three pairs of white wings.

This monster is the exclusive mount of the Zoldyck family.

Six-winged dragon!


A dragon roar resounded through the sky, and the six-winged dragon slowly landed on the ground, crawling with its head

"Everyone, see you later."

Genuo said to everyone, and then turned his attention to Yunye.

"Xiaoyun, do you want to go with us?"

While speaking, Maha and Shiba also cast their eyes over.

Under the gazes of the three, Yunye shook his head.

"I have something else to do, you guys go first."

Hearing this answer, Genuo was not surprised at all.

He came to the dragon head and stomped his feet lightly.

The next moment, the six-winged flying dragon raised its head, spread its wings, and flew towards the wide sky.

Only a pile of dust was left.

Seeing their backs leaving, Yunye also looked at the crowd.

"In that case, I should say goodbye."

Yun Ye turned around and said.

He disappeared in the midst of the mixed emotions of the crowd.

Seeing the Zoldyck family leaving, Jin couldn't help but say

"What a perverted family."

The others nodded in agreement when they heard this adjective.

As the Zoldyck family left, the rest of the people also left here one after another.

"This place should be considered as a restricted area."

Netero took a last look at the bottomless pit behind him and muttered.

From the beginning to the end, Meteor Street was just a sacrifice.

This place is full of sin and garbage, and is not under the jurisdiction of anyone.

This is also the main reason why this place was chosen as the battlefield.

This place has been abandoned by the world.

Without any hesitation, Netero left here slowly. He still had something to ask Pariston.

On the other side, Yunye, who had left, had arrived at Whale Island.

He came to the dense forest where Sheila lived with ease.

At a glance, Gra was dragging a few killed bear wolves back.

Yunye shouted to Gra across the lake.

"Gra, it’s time to go."

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