After hearing the final result, Qiya came to Yunye with a sad face.

"Don't be discouraged, it's only a matter of time before you surpass him with your talent."

Yunye said from the bottom of his heart.

This is not consolation. As one of the Hunter Gemini, Killua's talent is naturally beyond words, not to mention that he has continuous opportunities.


Killua took it as a comfort, and his mood became better.

Now, the third game is completely over.

Only Leke and Hisoka are left out of the five-man team.

The following games are wonderful, with many talented people, which opened the eyes of Yunye.

But even with Netero present, there were casualties.

A man with a gloomy face and blood on his hands looked at the challenger in front of him.

This man was the one who greeted Yunye when he went out.

"The winner is Dejie."

Netero said slowly.

After winning, Dejie elegantly took out a handkerchief to wipe the body, and kicked the body off the ring, without a trace of pity in his eyes.

It was as if the dead body was just an ant.

Although everyone present was a ruthless killer, seeing this scene, they still felt a little resistant.

"You're going too far."

Netero warned.

But Dejie just smiled disdainfully and left the ring, coming to the side of the venue to rest. He didn't take Netero seriously at all.

This scene surprised everyone present, and they began to speculate about the identity of this person. He didn't even take the famous Hunter Association President seriously.

"Something is wrong."

Yunye had some guesses in his mind.

He vaguely felt that this Dejie might be related to some major events.

With the end of Dejie's game, only three people in the entire venue had not participated, including Xi Suo and Lai Ke.

Unexpectedly, the two of them were the last to compete.

This luck is really amazing.

"Due to insufficient number of players, the last match will be played in a draw mode"

"Those who draw the red lot can advance directly without participating in the competition!"

"The two who didn't get the chance will start the final round of battle."

Netero announced the final rules.


It's also part of strength.

As the rules were announced, a beautiful woman in a bunny girl costume came to the three people with a pump.

The three looked at each other and didn't choose to take the lead.

The last challenger was named Teli, who looked like a big and honest man. His simple smile made people feel good.

"Who goes first?"

Terry looked at the other two in a dull manner.

Seeing that neither of them spoke, Teli stretched out his hand to the draw tube.

With continuous stirring, a stick was pulled out.

Looking at the end, it was pure white.

Teli was very lucky to draw the challenge stick.

"What bad luck."

Teli scratched the back of his head in distress.

"Let me take the second one."

Hisso pulled out a stick with a smile on his face.

Looking at the end, it was the same color as his own.

Bright red!

"Oh, it seems that my luck is not bad."

Xi Suo waved his hand in a very provocative way, showing off to the two of them.

Seeing this, Teli was full of envy.

As for Laike, he was very calm, because he knew his luck, and more importantly, the lot he wanted to draw just now was exactly the opposite of Xi Suo's.

Even if he made a move in advance, he would still get a white lot.

"It seems the result has come out."

Netero looked over.

Hisoka handed the red ticket to the owner with a relaxed manner, and returned to his original position to continue watching the show.

"Great, the roster for the final game is out"

""Laike vs. Teli!"

Netero officially announced the result.

The two also appeared on the big screen above.

"Luck has been triggered again?"

Yun Ye was somewhat helpless.

Since Greed Island, Lai Ke's luck has been obvious to all.

It is estimated that Allen's appearance at the beginning had something to do with the risk dice.

"Please, two contestants, come to the ring."

Netero made the final announcement.

The two of them stepped on their feet at the same time and reached the two sides of the ring.

They looked at each other and were alert to each other.



After saying that, Netero quickly left the center of the ring.

Just as the fight started, a powerful aura burst out from Terri's body, causing his clothes to flutter.

"Sorry, I have to win."

【Prisoner's Time Alone]

The next moment, a solid cage formed by air trapped Lai Ke.


Seeing this scene, Teli slowly opened his mouth.

In an instant, countless sharp weapons appeared in the cage and stabbed directly at Lai Ke.

Once stabbed, he would be cut into pieces!

【[Wall of Wind]

Just when everything was going according to plan, a wall of wind surrounded Lai Ke and blocked the fatal attack.

But after just a short while, slight cracks appeared on the wall, indicating that it could not hold out for long.

【Howling of the Wind】

Laike was not panicked at all. Countless wronged souls suddenly appeared behind him and attached to the blade, rendering it green.

Staring at the front, he slashed directly at the wind wall with one knife.


The huge force directly cut through the wind wall and the cage.

Prison escape was successful!

"Damn it."

Teli's eyes became fierce, and he gathered his energy into his fist.

He kicked his front foot hard, rushed to Leke at lightning speed, and punched him in the face.

Leke reacted quickly and held the long knife in front of him.


This powerful blow forced Laker to move back several steps.

But the next punch followed, and the punches fell on Laker's blade like raindrops.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Both sides fought back and forth, neither of them gave in.

The people in the audience couldn't help but admire the two men.���Strong.

The strong are worthy of respect.

"Isn't it better to wait for death here?"

Teli took a big step back impatiently, and his mind power bloomed again

【The warden's punishment]

In an instant, the decorations on Teli's body began to change, and he transformed into the appearance of the warden.

He wore a hat, a uniform, leather shoes, and held a spear.

His strength was further enhanced.

No one present thought that this ordinary and honest man would be the real dark horse.

""Let's end it!"

Teli made a throwing gesture, mobilized all his strength and threw the spear at Lecque.

It was as powerful as throwing a javelin.

The spear pierced through the air and rushed forward with overwhelming force.

"It's you who should end it."

Leike sheathed the breeze in front of him.

A strong wind instantly brewed in it.

Just when the spear was about to stab, he swung the long knife at a speed that ordinary people could not understand.


In an instant, a blade of wind rushed out.


The two forces collided with each other, and the huge force directly destroyed the ring again.

The dust raised spread directly to the entire venue.


Yunye smiled slightly, and he already had the answer in his mind.

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