Choking! (From the novel group 98.0 2, 0 5; 8 5. 6 (98025856) Dumbly)
It’s not a movie shown on the screen of the festival stageThe content is the photo of Han Qi and Yang Mi in a clothing store.
This photo is exactly the same as the one on American Entertainment News in the first half hour.
Immediately following the type on the screen, a row of scrolling text appeared.
The content is nothing more than saying that Han Qi, a native of Xia, is extremely shameless.
The thing that annoyed Han Qi the most was that this text not only insulted him alone, but also used extremely embarrassing words to describe Yang Mi who was standing with Han Qi.
At the end of the text, it also said that Han Qi should get out of the territory of the United States.
“Find this guy right away.
He must still be there: the scene,,.”
Han Qi said angrily.
The security guard at the scene heard Han Qi’s words and immediately ran to the place where the screen was projected.
However, it was found that there was no one at the location of the projection.
And on the computer used for projection, one is still there: it was plugged in and not taken away.
Han Qi asked someone to bring a computer and plug it in to look at the contents.
This disc is clearly a tool for committing crimes.
Inside are the ones shown on the screen just now.
Those who originally came to Han Qi’s side to say hello, now they don’t know whether to walk over or stand and wait for the end of this matter.
After all, Han Qi is only interested in the person who humiliated him just now.
Even if he digs three feet into the ground, he must catch the mastermind who not only slandered his innocence but also polluted Yang Mi.
But the bodyguard looked around, but found nothing.
Although Han Qi was angry, he still showed a calm look on the surface.
This anger doesn’t have to show on your face.
After all, letting others see your emotions means that you are being led by the nose.
At the scene, there was no suspicious person, so that is to say… the person who deliberately made him look ugly must also be the one invited by this grand ceremony.
And that person was able to find out exactly where the projected computer was placed and its power-on password.
Then it means that the person is a staff member in the festival.
Since that person chose to project the photo at such a grand ceremony, it means that the person must be watching him somewhere in the grand ceremony at this time.
This person is not necessarily because of personal hatred towards Han Qi, but because Han Qi is from Xia.
For traditional American people, Xia people are not worthy to set foot on American soil.
Although there are many people in Xia who work hard, there are still some voices in the United States that they reject the people of Xia to live and develop in the United States.
Han Qi looked around and caught the eyes of those people.
Following him on the stage of the ceremony, he directly took the arranged microphone and said, “I am a native of Xia, but I am also sitting and contributing to the development of the American film industry.”
“If you want to criticize me, slander me, please come at me.
I, Han Qi, despise your cowardly behavior.”
Han Qi asked the bodyguards to surround the stage as he spoke.
Because Han Qi felt that his remarks would provoke some unnecessary right and wrong.
For personal safety, nearly half of the current bodyguards surrounded Han Qi.
Han Qi deliberately used words like this to provoke that… the mastermind behind the scenes was to let him run out of himself without being able to bear the pressure.
That way he can, once and for all, catch that person.
After all, there are so many people on the scene right now, if Han Qi had to investigate one by one.
Don’t know how long it will last.
Sure enough, after that person heard Han Qi say he was cowardly
, I really couldn’t help but want to get rid of Han Qi, a native of Xia, at this grand ceremony.
Han Qi asked people to surround him, but what he didn’t expect was that the man rushed out from the back of the stage with a knife.
The bodyguard tried desperately to stop him, and his arm was severely slashed.
Seeing that the man was about to stab the dagger into Han Qi’s chest, Han Qi himself kicked the man’s dagger into the air.
That person obviously didn’t know that Han Qi had such ability.
Seeing that he could not succeed, he turned to run away.
Unexpectedly, Han Qi caught him back again with a grappling hand.
Afterwards, the bodyguards also surrounded him, and Han Qi handed the person over to those bodyguards to take care of him.
This person not only insulted Han Qi, but now hurts people.
According to the laws of the United States, such a person’s sentence is not too short.
Han Qi was a little unhappy when he heard the news.
In Han Qi’s viewSuch people should be imprisoned forever.
After all, his tinted glasses are deeply ingrained.
Incarceration for this period of time is of no use at all.
This man dared to commit murder in front of so many people.
Then in places where people can’t see it, he is bound to hurt countless Xia people.
But this is the law of the United States, and the only thing Han Qi can do is to sue this person.
That way he will stay there longer.
After this little episode, the people at the scene admired Han Qi more and more.
After all, Han Qi’s wit and skill definitely amazed those present.
And now there are still about ten minutes before the ceremony starts.
After learning what happened to Han Qi, Pique, the organizer, also came to Han Qi for the first time to express his apology.
He never thought that such a person who wanted to harm people would even sneak into the ceremony.
Pique knew about the relationship between Han Qi and Disney, and he was really sorry for that.
Han Qi did not express his apology for accepting Pique.
He said that if Pique intends to apologize, he should apologize to the beautiful lady next to him.
This Pique is a great director anyway.
He is also a frequent judge in American film selections.
But now Han Qi asked him to apologize to a little-known woman.
Because of his face, Pique really can’t keep his face down.
To know that he came to greet Han Qi, it was already a huge face for Han Qi.
But Han Qi obviously didn’t want to give Pique a step down.
The fact that Peak’s employees insulted his woman is a foregone conclusion.
Han Qi just wanted a sincere apology.
“Han, don’t deceive people too much.”
Pique was forced by Han Qi again and again, and his face was already a little unhappy.
His words also obviously became: very blunt.
Fortunately, Robert Iger was in time to feel the venue of the grand ceremony.
Seeing the two arguing with swords, Robert Iger acted as the middle and muddy man.
Seeing that Robert Iger protects Han Qi like this, Pique naturally doesn’t have the same knowledge as Han Qi.
After all, a little boy, Pique didn’t think he would do anything.
After a few words with Robert Iger, Peake left and went to the back of the stage.
Wait a minute: The grand ceremony begins, and Peak will also take the stage to give a speech on behalf of the film of the United States.
But what people didn’t expect, Han Qi openly provoked Pique who gave a speech.
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