Yunye stroked Alluka's black hair and said in a gentle tone

"Brother, why did you leave so suddenly?"

Alluka looked up and asked in confusion.

When Alluka was still a baby, Yunye left the Zoldyck family to go out for training.

So when Yunye came back, he had already learned to walk and talk.

But the scene when the two met for the first time and Yunye firmly chose him has been deeply engraved in Alluka's memory and can never be erased.

"Because my brother is still too weak, if I want to help you, I need to go out and gain experience to become stronger."

Yun Ye explained.

Facts have proved that his original choice was correct. He has experienced all the ups and downs along the way, not only has he transformed in strength, but he has also reached another level in his mind.

These are things that cannot be obtained in the Zoldyck family. It is obviously not advisable to isolate the country.

For Yun Ye, the Zoldyck family is just a novice village.


Just as Alluka was about to say something, his pupils suddenly became dark and empty.

"Naniga, long time no see.

Yunye's expression did not change at all, and he replied gently.


Seeing that Yunye had not forgotten him, Naniga laughed out loud.

In the quiet room, it seemed a little weird and scary.

""Okay, it's time to eat."

Yunye called Nanica out.

When they came to the kitchen, Leizi had already prepared a table of carefully prepared meals, each of which was filled with fragrance.

""Leizi, your cooking skills have improved again."

Yunye took a bite and raised his eyebrows to praise.

Compared with ordinary chefs, the food made by Leizi has reached a superb level.

Unexpectedly, she is also a good hand in this area.

"Eat more if you like it."

Leizi happily kept putting vegetables into Yunye's bowl.

Soon, the rice was covered and gradually piled up into a small mountain.

In order not to waste Leizi's kindness, Yunye drank three bowls with tears.

Finally, he lay on the bed with a full stomach and looked around.

The room was the same as when he left, without any change, still as clean as new, without any signs of erosion by the years.

It can be seen that Leizi still performed the duties of a housekeeper even when he was away.

"Dark Continent?"

Yun Ye gradually recalled Maha's words.

According to him, Jager is currently exploring somewhere in the Dark Continent.

One of the reasons for summoning Naniga is probably that he encountered an unsolvable change and needed to fight rules with rules!

If this is true, then Naniga was not just brought here 'accidentally', but was deliberately kept here and waited for the critical moment to start.

But the creatures in the Dark Continent are extremely dangerous, and almost every one of them has super-strong rule-based attacks.

With Jager's ability to explore the Dark Continent, he was trapped there, and I'm afraid he encountered extremely difficult rule-level creatures.

"We are brothers. If we are in danger, how can we just sit there and do nothing?"

Yunye thought of the worst outcome.

That is, Naniga would die in the confrontation, or die together with the other party!

No matter which option it is, Yunye will not choose to agree.

Not for anything else, just because he was the one who took Alluka in.

He must be responsible for the choice he made!

""Knock, knock, knock."

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

He pushed open the door and Alluka's cute little head came in from outside.

After seeing Yunye looking at him with a smile, he quickly shrank back.

"What's wrong?"

Yunye asked in confusion.

At this time, Alluka finally came in and said shyly

"Brother, I want to sleep with you."

Hearing this, Yunye smiled helplessly, then nodded.

Alluka laughed happily instantly, threw the pillow he had prepared on the bed, and jumped on it. The soft big bed embedded his body deeply, and then bounced back.

The cute appearance made Yunye chuckle.

""Okay, it's time to rest."

Yunye straightened him out and turned off the light.

The whole room immediately became dark.

Alluka seemed a little scared and tightly grasped Yunye's arm.

"It's okay."

The soothing tone made him relax immediately.

As if he felt a strong sense of security, sleepiness instantly swept over his body, and Alluka fell into a deep sleep.

The moonlight outside sprinkled on the ground, as if it was daytime.

Slowly, Yunye closed his eyes.


"It's time to get up."

Early in the morning, a gentle voice came from outside the door.

Yunye looked to the side, and Alluka was already looking at him with bright black eyes.

He opened the door and saw that Ji Qiu had come here at some point.

"Good morning, mother.

Yunye said with a smile.

"Xiaoyun, good morning to you too."

""Alluka, how old are you? Why are you still clinging to your brother when you sleep?"

Ji Qiu saw Alluka following closely behind and teased with a smile.

This made Alluka's little face a little confused.

"I just like my brother."

The innocent voice made Ji Qiu call it cute.

Seeing this scene of loving mother and filial son, Yunye came to the restaurant silently.

Looking around, Killua, Lecco, and Gra had already started eating at their seats.

"Good morning, Boss. This meal is so delicious. Come and have some."

Gela urged as he stuffed the food into his mouth.

Lecter beside him ate the bacon and nodded in agreement.

"Eat as much as you want."

Yun Ye sat down and started to eat up everything.

After a while, only clean and smooth plates were left on the table.

No one could imagine that there had been food on these plates.

"After we have eaten and drunk enough, we should set off."

Yun Ye said slowly.

Hearing this, Alluka turned his head and looked over in confusion.

"Brother, where are you going?"

The innocent voice immediately made the whole restaurant quiet, waiting for Yunye to speak.

"We are going to play at Killua's friend's house, does Alluka want to go?"

Yunye asked softly.

"Yes, I am willing to go wherever my brother is!"

Alluka jumped on the bench and raised his hand quickly.

This positive look made everyone present smile.

"now that..."

""Wait, I want to go too!"

Suddenly, a voice interrupted the conversation.

Turning around, Lei Zi, who was wearing a housekeeper's uniform, said with a firm face.

"As the young master's housekeeper, I must ensure that I am always available."

Leizi's reasons were very sufficient.

Hearing this, Yunye did not rush to refuse.

After thinking for a long time, he finally made a decision.

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