"You are also a killer, right?"

Yunye said with a smile on his face.

Yes, Hisoka's identity is very diverse. In addition to being the host, he also has the aura of a killer.

When it comes to assassination, the Joker's treacherous tactics can also make people reach the end of their lives without knowing it.


Hisso nodded slightly in acknowledgment.

There is nothing to hide about this kind of thing. As a killer, you can best sense whether the other person is from the same industry.

"You also know that the Zoldyck family will accept commissions"

"You can help me make money in the future."

Yun Ye said with a harmless face.

The capitalist blood hidden in his heart has begun to awaken.

Work? I will never work in this life.

I will directly recruit people to work for me, and the fee is only one room.

The key room is not mine, it is provided by the Sky Arena.

It can be said that you can make tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of profits without spending a penny, directly taking freeloading to the extreme


For a moment, the whole room fell silent.

Xi Suo's eyes showed a thoughtful look, as if he was trying to decide whether to���

Leike and Gra, who knew the inside story, were even more shocked. They could never have imagined that there was such a way to play.


After thinking for a while, Xi Suo finally agreed.

No one present could predict what he was planning to do by staying here.

But since Yun Ye had agreed, they did not continue to struggle and returned to their rooms to start practicing.

"I have spoken to the housekeeper. This is yours from now on."

"As a colleague, you should be able to use it too."

Yunye handed the hexagram radio to Xi Suo.

This means that the butler will contact Xi Suo in the future to ask him to complete the corresponding commission.

The money will naturally go into his own pocket.

As for Xi Suo, it is a typical case of not wanting to pay the coins, but just accompanying him.

"Is this what you use to communicate?"

Xi Suo picked up the radio with a curious look on his face.

"Okay, take a good rest and prepare for the next battle."

"This is your room, clean it yourself"


Yunye said this and turned back to his room.

Xi Suo was the only one left standing in the living room, thinking, and the smile on his face gradually faded.

After taking a last look at Yunye's room, he returned to his own place.

"Something is wrong."

Standing in front of the window, Yunye muttered to himself.

The bright moonlight fell on him, making him look mysterious and elegant.

For some reason, he always had an ominous premonition that something bad was about to happen.

"This fighting competition is definitely not easy."

Yun Ye always believed in his sixth sense.

He opened the emergency passage in the room and went outside. The wind blew his clothes.

If anyone with acrophobia looked down at his feet, his legs would immediately go weak and he would collapse to the ground.

Because Yun Ye currently lived on the 230th floor of the Sky Arena.

"Let's go check on Gra and the others first."

Looking at the lights of thousands of houses that looked like ants, Yunye gradually disappeared into the darkness.

When he reappeared, he had already arrived at the open space where they had trained last night.

The two were still practicing the moves that Yunye had taught them.

"Boss, why are you here?"

Seeing Yunye coming, Gra asked curiously

"I feel like something bad might happen next."

""Please take good care of Killua for me and don't let him get hurt."

Yunye said with a serious face.

With Killua's current strength, it would be too difficult for him to fight against the war between Nen users.

Once a real fight broke out, the power of the innocent people would be enough to cause countless casualties.

The only people Yunye trusted around him were Gra and Lec.

"I understand, Boss."

Gera said seriously.

As long as Yunye asked for something, he would fight for his life to complete it and protect

"Pay attention to your own safety."

Yun Ye nodded and warned

""Knock, knock, knock."

At the same time, there was a knock on Yunye's door.

Hisoka stood outside with an expressionless face, staring at the door.

Time passed by minute by minute, and the door that had not been opened for a long time made him reach out and try to turn the handle.


Suddenly, the door was opened unexpectedly.

Yunye looked at Xi Suo with a puzzled look, as if asking, what do you want to do?

"The moonlight is beautiful, do you want to go out and see it together?"

Xi Suo invited with a smile.

"No, thank you."

After saying that, Yunye was about to close the door, but a white hand blocked it in time.

"This fighting competition will be very exciting."

After saying that, Hisoka personally closed the door.

Hearing this, Yunye sat on the chair like a machine, staring out the window.

Until Hisoka completely returned to the room, he lost his will and returned to the darkness.

"Lord, he's gone."

In the open space, Li respectfully explained the situation to Yunye.

"Okay, you go back first."

Yun Ye nodded.

As early as when he left, he asked Li to pretend to be him and stay in the room.

This was to prevent Hisoka's sudden arrival.

The fact was just as he guessed, something really happened in the fighting competition.

"I wonder if that old man knows some information."

A laughing figure appeared in Yunye's mind.

Although he looked old and acted innocently, he was always thinking and planning in his heart.

Paris and Jin were undoubtedly talents with super high IQ, but they were still arranged by him clearly.

Netero's ability to deal with such a huge force as V5 was enough to show his strong intelligence.

It's just that he likes to solve problems with force.

"Let it be."

Yun Ye stopped guessing.

Sometimes, too many thoughts will limit yourself and lead to wrong judgments.

Instead of worrying and worrying, it is better to let it be, and things will naturally come to light.



Looking ahead, the two were still training desperately.

Seeing this scene, Yunye merged into the darkness again and returned to the room to start a new round of training.


The world changes, the sun and the moon change, and the next day comes in the blink of an eye.��

In the living room, everyone gathered together

"Let's see who the next opponent is."

Turn on the TV and check it out.

A concise and clear relationship diagram appeared in front of everyone.

Yunye's next enemy is the fighter of the Sky Arena.

Hua Shi Dou Lang! The

Nen user who fought with Hisoka in the subsequent plot but was beaten.

Looking at the others, it seems that except for him, all of them are stuntmen.

Among the five thousand people, the proportion of Nen users is very small, maybe less than five hundred.

But with such a small probability, he happened to meet him.

This is also a different kind of luck.

"Everyone, continue to practice and wait for the next battle."

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