"Kiya, why don't you listen to me and join the fighting competition?"

Illumi asked with dark pupils and expressionless face.

A silent pressure descended on Killua, and the oppressive feeling eroded his whole body.


Suddenly, a hand slapped Illumi's shoulder heavily.

""What are you doing?"

Yunye asked with a smile.

The warm light instantly dissipated the oppressive environment around him, giving Killua a chance to breathe.

Hearing this familiar voice, Illumi turned his head stiffly.

"I just care about Killua."

Yunye didn't accept this answer, but winked at Killua.

"I'm going back to my room. Bye."

Killua's quirky personality quickly understood the look and followed Yunye.

Lecque and Gra tacitly shielded Killua.

Hisoka, who was standing by, saw this scene and immediately had a thoughtful look in his eyes.

"Let's go back and have some rest."

Yunye didn't say anything else and turned to leave the venue.

After all, Illumi was his and Killua's brother, so he had to give him the proper respect.

Otherwise, it would be awkward for everyone to meet.

Everyone returned to the room, except for one person.


"Is the gear of fate turning again?"

Yun Ye knew in his heart that Hisoka went to find Illumi to renew their past relationship.

After all, only perverts can appreciate each other.

Illumi likes to control Killua, and Hisoka likes to treasure Gon.

The two of them together completely formed a power of 1+1>2, which is really shocking.

"Forget it, let's take a rest first."

Just when Yun Ye was about to take a rest, the radio suddenly sounded.

"A total of 2,500 people were eliminated in this fighting competition, and 2,500 people advanced."

"The third game will no longer be an elimination system, but a free-for-all mode"

"Every hundred people will fight, and the only winner will advance to the top 25!"

"The competition will start in three days, please be prepared."

Bobo's sweet voice made most people feel chilled and even desperate.

A big fight!

Put a hundred people in a ring to compete, and only the last person standing can advance.

This is destined to be a cruel fight, and even death will become commonplace.

So far, a total of 46 people have died in the fighting competition.

Once the big fight really starts, this number will increase exponentially!

Thinking of this, a small number of people have already planned to withdraw from the competition to protect themselves. They are very self-aware. They know that this fighting competition is full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers, and there are all kinds of people, which are not what ordinary people can look down upon.

"A big fight?"

Hearing this mode, Yunye was not panicked at all.

I only used one 'Silva', which was their limit.

If not, I would add another 'Zeno', and the father and son would join forces to directly break through the entire ring.

At the same time, Hisoka returned to his own room, with a smile on his face that had never changed.

It can be seen that the two perverts were chatting very happily, and they might even have reached a certain deal.


Hearing the big fight, Hisoka couldn't help but lick his lips.

The excitement on his face could no longer be controlled. He hadn't killed in a long time.

On the other side, Killua was constantly training in the room.

Limb bending, dark steps, snake movements, assassination, all assassination techniques were demonstrated one by one.

Although a little immature, it was enough to show how powerful Killua's talent was.

He was worthy of being the most powerful person besides Yunye.

"I must follow my brother's footsteps and reach the top."

Sweat dripped from Killua's forehead to the ground.

With the announcement on the radio, this day was destined to be a sleepless night.

Three days passed in a flash.

"Are you all ready?"

Yun Ye looked at the people in front of him.

There was no panic on their faces.

""Let's turn the world upside down!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Yunye took the lead and walked towards the venue.

The four people followed him without hesitation.

Hisoka's calmness, Laike's determination, Gra's curiosity, and Killua's seriousness.

Their aggressive appearance attracted a large number of onlookers, who speculated who they were.

Entering the venue, the original thousands of arenas had been spliced into 25 huge arenas.

It can be seen that the organizers had already prepared this plan

"Please go to your respective arenas, the competition is about to begin!"

Bobo's urging voice came from the radio.

Cameras in every corner were filming 360° without blind spots, projecting them onto screens around the world.

This bloody battle was about to begin!

All the staff outside the arena looked serious and ready to go at any time. The most nervous among them must be the medical staff.

They will be very busy in this battle.

Busy collecting corpses!

"It's really spectacular."

Seeing this scene, Yun Ye couldn't help but praise it.

It must be said that the layout of the Sky Arena is still very good.

"I hope you can all come back alive."

Yun Ye sincerely wished.

The four nodded and agreed, then disappeared from the spot and appeared on their respective stages.

They were very lucky that they were not assigned to the same stage to compete.

"It's really dangerous."

Arriving at the ring, Yunye clearly saw that many people were ready to fight, and the murderous intent in their eyes could no longer be concealed.

Some people even sharpened their knives on the spot, and the sizzling sound made people feel uncomfortable.

""Please prepare yourselves, contestants."

The referee shouted loudly from the podium.

Upon hearing this, everyone stopped what they were doing, stood up, and tensed up to pay attention to their surroundings.

For a moment, the entire venue fell into a deathly silence.

"He is indeed a pervert, still so excited at this time."

Yun Ye glanced at Xi Suo and found that the corners of his mouth were grinning at a terrifying angle, as if he would burst into laughter uncontrollably in the next second.

I am afraid that no one else would be so excited except him.

"I declare this game"

"Officially begin!"

With the referee's order, there was a commotion in the ring.

Some people were about to attack when they were slashed across the neck by the people next to them and died directly.

Some were even beaten to death before they could even see who their opponent was.

This phenomenon was common in the 25 rings and happened all the time.

Seeing this scene, the medical staff outside the ring did not dare to move at all, for fear that they would be mistaken for enemies and killed as soon as they went up.

They were not responsible for treatment at all, but for collecting the bodies!

"Do you think I'm easy to bully?"

Yunye stood in the corner of the ring and found that many people were approaching him secretly.

Without thinking too much, they must have been deceived by his handsome appearance.

"It’s time to stretch your muscles."

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