Men’s Secrets from the Novel Group 98.0 2, 0 5 ;8 5. 6(98025856)
Han Qi took a look at the heat
The bag in hand.
lv, less than 20,000 meters.
At least for Han Qi, it is not expensive.”You just buy a small bag?”
Han Qi asked.
Let’s hear what Han Qi has to say. Wrinkled Han Qi’s little nose.
“Aren’t you happy to save you money?”
Look how hot it is.
Han Qi touched her little head.
“I’ll buy you ice cream. 4
“I want strawberry flavor!” Hot Bar’s eyes narrowed with laughter.
The two walked aimlessly along the street.
The sky has turned dark.
The streets were dimly lit.
Whether it was Han Qi or Hot Bar, I felt a long-awaited sense of relaxation.
Hot bar is the star.
Han Qi’s popularity can only be higher than Hot Bar.
The two can only move around indoors.
It is very rare to wander aimlessly outside like this.
The hot bar is getting more and more excited.
Hee hee laughing non-stop.
Han Qi didn’t know what she was happy about.
But seeing this kind of heat, I can’t help but feel a little happy in my heart.
The two unconsciously walked to a somewhat remote street corner.
A figure suddenly appeared behind Han Qi and Reba.
“do not move!
A vague English sounded behind Han Qi.
Han Qi only felt that he was being held back by a cold object.
It’s hot, and when I look back, Hua Rong turns pale.
A young Omi man in his twenties with a knife in his hand, W was behind Han Qi.
see hot
Bar’s appearance, this Omi man’s eyes lit up instead.
He was just going to look like Asians from Han Qi and Reba
Grab some money.
Now I have another idea.
“You! Take out all the money!” he said to Han Qi.
On the one hand, he also walked to the hot bar.
Look at Ruo Ruo’s coveted eyes.
very scared.
But seeing that Han Qi was still there.
And don’t want to run away.
Can only watch Ruo Na this man getting closer and closer by himself.
The man stretched out his hand and touched Reba’s face.
Han Qi turned around and looked at the knife in the man’s hand.
There was no panic at all.
“If I were you, I wouldn’t be so stupid.”
Han Qi looked like he was holding the knife.
“What did you say?”
Han Qi was speaking Chinese, and the man couldn’t hear it clearly.
“I said God bless you!”
Han Qi suddenly moved.
When he lifted his leg, it felt like a spring was being pressed on his leg.
He flew up and kicked the knife in the man’s hand directly into the air.
The man’s eyes widened, staring blankly at his wrist.
But the next moment, he didn’t have time to be sluggish.
Han Qi’s entire body moved.
In front of this man.
The man only felt that a big truck slammed into him.
Wait until you are lying on the ground.
This man who wants to rob money and rob.
Filled with confusion.
who I am?
where am I?
Han Qi slowly walked towards him lying on the ground. “Sorry, your God may not be able to bless you today!”
“f**k! Yellow Pig!”
cried the man.
He had been robbing Asians before.
In his heart, Asians are people who dare not resist and would rather give money to settle things.
Now I come across a tough guy like Han Qi.
There was still fear in his heart.
Han Qi heard that he was still scolding himself.
Danger’s smile softened even more.
As soon as he raised his foot, he directed towards Ruo
The key point of the man is stepped on.
He didn’t forget the look in the man’s eyes when he looked at the hot bar just now!
The screams made the birds in the sky start to kick. “I want to call the police! Call the police!”
The man never thought of himself as a robber.There are times to call the police.
“Okay, I want
Han Qi took out his mobile phone and called the police.
The hot bar on the side watched Han Qi abruptly knock a strong man into the air by more than three meters.
Zhang big and small 1.
Han Qi couldn’t help laughing when he saw Hot Bar’s mouth-to-mouth expression.
Hot Bar ran over and pinched Han Qi’s face.
“What are you doing?~
Han Qi asked vaguely.
“Let me see if you are my brother!”
Excited to pinch.
“Why am I not your brother?”
Han Qi grabbed Reba’s hand.
Remind me of Han Qi’s neat move just now.
Eyes are shining.
“Why didn’t I know you would still do this?”
ask for flowers…
Hot to ask.
Han Qi blinked at the hot bar.
“Men always have a little secret of their own.”
Hot bar cut it.
She was also used to Han Qi’s ability to do everything.
The police came late.
A middle-aged policeman with a pot belly stepped down from the police car slowly and reluctantly.
When he saw the scene, he was a little disgusted.
The man who looked like a robber was lying on the ground.
Looking at the person who looked like he was robbed, he stood aside and laughed.
“Who of you robbed?”
Han Qi looked at the man who was still humming on the ground.
Policeman: “- This robbery pose is a bit unique.
“Then who are you?”
He looked at Han Qi and Hot Bar.
“We are tourists!”
The expression on the middle-aged policeman’s face changed, and he became a lot colder.
“Officer! Officer! He beat people!”
The man lying on the ground suddenly cried out.
“Hit someone?”
Han Qi shrugged his shoulders. “Just in defense, he’s too weak.

In fact, based on the experience of the middle-aged policeman, he also understood what happened.
But “Tourists? Come back with me! You are suspected of cooking injuries!”
He said to Han Qi with a cold face.
Hot bar: “Why?”
This attitude is wrong!
The man lying on the ground smiled.
He’s in the mix.
When Han Qi said that he was a tourist just now, he knew that this would happen.
The police station in this piece has an important source of extra money.
Just tourists!
All three were taken back to the police station.
It’s just that the robber seems to be the victim.
Robbed as if they were criminals.
locked in the interrogation room.
“You are suspected of intentionally hurting others, we will sue you! You can choose Nenna
Bail and settled out of court.
The middle-aged policeman and another policeman said to Han Qi.
He stared at Han Qi intently.
In his mind, these foreigners.
Mostly fat sheep.
Bail asks for money.
Out-of-court settlements, of course, also cost money.
“I? I choose to call
Han Qi raised his head, looked at the two policemen in front of him, and smiled. Ten thousand.

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