Obstruction and lottery
After the 1448 movie is finished, it will not be released immediately.
Whether it’s the soundtrack or editing in the later stage, it takes time.
Generally, this is the director’s job.
But the director of “My Sassy Girl”…
He ran away!
He quit!
Don’t take this bad money!
Han Qi can only do it himself.
Fortunately, Han Qi has seen the original version, and this movie was made according to his ideas.
Everything was in his head.
The editing was edited by editors from Legendary Pictures.
Han Qi just needs to be there for guidance.
There are also professional composers for the soundtrack.
The post-production was done very quickly.
But there was a big problem with the release.
“Brother cinema, Xia Ying is not willing to arrange films for us…”
Fengcheng said anxiously to Han Qi.
“Why not?”
“They said…” Fengcheng gritted his teeth and said, “I don’t trust the production capabilities of Legendary Pictures…”
Han Qi frowned.
This is very troublesome.
Brother Pictures is the largest entertainment company.
Xia Ying is the largest theater chain.
Together, the two have mastered more than half of the theaters in the Xia Kingdom.
If these two families are not good enough, this movie is a congenital disability.
“What do they say?”
“What about other companies?”
Fengcheng’s face became even more bitter.
“We have nothing to do with other companies!”
Legendary Pictures is an established film company.
Their early films were screened by Xia Ying’s cinemas.
But this time, Xia Ying was suddenly unwilling to appear in their films.
This caught Legendary by surprise.
“Actually…it’s not impossible…”
Fengcheng said hesitantly.
Han Qi raised his head and looked at Fengcheng: “Xia Ying has a good relationship with us. It’s not that they don’t want to let go, or they want to increase the proportion of the share.”
“How much?”
“Five more points!”
Han Qi frowned.
Five points doesn’t seem like much, but really speaking, it’s already a lot.
Xia Guo’s movie box office generally has nearly % to be distributed to theaters and theaters.
Tax or something, nearly %
That falls in the hands of the producers and distributors, and only %.
Legendary Pictures itself only has a point share.
If you give up another point.
Equal to a movie they can only make a quarter of the box office.
The production cost of “My Sassy Girl” is about 10,000 yuan.
Plus Xuan Fa Wan.
p p p a total of 10,000.
As Legendary Pictures, if the cost is to be recovered, the box office will reach hundreds of millions.
Can only just recover the cost from the box office.
What is the concept of billions?
Xia Guo’s local film industry is not developing well, and it cannot be compared with the previous life.
The box office is generally not very high.
The highest is the film “Hero” by the national teacher Zhang.
. Billion box office.
But Han Qi knew that it couldn’t be compared like that.
National teacher Zhang that is a blockbuster!
true to romance, comedy.
Movies that can exceed 100 million are one in a hundred, one in ten thousand.
The highest box office box office of Xia Guo’s love films, hundreds of millions.
Comedy is a little higher, but it’s only in the billions.
Of course, the producers are not recovering the cost through the box office alone.
The copyrights in the future are also the profits of the producers.
But this is too risky!
“Let’s talk again!”
Han Qi could not accept such a split.
Fengcheng grimaced.
Xia Ying is not a good company to talk about.
They occupy 40% of the theaters in Xiaguo, and they can almost be regarded as the leader of the theater market.
After Han Qi waited for Fengcheng to leave, he was lying on the reclining chair, feeling a little helpless.
He knew that the main reason this time was that the film and television industry did not believe him.
He hastily entered the film industry and offended the giant Brother Pictures.
Now comes the trouble.
Although Legendary Pictures is also a big company.
But compared to Brother Pictures, it’s not enough to watch.
Even if Han Qi has money, he can’t stop this kind of thing.
“Lying to win the life system: I have been lying down for 4 hours today, and I have completed the day this week. The number of draws that can be drawn:”
Han Qi looked at the system.
I can draw again today, and I don’t know what help this draw will bring.
“In the lottery, congratulations on winning, the prize: god-level negotiation skills,
Yida Cinema % shares. ”
Han Qi was taken aback.
This system is a timely rain!
What do you want?
At this moment, another line of words appeared on the system.
“Please note that the novice protection period has expired, and the lottery probability will return to normal.”
Novice protection period?
And such a thing?
He carefully looked at the description of the system, and realized that the past month was called the novice protection period, and every time he drew a lottery, there was a 200% probability.
Not only can I win every time, but every time I can win two prizes together!
“I just praised you for the rain!”
Han Qi is sad and angry! .

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