In the rear of the warship, there was a group of rooms, dedicated to the detention of prisoners.

At this time, Linley followed Major Calvin to the rear of the warship.

Lin Lei saw that every room here was guarded by two naval soldiers, and there were patrolling naval soldiers in the corridor from time to time, and the defense was very tight.

“Open Room 923!” Major Calvin walked to a room and said to the two Navy soldiers guarding it.

“Major Calvin!” The two naval soldiers saluted, and then quickly opened the room.

“Come in with me!” Calvin said to Lin Lei without looking back, and walked into the room in front of him.

Lin Lei also hurriedly followed.

When entering the house, Linley also felt the contemptuous gazes of the two naval soldiers at the door.

Obviously, for his bloody son of a great general, all the naval soldiers were very contemptuous.

Lin Lei gritted his teeth and silently vowed in his heart that he must wash away this shame as soon as possible, he didn’t want to be despised all the time, he wanted to be like a red dog, making people feel awe.

Entering the house, Lin Lei finally saw clearly the prisoners held in the room.

This is a burly man with a rough face, his eyes are bloodthirsty and fierce, his expression is not inferior, and he exudes a crazy aura all over his body.

When he saw Lin Lei walk in, this pirate big man suddenly laughed mockingly: “Hehehe, isn’t this the waste son of the red dog?” Last time I was stunned by Lao Tzu’s blood, do you want to do it again this time? Hahaha! ”

Hearing the ridicule of the pirate man, although Lin Lei had not experienced what happened last time, he also felt extremely humiliated and angry at this moment.

However, Linlei’s anger made the pirate man even more mocking, and he mocked: “Although the red dog guy is hateful, his strength Laozi is still very admired, I didn’t expect that he actually had a waste son, hahaha, it’s really painful!” ”

“You shut up for me!” Lin Lei couldn’t help but roar angrily at the big man.

The pirate big man was stunned, and then mocked: “Let Lao Tzu shut up? Then you come and kill Lao Tzu, draw your sword, and cut at Lao Tzu. ”

The pirate big man tilted his head, took the handcuffed hands of Hailou Stone, pointed to his neck, and laughed: “As long as you split here, Lao Tzu’s blood will come out like a fountain, sprinkled all over the sky, all over the ground, then Lao Tzu will be dead, but… Do you dare? Do you dare to kill Lao Tzu? ”

The pirate big man looked at Lin Lei with a look of contempt, and his eyes were full of mockery.

Lin Lei clenched his fists and glared at the big man through gritted teeth.

On the side, Calvin frowned, and then looked at Lin Lei and said coldly: “If you want to overcome the blood sickness, you have to see more blood, and then I will kill him with my own hands, you give me open my eyes, and I am absolutely not allowed to close my eyes, otherwise Sakaski will throw you into the sea again, and no one will save you by then.” ”

The pirate big man laughed next to him: “Calvin, you are embarrassing our little young master Linlei, our little young master Linlei has been scared to death since he was a little brocade, stepping on an ant will be scared for three days without eating, you want him to watch me being killed by you, it is simply torturing him, I think it’s better to take him back to feed, hahaha!” ”

No matter how good Lin Lei’s temper was, he was angry at this time.

Anyone who is insulted like this will be angry.

Calvin, who was cold next to him, snorted coldly and said to Linlei: “Look.” ”

After that, he drew his sword.

“Wait a minute!” Lin Lei said loudly.

Calvin turned his head to look at Lin Lei, his brows furrowed, and said sternly: “You are not qualified to refuse, this is the order of General Sakaski.” ”

His eyes were full of disappointment and contempt, Linlei, as the son of General Sakaski, simply disappointed him too much, even if he didn’t dare to kill, now he didn’t even dare to watch others kill?

The pirate man next to him mocked: “Calvin, I’m right, this kid is a waste, you better take him back to feed.” Hahaha! ”

Calvin ignored the pirate man, stared at Lin Lei with stern eyes, and said word by word: “I will say it again in the end, you give me wide eyes, and you are not allowed to close your eyes.” ”

Lin Lei gritted his teeth, looked directly into Calvin’s eyes, did not flinch, and said word by word: “I will kill him with my own hands!” ”

“Well, you look wide-eyed… Well? Wait, what did you just say? Calvin reacted, turned his head to look at Lin Lei, his eyes widened, and said with some disbelief: “Repeat what you just said? ”

Lin Lei turned his head and pointed to the pirate man next to him, and said in a firm voice: “Where you fall, you have to get up, and I will kill him with my own hands.” ”

The pirate big man couldn’t help but be stunned when he heard this, and then grinned and mocked: “Boy, what are you talking about? Kill me with your own hands? Do you dare? Have you forgotten what happened last time? ”

Obviously, he did not believe that Linley had the guts to kill him with his own hands.

Calvin next to him looked at Lin Lei with a surprised look and asked again: “Lin Lei, are you serious?” ”

Although Akainu’s order is for Linley to watch him kill, if Linlei is willing to kill the pirate with his own hands, he believes that Akainu will not object.

Therefore, Calvin looked at Linlei in front of him with anticipation at the moment, he hoped that Linlei was serious this time, in this way, Linlei still had the possibility of saving, as a subordinate of the red dog, he also did not want the son of the red dog to be a waste.

“Major Calvin, I’m serious, please let me kill him personally.” Lin Lei said with a firm gaze.

He wants to fight monsters and upgrade, now is the best opportunity, missed this village, but there is no such store.

“Good!” Calvin was obviously satisfied with Linlei’s answer, he withdrew his sword, looked at Linlei and smiled: “Fear is not terrible, what is scary is that there is no guts to face fear, since you have the guts to face fear, how can I stop you?” ”

“Thank you Major Calvin!” Lin Lei saluted respectfully, and then turned to look at the pirate man in front of him.

The pirate big man looked so defiant that he didn’t put Lin Lei in his eyes at all, and grinned and mocked: “Waste, let Lao Tzu see if you can really face fear!” ”

Saying that, the pirate big man tore open his chest clothes with both hands, and scratched ten bloody marks on his chest with his sharp nails, and bright red blood suddenly came out.

The pirate big man looked at Lin Lei and mocked: “Open your eyes and watch, this is Lao Tzu’s blood, see how long you can last, Ling baby!” ”

Obviously, he still thought that Lin Lei was bloody.

It is a pity that the forest at this time is no longer the previous forest lei.

Looking at the pirate big man in front of him making a stupid hat behavior, the corner of Lin Lei’s mouth pulled up a mocking smile: “What an idiot!” ”

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