My Crown Prince Consort Is a Firecracker

Chapter 3181: 4.781 confession

Chapter 3181 4.781 A Confession

Anyway, this task is counted as a head, as long as they get more heads, they will get more generous commissions.

Unexpectedly, Situ Yi did not disappear.

Previously, Master Qiao Qiao used cheats to cheat, and was not even noticed by a few people. At this moment, she released people from the cheats again, but saw Huaguang flash.

At the same time, the venue was full of Situ Yi, and a dozen fat people.

The little fat man rubbed his palms and grinned, and summoned his beast, the shining iron tortoise, and the two-headed hammer struck in his hand, and suddenly he rushed to the mercenary group first.

After that, Duan Muqing's Mu Ling quickly spread and followed, strengthening a layer of defense cover outside the small fat man's earth shield.

In terms of team battle experience, no one is richer than the Star Wars team.

When they are all running together, they are studying various coordination tactics, so they can cooperate to play dozens of fighting methods in minutes.

Just a moment ago, they were embarrassed. A group of turtle and grandchildren had done bad things in the forest, which caused them to be fussy at first. They had to deal with the tree-vine trolls in the fantasy array, and with their little mice. .

Now that they have a chance, they naturally want to get it back completely!

The mercenaries began to be unlucky, they did not expect that the opponent's counterattack was so fierce, and their team was dispersed without two hits.

Originally, they were not a mercenary regiment at all. A dozen mercenary regiments gathered together a team of casual soldiers. Where can there be any teamwork ability?

Suddenly, they were scattered, and the mercenaries were a little panicked, and even a few of them saw that the situation was wrong and immediately wanted to slip away.

Doya narrowed her eyes, and a turbulent water smash hit one of the mercenaries in a flash. She slammed forward, leaning against the man's chest with her knees in shape, and pulled out the strings without a word. A sharp blade on the calf cut his throat indifferently.

The set of actions came down almost in one go, without any fancy actions.

Qiao Mu nodded secretly, and he really appreciated Sister Doya.

It didn't take long for this scuffle to end.

Arbor dragging one of them's hair, let the man who looked slightly ordinary look up.

"Is it the killing task given to you by the temple?" Qiao Mu asked coldly.

The man stalked his neck and said nothing.

"Who is your leader?" Qiaomu looked cold and continued to ask.

The man was in pain, and he didn't say anything at first, but Qiaomu was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and went straight to his motto, letting him pour out beans.

This time the temple gathered nearly a thousand spiritual masters above eighth level, forcibly entered the battlefield and wanted to deal with them secretly.

I heard that the leader is a 12th-level master named Qiong Hao.

When Qiao Mu heard the name of the man, she felt a little familiar, but she could not remember whether she had contacted the person.

When Qiao Mu asked something about the man's corpse, the man seemed a little dazed.

Obviously it wasn't informed.

In this way, Qiao Mu's face suddenly became more gloomy.

Therefore, the temple does not just send such a group of mercenaries to intercept them.

He also made two-handed preparations. If the mercenaries were not doing anything, he planned to use this special army to kill them.

(End of this chapter)

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