His dark pupils swept across everyone present, and finally fixed on Jed, who looked indifferent.

In an instant, he came in front of Jed, looked into his eyes and asked

"Is that you?"

Before Jed could answer, Yunye took the lead and said

"Whether it is you or not, you will die today."

After confirming, Yunye's aura burst into the sky like a giant pillar.

Gradually, it formed a vast purple-gold dragon, hovering in the air, with majestic pupils staring down.

The aura on the body was like a ferocious beast that oppressed everything, all poured into Jade.

In an instant, Jade deeply felt the feeling between life and death.

"Pay the price for your actions."

As soon as the words fell, the purple-gold dragon towering in the sky opened its bloody mouth.

In an instant, a pitch-black ball of light condensed in its mouth, growing endlessly. The energy in it was enough to make people despair.

"How could I stop here!"

Jed still believed in his own strength, and mobilized the Rakshasa behind him to rush forward.

The manic resentment wrapped around the claws to form the final blow, trying to kill Yunye completely.

But as Yunye snapped his fingers, the huge ball of light in the mouth of the Purple Gold Dragon suddenly turned into a beam of light that destroyed everything, and shot directly at the Rakshasa who wanted to attack.

The beam penetrated the space and fell on the body of the Rakshasa.

The huge power made the close distance seem as far as a natural chasm.

The powerful Rakshasa who had fought Netero was annihilated in an instant, and even the amazing resentment that he had gathered was dispersed by this terrifying force.

"How is it possible!"

Jed was shocked and looked at this scene in disbelief.

But there was no time to think about it. The black beam did not stop after killing the Rakshasa, and continued to shoot forward.

The power did not weaken at all, and even became more powerful after swallowing the Rakshasa.

"I can't die here"

"I will also let the whole world feel the power of resentment!"

Jed used the last bit of his strength to form a barrier for himself, trying to block this force that could destroy everything.


The dark beam passed through Jed, without stopping for even a millisecond, and continued to shoot forward.

Jed's figure had long since disappeared from the world.

The fortress built up by the pile of resentment could not even resist for a moment.

Everything around became silent, and the dark beam finally disappeared into the sky, and no one knew where it went.

According to preliminary estimates, it would take about three days for it to dissipate on its own.

""It's over."

Yunye whispered.

At this moment, the power in his body was already empty.

The previous attack almost drained all his strength. Now even an ordinary Nen user would probably be able to kill him here.

"It was right to let him do it, it was so exciting, so exciting!"

Sike looked at Yunye's back, his body shaking with excitement.

He bet that this was the most shocking battle he had ever seen in his life.

Even the previous battle organized by Netero was not as exciting as this one.

This shot will definitely set off an unprecedented wave of enthusiasm.

"Turn off the camera and leave."

Yun Ye turned his head and looked at Xike. He didn't hide it just now because he wanted to let some people with ulterior motives know that it is best not to mess with people who should not be messed with.


Sik decisively turned off the camera and organized others to leave quickly.

He did not seem to be ready to bargain.

With orderly command, the sound of the helicopter quickly disappeared in the sky.

At this time, a ray of dawn light quietly emerged from the other side of the sky and landed on the rooftop.


Yunye looked at Gela who was still standing there.

The wind was howling, and the last piece of his clothes was blown away and scattered in the air.

"Welcome a brand new future."

Yun Ye took a step forward and mobilized the Qi that he had prepared in advance.

His hands released pure white light and touched Gra's already shattered body.

A sacred six-winged angel appeared behind him, with a compassionate smile on his face.

He seemed to feel sad for the silent person in front of him.

As the treatment continued, countless white feathers fell from the sky and scattered on Gra's body.

In an instant, a dazzling white light instantly filled Gra's body, even more dazzling than the dawn.

"What is this..."

Netero stared at the scene in front of him with wide eyes.

He had lived for so long and seen countless wonders, but he had never seen such a mysterious and miraculous scene.

An unimaginable guess appeared in his mind.

"It's so bright, am I not dead?"

"What a pity! I haven't met my mother yet to tell her that I am doing well."

"I don't know if she will be sad if I die."

"Did the boss help me get revenge?"

"What is this? Such a familiar angel. Have I seen it somewhere before?"

Gela's consciousness was gradually pulled back into his body.

His broken body gradually reunited under treatment, and countless cracks began to heal.

The breath of life was also constantly returning, replenishing the dry body.

But with the continuous treatment, Yunye's hair and skin became whiter, from the initial snow-white to pure white.

Even though there is not much difference between the two, it indicates that angel healing is not without cost.

Especially in exchange for death, snatching people from the hands of the King of Hell, it costs more or less.

Fortunately, everything was not in vain, and Gra's eyes blossomed with a glimmer of spirit.


The familiar voice sounded again, and Yunye smiled gently.

The morning light shone on his sickly white skin, making him look extremely gorgeous.

"Welcome home."

This sentence made Gra laugh happily.

"Miracle, this is simply a miracle!"

Netero saw that his guess had come true, and his originally calm face suddenly turned horrified.

"Brother, are you okay?"

Kiya carefully stroked Yunye's hand.

"It's okay, just some minor problems."

Yunye calmed Killua down.

Killua felt deeply guilty. If it weren't for him, Gra wouldn't have been injured to this extent.

If it weren't for him, Yunye wouldn't have become what he is now.

"Well, when you become stronger in the future, brother may still need you to protect me."

Yunye saw through Killua's little thoughts and comforted him again


Killua nodded vigorously, and the desire to become stronger in his heart became deeper.

On the other side, Yunye came to the black-robed man after seeing Netero was still imprisoned.

Her resentment ability was specially made to deal with Netero.

With her own life as the cornerstone, the imprisoned target is Netero's single choice.

Just like the oath that Kurapika made to deal with the Phantom Troupe.

So once the imprisonment is forcibly released, it may directly cause Netero to be seriously injured, or even close to death.

"Your persistence is obvious to all, but your companions are all dead."

"I know that what you did was not your original intention, and it is not your fault."

Yunye squatted down and said softly.

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