Seeing this, Laike and Gra did not hesitate and followed the steps to leave Greed Island.

""Whoosh whoosh."

The wind whistled in his ears, and Yunye felt himself leaving Greed Island at a very fast speed and flying towards Yunyin Liu.

When he appeared again, it was still the same room.

At a glance, it was spotless, which showed that Liuyin had sent people to clean it every day.

"Have you completed the game?"

Liu Yin appeared in the room within a minute after returning and asked.

"I didn't pass the level. I used a prop to leave there."

Yun Ye shook his head and said.

As soon as he finished speaking, two figures appeared in the room with a bang.

They were Gra and Leke who left together.

"It seems that you are already familiar with that game."

Seeing the other two people also come back, Liu Yin's eyes showed a gleam of light.

Obviously, he also wanted to try the well-known game of Greed Island.

During the time when Yunye was away, Liu Yin had inquired about everything about Greed Island and also developed a strong interest in this game.

"It's almost there"

""Master, you can go in and try. With your strength, you can get a ticket to leave as long as you defeat the director at the port."

Yunye repeated the way to leave.

With Liuyin's strength, he didn't need to go in and pick him up in person.


Liu Yin nodded.

Since Yun Ye said so, he was no longer vague.

After inserting the memory card into the game console, a stream of light burst out from the game console and instantly enveloped Liu Yin.

The next second, he left the room and rushed towards Greed Island.

The room fell silent again.

"Let's go."

Seeing that Liuyin had disappeared, Yunye called the two to leave.

He went to the Yun Palace to find Tingyin and told him that Liuyin had left.

"What! That's abominable!"

"I want to go too."

Ting Yin said with envy and jealousy.

In his heart, he strongly condemned this irresponsible master who went to play by himself.

"We have to leave for a while."

After Tingyin's emotions stabilized a little, Yunye expressed his intention to leave.

"You guys stay safe, come find me if you need anything."

Tingyin said with a serious face.

At this moment, he looked like a real senior brother.

After all, as long as you have studied in Yunyin School, then even if you are a disciple, he naturally needs to be responsible.

"I understand."

Yun Ye kept this feeling in his heart.

After taking a last look at Yunyinliu, he turned around and left.

As he walked out, the paradise behind him disappeared from his sight, as if it had never appeared.

"Let's go."

Yunye walked forward.

The shadow behind him began to expand, and a military helicopter slowly emerged from it.

The dark exterior was full of color under the sunlight, and from a distance it looked like an eagle waiting to soar.

Sitting in the main driver's seat, as Yunye started the car, the rotor above his head began to spin violently.

Huge winds and waves swept through a jungle, swirling a vortex of leaves like a tornado.

Seeing the right moment, Leke and Gra jumped onto both sides of the helicopter and drove towards the distance.

"I hope you are safe."

On the towering tree, Ting Yin looked at the people leaving with a calm gaze, muttering to himself:


A few hours later

"This is it."

Looking into the distance, the sky arena towering into the clouds came into view.

Even though it was still far away, it was still clearly visible.

On the helicopter, Laike and Gra looked at the place where they met, and memories flashed in their eyes.

It was here that they met Yunye and were taken away by him as his younger brother.

But they never regretted it.

Before they could continue to recall, the body of the helicopter shook.

"Hold on tight."

Yunye controlled the helicopter and began to accelerate.

A dazzling black meteor slid down the sky again and fell towards the Sky Arena.

In the blink of an eye, the one-hour section was shortened instantly.

""Look, what is that?"

Suddenly, someone pointed at the dark object in the sky.

Just as they were still wondering, the figure had already arrived in front of them.

The huge wind and waves generated by the rotor forced them to cover their faces with their hands.

As the helicopter stopped, a cloud of dust rose from the ground.

Three figures of different sizes walked down from it.

"He is the youngest landlord in history."


"He is back!"

The moment he came down, someone recognized Yun Ye's identity.

Even though two years have passed, the Sky Arena still retains his epic

"That's Hunter Lecter and Death Gladiator Gra!"

"Why are they following Yunye?"

The identities of Leke and Gra were also revealed.

But they ignored it and quietly followed Yunye into the hall.

It must be said that the efficiency of the Sky Arena is still very fast.

As soon as I entered the hall, a figure hurried over. He was still dressed in a suit and leather shoes that had not changed for a hundred years.

"Xike, long time no see."

Yun Ye said with a smile.

That's right, the man in front of him was Xike, the person in charge who helped Yun Ye solve his problems when he first came to the Sky Arena.

"Yes, you are also very lively this time."

Sike wiped the sweat off his face with a handkerchief and said

"Haha, this time I want to challenge the owner of the 250th floor."

Yun Ye said the purpose of coming this time.

This time he didn't plan to drag it out any longer, and directly broke through the top floor in one fell swoop!

"Yes, but I have a suggestion."

Sike hesitated for a while and said

"What suggestions do you have? Tell me."

Yun Ye asked with some doubt.

"The Sky Arena will host a biennial fighting tournament, inviting challengers from all over the world to participate."

"If you win, you can stay at the top floor of the Sky Arena"

"251st floor!"

Xike said the next important event with a serious expression.

Fighting competition!

A battle of the strongest held by the strongest people in the world.

Live broadcast to all parts of the world, everyone will watch this game.

Even the president of the Hunter Association, Netero, will come to watch the speech in person.

Once you touch the final battlefield and win.

Then you will not only become the owner of the building, but also a living legend!

Respected by thousands of people.

Respected by the world challenger!

Become a true uncrowned king!

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