Leng Qingxue had little stars in her delicious eyes at this time.

The ice cream that Xiao Yu brought her was so delicious.

This ice cream has a creamy texture, a sweet taste, and is not greasy at all.

Some ice cream creams are too much and a little greasy.

Leng Qingxue is also an expert in eating ice cream.

She has a good family and has eaten any kind of ice cream.

But the ice cream that Lin Yu brought her, she really ate for the first time.

It tastes delicious and doesn't look like human food.

After Leng Qingxue ate the first bite, she couldn't help but eat the second bite.

She took a small spoon and "clicked" it was a dry meal.

"Ahhh! Ahhh! "

That speed, Lin Yu was dumbfounded.


Σ(ŎдŎ|||) How is ice

cream eaten like this?

Shouldn't you eat slowly bite by bite?

This sister is really fierce............

Well, it seems that this delicious ice cream is indeed delicious.

Giving Xuexue her a taste of it first is the right choice.

(。 >∀<。

Because if the taste is average, it is Xue Xue who tastes it first, and then tells him.

He stretched out his big hand and rubbed Leng Qingxue's little head.

"Eat slowly, my sister."

"It's ice, you can't eat it so fast."

"It's not good for the stomach."

Leng Qingxue's beautiful eyes narrowed, and she felt very comfortable when she was touched by Lin Yu.

"It's okay Xiao Yu."

"I'm an old ice cream gourmet."

"At this level, it's not ice at all."

“(。 >∀<。 Still

, she slowed down her ice cream.

Although the ice cream is delicious, I want to finish it in one go.

But she still listened to Lin Yu very much.

The boyfriend's face must be given.

She asked as she ate.

"Xiao Yu, the ice cream you brought is so delicious."

"Where did you buy it?" How come I've never seen it before?

Lin Yu's expression showed a mysterious smile.

I've never seen it.

This is the ice cream produced by the system.

Not available in the market.

"Well, it's a secret."

"It took me a lot of effort to get it."

Lin Yu looked like he was very hard.

In fact, there is no such thing at all, you can buy it directly in the system.

But for the average person, it is impossible to buy it.


"Xiao Yu! You are so nice!

Leng Qingxue felt that what Lin Yu said should be true, because this ice cream was something she had never bought.

As a little rich woman, she once bought tens of thousands of pieces of ice cream a box, and the taste was not as good as what Lin Yu brought.

Leng Qingxue said, leaned over her little face, and suddenly kissed Lin Yu's face.


Lin Yu was instantly stunned.

A little bit of cream on Leng Qingxue's little mouth was all brought to his face!

This sister, eat it, how can you return your relatives?

Leng Qingxue kissed Lin Yu and continued to take the small spoon to dry the ice cream.

He also picked up a small spoon from time to time and fed Lin Yu a mouthful.

"Xiao Yu, come, open your mouth."


Lin Yu opened his mouth under the gaze of the people in the classroom.

Well, it's delicious.

It is worthy of the ice cream produced by the system.

Even people like Lin Yu, who are not cold to ice cream, have the desire to eat.

When everyone in the classroom saw this scene, both boys and girls were heartbroken.

Lin Yu and Leng Qingxue are now the focus of the classroom, and naturally many people look at them.

This look shows this scene of spreading dog food.

"Special! Cold dog food on the face patted indiscriminately!

"Sour! I'm so sour! Gradually

, the eyes of some girls stared at the ice cream in Leng Qingxue's hand.

I look like I want to eat.

Because they smell a particularly sweet smell.

It stands to reason that the smell of ice things is difficult to give off.

And the ice cream in Leng Qingxue's hand looks particularly delicate.

Leng Qingxue noticed the girls' gazes, and she suddenly showed a fierce expression.

(◦'~ ́◦)"What

are you doing!

This is the ice cream that Xiao Yu gave me!

She picked up the box and dried the rest of the ice cream in one gulp.

( ̄~ ̄) Humph!

Everyone: "......" Lin

Yu: "............."

It's a wolf!

The old professor came over with the textbook, and the second class began.


"Jingle bells! Jingle bells! "

The bell rings.

Students walked out of the classroom.

Leng Qingxue held Lin Yu's arm.

Lin Yu was used to this.

"Xiao Yu'er, your ice cream is delicious."

"I want another box."

She looked at Lin Yu with big blinking eyes.

Lin Yu glanced at Leng Qingxue.

Of course, it's okay if he wants to eat, he can redeem a box at the system store at any time.

But you can't eat two boxes in a row, right?

So ice stuff.

He pinched Leng Qingxue's little face.

"I still want to eat it."

"You can only eat one box a day."

He was serious about Leng Qingxue's health.


Leng Qingxue nodded, she knew that Lin Yu was for her good, and her heart was still a little warm.

The two went to the cafeteria together for lunch.

After eating lunch, Lin Yu and Leng Qingxue separated.

Lin Yu returned to the dormitory.

The three LSP roommates have also returned.

He picked up the happy water on his table and took a sip.


Wang Jun came over from the side.

"Yuzi, you kid is developed."

"It's different from Leng Xiaohua."

"Now I drink every day without blinking."

"Big family!"

Wang Jun found that Lin Yu bought a new bottle of Fat House Happy Water every day this week.

It's a big household.

Even he doesn't buy happy water every day.

The corners of Lin Yu's mouth rose slightly.

Stupid mortal, you think I buy happy water every day.

In fact, it has always been this bottle, and there has not been a single change.

The endless happy water is so arrogant.

He said lightly: "Well, Junzi.

"You're right."

"I'm developed."

"Actually, Xuexue is a rich woman."

"I blanch!"

Suddenly, the three people in the dormitory felt huge acid in their hearts.

Leng Qingxue is so beautiful or a rich woman, Lin Yu is numb!

There were no classes in the afternoon, and the dormitory was peaceful.

Lin Yu went straight to bed.

Suddenly, Wang Jun barked as a pig.

"Feather! Something big happened!

Lin Yu was awakened.

"What's the matter, what's the matter."

"Can you be as steady as I am (¬_¬)" "

Something happened to Yuzi!"

"You and Leng Qingxue were hung up on the campus forum!"

Lin Yu was stunned, "What?"

Wang Jun handed the phone to Lin Yu to see.

A post title on your phone.

"Shock! A blatant show of affection, is this ..............? The

cover picture is the picture of Leng Qingxue feeding Lin Yu Xiaolongbao in the canteen.

This post has been topped the top of the hot list and is in the most prominent position.

Lin Yujian's eyebrows frowned slightly, and he with keen thinking skills, he thought of it in an instant.

This post is afraid that someone is behind the manipulation.

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