My Crown Prince Consort Is a Firecracker

Chapter 3177: 4.777 Can't she come back?

Chapter 3177 4.777 Can she not come back?

"So in order to sell his personal love, he exceptionally allowed his children and grandchildren to enter the mystery every ten years to find a chance of their own."

"But those of them are really greedy!" Said the little monkey, dissatisfied. "They are not as good as the next generation, and they use some bad thoughts again and again."

"Especially in the past thirty years, the bad guys in these temples have entered the secret realm, and every time they become greedy and shameless, they become more and more hateful."

"This time, the people in the temple didn't know what secret method they used, and actually let a group of people break into the teleportation matrix for no reason. They transported more people in, definitely for the treasure left by my sister!"

The little monkey sneered and said, "They should all be damned here. Stubborn for their own greed!"

This mystery can't last long.

Once every ten years, these people searched for the artifacts inside them. As time passed, the spiritual tools and spiritual power became thinner.

Going on like this is simply not enough to support the continued operation of this entire mystery.

And she wants to stay here and keep waiting for her sister!

The elder sister will come back, and the little monkey firmly believes this.

Therefore, these **** people cannot be destroyed.

Little monkeys want to protect the sun and the moon, protect their sister! No matter how many of these bad guys come, they have to let them die here.

"Have you thought about it, maybe your elder sister can't come back anymore." Qiao Mu thought about it a little, and understood the thoughts of the little monkey.

She whispered so softly that it immediately stimulated the little monkey.

She jumped from arbor's legs and shook her head again and again, "Impossible!"

"Sister will definitely come back! She will definitely come back." Although I don't know why the sister suddenly disappeared into this secret place, the little monkey always firmly believes that the sister will not leave her alone.

Qiao Mu raised her hand and touched her head. "A lot of times, we will encounter some irreversible factors. Maybe it is not that she does not want to return, but that she cannot return at all?"

Just like her master and uncle, stared at Tiandao, neither life nor death came. Isn't this an irreversible force ...

The little monkey's head pulled down, and said a little pitifully, "Miss, can you find my sister?"

Joe was suddenly in trouble.

She didn't even know anything about the little monkey's elder sister, which would make her find someone.

The little monkey was a clever child and immediately came to her and said quickly, "Miss, then you clear the customs! After you clear the customs, you can see what my sister looks like."

Morin looked at the moon and looked at each other, always feeling a little ridiculous.

This several hundred-year-old little monster called them Miss Sister Qiao Qiao, you know that your sister is only sixteen this year ...

She was talking, her eyes suddenly changed, and there was a hint of coldness in her eyes, "The flies are here again."

Qiao Mu froze, and it was Xuan Xuan who thought of it.

She hurriedly said, "Don't rush to kill people, many of them are my friends. Where have you got them all now?"

The little monkey pouted, "I threw them around the maze, Miss, would you like to see them? I can take you there."

"You took me over, wouldn't the clearance in front of me be wasted?"

The little monkey poked his mouth again. "You can rest assured that you won't let it go."

(End of this chapter)

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