Looking ahead, there were mountains of garbage everywhere.

Everywhere I looked were children and adults with pale faces and skinny bodies.

When they saw the two of them, their eyes lit up and they looked over.

This was just the surface.

"Looks like we have to be careful."

Yunye said cautiously.

In a place like this, Netero would be robbed of everything except his underpants.

Faced with such an environment, Leke had to cheer up.

Walking inside, a foul smell mixed with waves of strange smells hit his face. It made people want to vomit.

Fortunately, Yunye had undergone special training, otherwise he might have to stop here.

The further you go in, the more you can find out how bad the environment here is.

It is simply wishful thinking to want to walk on this land to find the grandmother you have never met.

"I remember my grandmother's name seemed to be Wu Xi."

Yun Ye remembered a name.

This is what Maha told him at the beginning.

Hereby warns

"Your grandmother has a very bad temper, so be careful when you get along with her."

This sentence left a deep impression on Yunye.

What kind of person could make Maha angry?

This was also part of the reason why he came to Wu Xi.

"Let's ask others."

After saying that, Lai Ke stopped the old man with a long knife.

This scene made the people around raise their eyes and look at this place.


Yun Ye stopped him immediately.

Although Meteor Street is mostly tainted, there is still a good thing.

A bond that is more familiar than family.

There was once a homeless man who was wrongly accused of being a murderer. The local judge convicted him without listening to his explanation.

The final result was that 31 people were involved in the wrongful case.

Including police officers, judges, prosecutors and others were killed, and in different places, 31 people from Meteor Street disregarded their lives and carried bombs to die with them!

This incident made everyone dare not underestimate the people of Meteor Street.

The ruthless are afraid of the tyrannical, the tyrannical are afraid of the stupid, and the stupid are afraid of the desperate.

This is the best interpretation!

"Uncle, have you ever heard of a woman named Wu Xi?"

Yun Ye said with a smile.

Then he stuffed a large stack of money into the old man's arms.

Money can communicate with gods and can also open the way.

"Who are you to her?"

Sure enough, the old man's expression changed immediately after seeing the money, but he still asked cautiously.

"I am her grandson.

Yun Ye revealed his identity.

Hearing this, the old man's eyes widened slightly, and he looked at Yun Ye up and down.

Finally, he nodded and said

""You guys follow me."

After saying that, the old man walked forward.

Although he was old, his pace was very fast.

It took only a moment to reach the destination.

"That's it, go ahead."

The old man pointed in a direction.

Yunye looked in the direction.

He saw a luxurious mansion that was out of place on Meteor Street.

It was surrounded by a wall made of solid rocks.

The electric fence was wrapped around it and crackled.

"For the sake of money, don't say anything you shouldn't, even if you are her grandson."

After saying that, the old man left here as fast as if he had greased his feet.

This made Yunye even more curious about his grandmother.

Even a stranger could say such a thing, which showed that it had reached a very serious level.

"Should we go in?"

Leike looked forward with a serious look.

His keen intuition made him feel that there was an extremely powerful aura inside.

"What are you afraid of? I am here."

Yun Ye said nonchalantly.

As soon as he entered the mansion, he felt as if he was in an empty place.

""Knock, knock, knock."

After knocking on the door, Yunye waited outside calmly.


Suddenly, the door opened.

A butler walked out.

Yunye could tell at a glance that this person was from the Zoldyck family.

Because they all had the same mark.

The look in their eyes that treated everything as indifferent.

"I'm the housekeeper here, Reina."

"We are not accepting any guests here for the time being, please go back."

Lingnai said with her eyes downcast.

She didn't take the two of them seriously at all, and didn't even look at them.

"Look clearly at who I am."

The cold voice forced Lingnai to look straight ahead.

Just one glance made her lowered eyes widen instantly.

"Are you from the Zoldyck family?!"

Reina said in disbelief.

The snow-white hair is the symbol of the Zoldyck family.

The most important thing is the black eyes that exude murderous intent.

"Can I go in now?"

Yun Ye said slowly


Reina said with great difficulty.

The first rule of the butler is to put the Zoldyck family first and life second.


Yunye walked past Reina and went straight in.

Seeing this, Lai Ke was a little shocked.

He had heard of the reputation of the Zoldyck family.

No wonder Yunye was so confident at the beginning. It turned out that there was someone behind him.

"This is it."

Reina led the two to a door.

The Wu Xi they had been looking for was inside.

Yunye pushed the door open without hesitation.

A beautiful figure came into view.

A dignified face, elegant figure, luxurious clothes, and a beauty mole at the corner of her mouth.

It seemed that time had not left the slightest trace on her body.

Yunye once thought that he had come to the wrong room.

"Reina, didn't I say that no outsiders can come in?"

"Are you Yunye?"

Wu Xi was about to scold Lingnai when he saw Yunye's face.

"Yes, Grandma.

Yunye nodded and agreed.

This made Wu Xi come forward and take a closer look at his grandson.

"Well, not bad, it seems you inherited your mother's good qualities."

"If it's another child like Shiba, I'll be sad."

"By the way, how do you feel about the housekeeper I sent you? There is also a child bride as a gift."

Wu Xi said a lot happily.


Yunye forced a smile.

It seems that Wu Xi's personality is not as dignified and elegant as it seems.

Instead, she is a chatterbox.

But looking at Wu Xi's appearance, she doesn't look like a person with a bad temper.

"There's something wrong with your eyes, are you thinking bad things about me?"

Wu Xi saw Yun Ye's eyes wandering, and suddenly said

"How could that be possible?

Yunye immediately denied it and threw away the previous thought.

"What's the matter with you?"

"But I have something important to deal with now."

"So I can't help you for now."

After saying that, Wu Xi rubbed his temples with a headache.

""What is it that can give grandma such a headache?"

Yunye asked.

If Wu Xi is troubled by something, it must be a big thing.

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