The eyes of the three high-level monsters charging towards Lin Xiao were full of disdain.

Do the three of them need to deal with a mere human in the Lunhai state! ?

Just come to one of them and you can easily get rid of this human kid.

The adults are really cautious.

Although they had seen this human being dealt with two similar monsters at the Revolving Alchemy Realm before, they still didn't feel that Lin Xiao was so powerful.

"Human beings, are you honored to die at our hands?" One of the high-ranking monsters spoke.

Speaking human words is not difficult for high-level monsters.

"Why so much nonsense, I'll go and deal with him directly." Another high-ranking monster rushed over directly.


next moment.

Suddenly, a strange aura emanated from this human being.

This made the three high-level monsters freeze in an instant.

Their eyes were wide open, staring at Lin Xiao blankly, as if they saw something incredible.

"Respect, Your Majesty!!!"

"Why does a human being have the aura of His Majesty?"

"That's right, this is definitely His Majesty's breath."

Not only the three high-level monsters were stunned, but even the other monsters around looked at him with extremely terrified eyes.

Seeing the reactions of the surrounding monsters, Lin Xiao took back a magic amulet in his hand and put it back into the ring.

The effect is really good.

After the monster egg was absorbed in the auction, the powerful energy inside the egg increased the artistic conception of the wild by more than 20%, reaching the current 40%.

Moreover, after using the artistic conception of desolation, not only can all aspects of the body's quality be raised to the limit, but it can also exude a strange aura.

It wasn't until he met the black mist monster that Lin Xiao realized that it must be the aura of the Supreme Being.

He has tested, and this breath has no effect on humans.

But now judging from the reaction of the three high-level monsters and other monsters around them, this aura is very, very affecting the monsters.


Then he's welcome.

Taking advantage of these three monsters fell into a state of trance.

Lin Xiao's eyes flashed fiercely.

Start with the Spirit Sword.

A sharp and suffocating sword light pierced through the world.

Directly pierced towards a relatively weak high-level monster.

While you are sick, I will kill you.

The high-level monster instinctively shifted a position, trying to avoid the blow.

But Lin Xiao predicted its prediction.


There was a scream.

The terrifying sword intent and sword energy instantly split this high-level monster into two, even the beast belt pill.

The dead can no longer die.

"Damn it! What the hell is this?

What's the matter! "The other two high-ranking monsters glared at Lin Xiao and roared, before retreating hundreds of meters away.

Lin Xiao took the opportunity to absorb the life essence and blood power of this high-level monster.

Seeing this, the monsters nearby not only did not attack Lin Xiao, but gave him an open space instead.

This weird scene directly aroused everyone's shock.

Everyone on the city wall was dumbfounded.

what happened? ?

Why didn't the three high-level monsters attack this Lunhai Realm boy?

And how did the young man's sword just kill a monster with full strength in the Revolving Alchemy Realm?

This makes no sense at all.

These people were miles apart, and they didn't feel the mood swing of that Setsuna at all.

Only the elite team that is close to Lin Xiao.

Everyone showed a look of astonishment on their faces.

Even the four half-step Cauldron Transformation powerhouses all looked in Lin Xiao's direction in bewilderment.

Sixty percent of the sword intent? ?

Fuck! !

Didn't even reach the Revolving Alchemy Realm, yet comprehended 60% of the Sword Intent?

Is that human being?

Where did this evil sword cultivator come from! ?

Also, what happened to the monsters next to this young man, the ordinary monsters are fine, why even the high-level monsters look like they have become mentally handicapped?

Can't understand!

If the sword intent is 60%, they can barely understand it.

Then they really can't understand this high-level monster that has become mentally handicapped.

At this moment.

Lin Xiao has also absorbed it completely, and the breath on his body is even stronger.

After killing all the surrounding monsters with a sweep of the long sword, he rushed towards the two high-level monsters.

"You, don't come here!!!"

The two high-level monsters roared angrily, turned around and ran away.

They clearly knew that the humans in front of them deserved to die, but when they wanted to attack, their bodies didn't listen.

This feeling is too uncomfortable.

From birth to now, they met for the first time.

This strange situation of chasing and catching up once again made everyone confused.

They have never seen a monk at the fifth level of the Lunhai Realm chasing two monsters who have completed the Revolving Alchemy Realm. Biqu library

This is beyond their comprehension.

While chasing, Lin Xiao harvested the monsters around him.

This made his artistic conception of desolation not only sustain indefinitely, but also become stronger and stronger.

The breath of the statue is getting stronger and stronger.

"Stop it, what are you doing!! Why don't you kill that human!!"

A half-step cauldron monster in the middle of the beast tide roared and questioned angrily.

"Great, my lord, this human being has the aura of His Majesty. When I attack the opponent, my body will feel

Involuntarily stopped. "A high-level monster being chased said bitterly.

"What?? His Majesty's breath? Your head was squeezed by a tree!" The half-step cauldron-turning monster didn't believe such a thing at all.

What is the identity of the lord, how could he be involved with a human being.

It must be some despicable means used by this human being.

Thinking of this, the half-step Cauldron Transformation monster greeted its companion next to it, then spread out and charged towards Lin Xiao who was in the distance.

He wants to deal with this damn human being himself.

After two breaths.

The two high-level monsters that were chased turned into three.

But soon it became two ends again.

Because a high-level monster was accidentally found by Lin Xiao, and it grabbed its tail instantly, and then... there was no more.

Lin Xiao burst out with a force of ten thousand catties in both arms, directly swung the high-level monster and smashed it to the ground. Biqu library

One time, two times, three times...

Lin Xiao didn't stop until the flesh and blood of this high-level monster was shattered and the demon core was shattered.

crazy! !

Really crazy! !

Who is the monster!

The half-step Cauldron Transformation Monster Beast who came to help felt deeply that the life of the beast was hopeless.

It's really the same as what the compatriot said just now.

This human being exudes a strong aura of being superior, as long as he attacks him, his body will instinctively stop.

No matter how many times you try, you just can't attack.

hateful! Damn it!

Just like that, the momentum of the beast tide gradually and completely stopped.

Lin Xiao moved wantonly among the beast hordes by himself, and wherever he went, there was blood and blood.

Ordinary monsters were too frightened to move and let them be slaughtered.

The high-level monsters were chased and fled in all directions, and if they were not careful, they would be killed on the spot.

The entire animal horde became his own amusement park.

However, this weird human being not only does not rest, but becomes stronger as he fights.

Finally, under the joint efforts of Lin Xiao and the human half-step cauldron transformation powerhouse, he killed two half-step cauldron transformation monsters.

The remaining half-step cauldron-turning monsters raised their heads to the sky and roared unwillingly.

The signal to retreat was sent.

The entire beast tide began to recede.

Regardless of ordinary monsters or other high-level monsters, they are all relieved at this moment.

Finally, you can go home.


When humans cheer and elite squads get excited.

The mysterious young man who almost retreated from the beast tide with his own strength, chased after the beast tide as if his eyes were red-eyed.

Elite Team: "???"

People on the city wall: "???"

Ordinary monster: "???"

High-level monster: "What the hell are you, you are the sixth child!!"

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