My Daily Cultivation Life with a Clumsy Female Disciple

Chapter 105: Danfeng is short of your one thousand spirit stones?

The Dao Discussion Platform is a competition platform for discussion.

But it is not free for people to use, at least, non-Dao Jianmen monks cannot use it for free.

Non-Dao Jianmen monks have to pay money to go on the Dao Discussion Platform. If they win, the deposit belongs to Dao Jianmen and is used as the cost of repairing the Dao Discussion Platform; if they lose, the deposit belongs to Dao Jianmen disciples and is used as a reward for Dao Jianmen disciples.


Yes, it is unfair.

This is someone else's territory, why should we give fairness to an outsider?

In addition to non-Dao Jianmen people going on the Dao Discussion Platform, there is another way to play on the Dao Discussion Platform, that is, the challenge on the competition platform.

It is a policy of Dao Jianmen to encourage disciples in the sect to be brave in fighting. There is no need to explain the specific rules in detail. Simply put, it is a challenge between a low realm and a high realm. If you win, you will get a reward. If you win consecutively, you will get more rewards.

This is what Li Shiyin and Long Qiqi learned about these days and what they are doing.

"So you guys have been provoking troubles here every day these days, and then fighting everywhere, ruining... Fengfeng, right?!" Qin Ran said.

"There was no provocation. In fact, only the first one was tricked by me to get on the stage, but the rest took the initiative to make appointments for face or reputation, and it has nothing to do with us..."

Speaking of this, Long Qiqi suddenly remembered a very important thing, that is, "Oh no, I forgot to take the spirit stones this time, the eight consecutive wins bonus! There are thousands of spirit stones!!"

"Take... what to take?!" Qin Ran taught, "Is Danfeng so poor? Do you want to humiliate it like this? It's already so poor that it can't survive without these thousand spirit stones, right!"

"Okay..." Long Qiqi had to put the matter aside.

"Is there nothing left at home?" Qin Ran walked to a rice shop and asked Long Qiqi.

"There is still rice and flour, but I don't like it, and Shiyin doesn't like it either." Long Qiqi replied.

Qin Ran glanced at her and asked, "What do you like?"


"Rotten meat, right?" Qin Ran complained sinisterly.

"We are still friends if we don't talk about this..."

"Two kilograms of Zhishen Lingmi." Qin Ran said to the shop owner.

"Daoyou, it's you..." The boss greeted with a smile.

Few cultivators indulge in the desire of the tongue, so there are not many people who buy rice, noodles, vegetables and meat. Qin Ran is always a minority. He always comes to this shop to buy rice and is familiar with the shop owner.

The boss asked, "Do you only want Zhishen Lingmi?"

"Yes." Qin Ran nodded.

"I don't know what's wrong with Zhishen Valley recently. The spiritual rice sold is shrinking day by day. I have received very little recently. I think it won't be long before Zhishen Lingmi can't be bought on the market." Since they are familiar with each other, the boss didn't do anything small, but chatted with Qin Ran instead.

Qin Ran heard this and was moved. He pretended to ask casually, "Is there anything interesting in Zhishen Valley recently?"

"No big things, but a lot of small things. In fact, everything is normal." The owner of the rice shop packed the rice and handed it to Qin Ran, saying, "I packed a spiritual stone for you."

Qin Ran took the rice and touched his Qiankun bag, and then his face changed slightly...

Where does he have spiritual stones? !

His Qiankun bag turned into ash under the thunder. Except for two thunder pills, there was nothing left.

As for the temporary Qiankun bags he placed as a backup, there were only pills, formations and spells for backup, but no spiritual stones.

He silently put the rice back on the shop and said to Long Qiqi, "The winning streak bonus is the result of your hard work, and it is still necessary to claim it."

"Huh?" Long Qiqi was stunned.

In the end, he still claimed Li Shiyin's bonus, bought rice, and bought some other things. Qin Ran took Long Qiqi back. As usual, he did not fly, but just ran back to Danfeng along the way.

