Leng Jie was instantly stunned when he heard what his baby daughter said.

Snow brought her object! Her object is still Lin Yu!

The 'Lin Yu' that Leng Jie himself saw was not alone at all.

The expression on his face changed many times in an instant, from confused to shocked to puzzled.

Five flavors are written all over the face.

How can it be!

No way!

No way!

How could this handsome guy be Lin Yu?

He obviously saw the legendary 'Lin Yu' at the gate of the university that day, which was obviously an average-looking young man.

There was a little fat man next to him.

How did you turn around, this handsome young man became Lin Yu?

Is there still the same name and surname?

It's not impossible to think about it this way!

The world is so big, it's normal to have two people with the same name and surname, right?

Thinking of this, Leng Jie was relieved in his heart.

He already firmly believed in the existence of two Lin Yu.

On the contrary, the handsome guy in front of him is not Lin Yu in his wife's mouth!

Leng Jie carefully looked at the man holding Xuexue's little hand and confirmed that he was the handsome guy he saw that day.

After all, this is a little more handsome than his face that is hard to forget.

He is also middle-aged, and his expression management is naturally in place.

In an instant, he returned to his calm expression and smiled.

"Hey, really, Xuexue."

"You found another partner and didn't tell your dad."

"Did you break up with the previous Lin Yu and find a handsome young man?"

When Leng Qingxue heard this, many small question marks instantly appeared in her little head.

And the expression is both doubtful and angry.

She broke up with the previous Lin Yu?

What the hell!?

She found an object from beginning to end, that is, Xiao Yu alone.

Where did the previous Lin Yu come from?

Dad can really talk nonsense, but don't let Xiao Yu misunderstand.

"Dad! What are you talking about!

"(◦'~ ́◦)"

"This is the first time I've talked to!"

"Where did you break up with the previous one."

"I have always only had Lin Yu as one object, and if there is any breakup, Xiao Yu is the only Xiao Yu!"

Xiao Yu looks so handsome, isn't that unique.

Lin Yu was also confused at this time.

This father-in-law is a little strange, where did he meet Lin Yu.

Where did the previous Lin Yu come from, and if there was a previous Lin Yu, then what did he do?

Could it be that he has a doppelganger?

Lin Yu knew that there was only one Lin Yu in the entire university, and there was no one with the same name and surname.

No one will impersonate him, right! ?

Which kid the hell is impersonating him! Don't let him get caught!


At this time, Zhao Tian was eating with his partner.

Suddenly, he sneezed.

Zhao Tian was a little puzzled, as if someone was saying bad things about him?

Forget it, don't care, eat with the object and think of something else.

Still not a person anymore!

When Leng Jie heard Xuexue's words, he instantly became confused.


What a thing! ?

Only one Lin Yu?

Who was he to see Lin Yu that day?

But Xuexue can't tell lies, Leng Jie trusts his precious daughter very much.

So it seems


This handsome young man who helped him a lot is the Lin Yu that the legendary wife and daughter like! ?

yes, that's all right.

His wife said that Lin Yu's kid was super handsome, more handsome than him Leng Jie.

But the 'Lin Yu' he saw in college that day was just an average look.

And this handsome young man in front of him, Leng Jie had to admit that he was very handsome.

So................ This handsome young man who helped him is the one who cheated his precious daughter out of Lin Yu! ?


Nope——! ——!

After Leng Jie figured out the truth of the matter, everyone was stupid.

His expression now is very complicated, on the one hand, it is the handsome young man who helped him a lot, and on the other hand, Lin Yu, who cheated his daughter!

As a result, now the two are the same person.

That's the whole thing!

Originally, Leng Jie was still ready to wait to see Lin Yu again, secretly embarrassing him and giving him small shoes to wear.

Now that Lin Yu has helped him again, he hasn't paid back the favor, so he wants to make it difficult for his son-in-law?


The situation at this time is awkward, the air is quiet.

Leng Jie looked at his baby daughter and son-in-law with a complicated face.

He was just about to invite the handsome guy into the door, when this happened.

Neither in nor in nor in or without entering, there is a dilemma.

Leng Qingxue, on the other hand, looked at Xiao Yu and her father suspiciously, she was thinking about how these two met.

Why did Dad come back early, and say such strange things as breaking up with the previous Lin Yu.

And Lin Yu's keen thinking has analyzed the whole thing almost as well.

This father-in-law is afraid that at some point, he met the person who appeared out of him.

Took that person for Lin Yu.

At this time, a beautiful woman came over.

"Xiao Yu, Xuexue, why are you stunned."

"Come in, what are you doing standing outside."

"Husband, you too, snubbed my good son-in-law, you have to suffer."

Zhou Fang glared at Leng Jie, then showed a gentle smile, and then led Lin Yu and Leng Qingxue into the villa.

At the same time, she glanced at the expression on Leng Jie's face again.

It's good that she doesn't look at it, and she almost couldn't hold back her laughter.

That expression is really better to cry than to laugh.



Zhou Fang saw her husband's expression and felt that her plans in the past few days were worth it.

She worked hard to finally let Xuexue and Xiao Yu come to the house without Leng Jie's knowledge.

The effect exploded.

It's so much fun!

(。 >∀<。

Leng Jie was stunned in place.

His wife actually pulled Lin Yu directly into the house!


It seems that she is very optimistic about this son-in-law!

It seems that his Leng Jie's family status may have been impacted............

Lin Yu and Leng Qingxue were pulled into the villa by Zhou Fang in a daze.

Lin Yu instantly saw the situation clearly.

This family is still the mother-in-law's final say.

As for the father-in-law, he is a man with a younger brother.

With his mother-in-law taking care of it, he doesn't have to be afraid at all!

Be sure to hug your thighs!

Zhou Fang pulled her son-in-law and daughter to the restaurant.

Leng Jie followed behind.

Lin Yu who cheated my daughter! (งǒ皿ǒ)ง⁼³₌₃ helped me a lot again!

It's very tangled!

His heart was deciding, whether to pick a thorn or not.

Pick it, people have helped him get a list of hundreds of millions, don't pick it, his little cotton jacket was tricked away, it will be very uncomfortable.

After thinking about it, Leng Jie made a decision.

Pick a prick, but not exactly a thorn.

It's hard to stop after a click or two.

On Lin Yu's side, he was dragged to the restaurant by his mother-in-law, and then he saw the colorful black dishes on the table.

He was instantly stunned.

“Σ(ŎдŎ|||) ノノ""

Lying groove!"

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