Jin's voice rang in my ears.

Turning my head, I saw Jin's slightly weathered face.

"Didn't you sleep either?"

"Did you say goodbye to Xiaojie properly?"

"If you just keep running away, the final result may not be very good."

Yun Ye looked at the scenery outside the window and said with a smile.

This directly interrupted Jin who wanted to speak.

As soon as these words came out, the scene became unusually quiet.

Obviously, Jin still did not say goodbye to Xiaojie.

"I've seen him. He's exploring the ruins with Killua."

Gin suddenly said, leaning on his hand by the window.

He's not a cold-blooded monster. It's mainly because the relationship between him and Gon is very awkward.

It's not like a normal father and son.

After all, since Gon was born, he has no father to accompany him.

With this guilty feeling, Jin doesn't know how to get along with Gon.

No matter what he does, he feels awkward and stiff.

"When I get back, I will definitely have a good talk with him."

Jin looked at the black sky outside the window and muttered to himself.

When he returns from his exploration of the Dark Continent, he will definitely spend some time with Xiaojie.

"Hey, don't curse us."

Yunye said immediately after hearing Jin's words.

This kind of flag-like words are a fatal curse for them who are about to set off to a distant place and rush to the battlefield.

Anyone who says this will not come back intact.

"What are you afraid of?"

Jin's tone was full of confidence.

He seemed to be very confident about this journey.

"Jin, you are still so confident.

Suddenly, a discordant voice sounded from the side.

Looking sideways, Pariston came behind him without knowing when.

At this moment, he was still speaking in a sarcastic tone.

"Mr. Jin is so powerful that he doesn't even take the creatures of the Dark Continent seriously."

When Jin heard this, his face was obviously speechless.

He ignored Pariston and looked at the scenery outside.

Pariston didn't seem to care about this kind of disregard at all, and continued to speak

"I wonder how many people will come back alive from this journey."

"By the way, Mr. Jin, you still have a son here, right?"

"If you die, he will be very sad.

Pariston said the terrifying words with a smile.

"I don't know whether I will die or not, but if you keep talking nonsense, I will definitely let you die here."

Jin said coldly, his eyes still on the window.

But everyone could hear the seriousness in his words.


Pariston said with a smile, and left the place in annoyance.

"Why are you and the president keeping him around?"

"Are you looking for some difficulties to make your smooth life more difficult?"

Yun Ye asked curiously.

In the Hunter Association, Pariston has always played the role of a clown, specifically looking for trouble for Netero and Jin.

Maybe he already knew about this, but he still did it tirelessly.

Maybe he really wanted to win once.

"He is not as simple as you appear."

"Bringing him along will certainly be useful."

Jin did not reveal Pariston's information.

But Yunye could tell from just a few words that Pariston might have something that Jin and Netero were very concerned about.

This farce was soon turned over, and a new round of communication began.

As the two talked, the black sky quietly opened the curtain of dawn.

In the distance, the outline of the World Tree could be vaguely seen.

It was still towering, with an overwhelming momentum.

It was daunting!

"Have we arrived yet?"

Maha smiled and looked at the World Tree in the distance.

At this time, everyone had woken up one after another and looked into the distance expectantly.

Not long after, the Hunter airship flew straight past the ticket office and flew inside.

The ticket seller who lived in the ticket office saw this scene and was about to rush over, but he saw the eye-catching Hunter Association logo on the airship.

Then he silently put down his shotgun and quietly returned to his seat.

In most places, the Hunter Association has the right to enter unconditionally.

The World Tree is one of them.

Without obstacles, the Hunter airship went deep into it unimpeded and came directly to the foot of the World Tree.


With a loud bang, the airship landed on the ground.

"It’s still this high."

Linnie looked up nostalgically, but still couldn’t see the top.

"Xiaoyun, where is the place shown on the map?"

Netero turned around and asked

""Let me see."

The shadow behind Yunye began to move.

The next second, a dark purple stone tablet gradually emerged, flashing with fluorescence.

Everyone came forward curiously to check it out, wanting to see what the map from the Dark Continent looked like.

""It's over there."

Yunye observed carefully and finally determined the location.

It was the mountain range he had explored before, and it was also the original entrance.

""Very good, let's go."

Netero nodded and set off first.

Bi Yangde followed closely behind.

The others looked at each other and followed.

As for the airship, there would naturally be a specialist to drive it away.


On the mountain range outside the World Tree, several figures were running rapidly.

This group of people was the Apocalypse Team led by Netero.

"How far is it?"

Bi Yangde asked in confusion.

It has been about half an hour since they set out.

According to their strength, they have already set out for a long distance.

But even so, they still haven't reached the so-called destination.

"Almost there, just ahead."

Yunye pointed ahead.

According to the map, their location was at the edge of human society.

"Have we really come here?"

Looking at the towering wall in front of us,���Tro seemed to have expected this.

After all, if you want to explore the Dark Continent, you can't bypass this level.

"Everyone, follow my steps."

"Let's go out!"

Netero kicked and suddenly jumped to the left.

Everyone followed his pace without hesitation.

After an hour of running, Netero finally stopped and looked forward with a serious look.

Following his gaze, a gate with mottled and delicate patterns stood in front of him, which looked extremely abrupt.

There were walls on both sides.

There was no doubt that this gate was the exit from human society to the dark continent.

Netero turned to face everyone and said with a serious expression

"You must know that the leader is in a neutral state towards humans."

"So you have to pay attention to some things next."

After hearing this, everyone listened attentively.

After all, this was a critical moment for whether they could go to the Dark Continent.

Even the impatient Bi Yangde became surprisingly calm and silently looked at Netero.

"There are five requirements in total."

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