My Crown Prince Consort Is a Firecracker

Chapter 3179: 4.779 Blatant cheating

Chapter 3179 4.779 Open Cheating

"Qiaoqiao!" Qi Xuanxuan's throat caught the attention of others.

At the same time locked in the forest array by that checkpoint, there was also the queen Fusha of the Dafeng tribe and his party, Situ Yiliang Qingqing, and they were there late at night.

In addition, Mrs. Guo'an and the two Pangu people also followed.

In addition to these acquaintances, there are many faces that are strange to arbor, which should be part of those who are forcibly sent into the teleportation array.

"Qiao Qiao." The group of little fat men hurried over. They really looked like brothers they hadn't seen for hundreds of years, and hurry up and surrounded Master Qiao Qiao.

Everyone spit out the words, "Qiaoqiao, where did you go?"

"Oh my god, you don't know, how unlucky we are."

"In a blink of an eye, you and Prince Mo both disappeared. What a pity!"

"I haven't lived well in half a minute since I left you!"

"Either being pursued or killed, or being locked up in an old forest of vines and woods, fighting a bunch of tree-vine monsters, exhausting!"

Master Qiaoqiao listened to them grinning blankly.

Qi Xuanxuan couldn't help looking at her up and down, exclaiming, "Jojo, you're back!"

"How are you doing now?"

Master Qiao Qiao said desperately, "All the way is very smooth."

Everyone: ...

Don't look at Qiao Qiao's face without expression, but the inner drama must be very rich, everyone thought.

At this moment Master Qiaoqiao didn't smile, but his heart must be laughing at them!

The Queen Fusha of the Dafeng Tribe, leading seven men, came to Qiao Mu, and arched with a smile. "Thank you for your help."

"It's all right," said Master Jojo lightly.

Queen Fusha suddenly felt like she couldn't talk to the little princess and couldn't figure out what was going on.

"Have you finished the conversation," said the monkey rudely. "Now I want to teleport them all out of the hall."

"You wait!" Qiaomu reached out and shook out a piece of purple-lighted placeholder.

The little monkey jumped angrily, "You are here again! Before you cheated and put a person who was ejected by me into the amulet, I said nothing. Now you actually ..."

It's so much worse, oh!

Master Qiaoqiao put Situyi and Qi Xuanxuan together into the sign, and then turned around and shoved the little monkey, "Yes."

Can you sister! The little monkey wanted to vomit the younger sister in front of her eyes.

Sure enough, he is a master who has an inch.

"We are a team, of course we must be together. Previously, we were separated because of an accident." Master Qiao Qiao blinked. "Now I have a chance to be together, of course, we can't be separated anymore."

The little monkey froze, then pulled down his small head, and nodded his head, "You're right, it's boring when you are alone."

Qiao Mu stepped forward and touched her head with the palm of her hand. "You are not with us now."

"Look, we have so many people with you. You can also play with young monks and talk together."

The little monkey's small face suddenly darkened, and he said with a chuckle, "I don't like talking to the monks who are sloppy."

(End of this chapter)

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