He held Zhuifeng in one hand and Long Qiqi in the other, and he looked like a divorced middle-aged man wandering in the wilderness with his baby and pet.

"Can't you fly?" Long Qiqi asked curiously, tilting his head.

"How can I not!" Qin Ran replied, "It's just that walking is healthier. Flying around is unsightly, impolite, and unbecoming!

"Let me teach you another lesson. What distinguishes humans from monsters is ritual and music. When ritual and music collapse, the world will be in chaos."

"Oh!" Long Qiqi nodded, but she was still puzzled, "But flying... isn't it very cool?"

Qin Ran pretended not to hear.

"I haven't seen you fly before. Do you really not know how to fly? "Long Qiqi continued to ask, "It's interesting that people who practice cultivation can't fly..."

Long Qiqi was tucked under her armpit, her little mouth was free, and she kept talking. Qin Ran pretended not to hear, but his face looked a little unhappy.

Stopped in front of Danfeng's wooden house, he threw Long Qiqi on the grass, looked at her grimly, and then went to find Li Shiyin.

"Shiyin? Shiyin!" He put Zhuifeng lightly on the rocking chair in front of the house and shouted loudly.

"Shiyin is in seclusion, it's not convenient. "Li Shiyin's voice rang out in the small house under the old locust tree.

That room was specially arranged for Li Shiyin to practice when Qin Ran built a house for Long Qiqi and Zhuifeng. The room was equipped with a series of formations such as the Spirit Gathering Formation and the Starlight Gathering Formation, which was most suitable for Li Shiyin to practice.

Li Shiyin's operation was like a child covering his eyes, and he felt that he disappeared. This made Qin Ran laugh. He hurried over, put his hand on the door of the Starlight Room, and was about to push it open...

"What if he is really in seclusion?"

He thought, so he didn't push it open after all.

If Li Shiyin is really practicing in seclusion, his push will disturb her. What if her spiritual energy goes astray and becomes possessed?

Although this possibility is small, it is not equal to zero. Kieran didn't dare to gamble.

He clenched his fists, turned and left.

In fact, Li Shiyin was leaning against the door indoors. Her ears were listening to the sounds outside the door, and her heart was beating like a drum...

This Star Spirit Room was specially set up by Kieran so that the outside could not detect the situation inside, but the inside could easily detect the situation outside. This setting was to prevent sneak attacks during retreat.

So Li Shiyin knew that Qin Ran was outside the door.

This scene reminded her of the time when she made a mistake as a child and hid with Li Shiwen, fearing that her father would find her.

"Master is so scary!" she muttered.

Sensing that her master was gone, she walked to the chair indoors and picked up a book of exercises to read.

The skill is called "Star Shadow Sword Technique". It is a skill and combat method. It talks about how to use the power of stars to fight. The style tends to be elegant and agile, with shadows and spirits. It was bought by the master, and it seems to be Yuan. Techniques created during infancy.

Li Shiyin didn't like this style of swordsmanship, but at least it was the technique of a high-level monk. It was good to take a look and learn from it.


She wanted to sleep just looking at it.

I don’t know how long it took, but Li Shiyin, who was holding the book in her hand, had completely closed her eyes, sat on the chair and nodded.

At this time, the master's voice suddenly came from outside:

"Shiyin, it's time to eat! Today we have braised hooves and lean meatballs, which are delicious!!"

time to eat?

Li Shiyin was excited, as if she could smell the aroma of meat, and saliva flowed out of the corner of her mouth. She took a breath and threw the book on the table. Before the book fell on the table, the person was already outside.

She came outside and took a quick look. There was a square table on the grass with four or five dishes on it, all of which were fragrant. Long Qiqi on the other side walked out of the living room with a pot of hot and fragrant rice on his head, and...

Standing at the table, looking at her master seriously.

"It's over!"

Li Shiyin lowered her head pitifully and helplessly.

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