Zhui Feng was in really good health. His soft rice cake state only lasted for one day. After a night's rest, the next day, he turned back into that sturdy little white tiger who could show off an entire pot of animal feeding pills in one meal.

But after all, he had just recovered from a serious illness, and Qin Ran was reluctant to let him work, so he just let him play by himself.

He has nothing to do now. A tiger is lying on the swing under the old locust tree, using the wind to push himself around.

After eating Jie Feng, the ordinary wind is like a good boy in front of him. He can control it as he wants, which is perfect for playing on a swing.

Long Qiqi pulled a cart of gravel to the ground. When she saw Zhui Feng leisurely swinging there, she felt very unbalanced. She turned into a human form and asked Qin Ran who was reading by the pit: "Why doesn't he work?"

"Who?" Qin Ran didn't pay attention.

"Him!" Long Qiqi pointed at Zhui Feng on the swing.

"Oh..." Qin Ran looked up from the detailed explanation of the formation and said, "The person is seriously injured and has not recovered, that is the wounded!"

"Do you see how he looks injured?!" Long Qiqi was very angry.

This little girl was a snake demon, arrogant and jealous. Qin Ran didn't want to pay attention to her anymore and continued to study his formation, pretending that he couldn't see her. He even took out a pen and started drawing while reading.


Seeing that Qin Ran didn't care, Long Qiqi pouted, walked to Zhui Feng, and said angrily: "This is my swing!"

Zhui Feng looked at her confusedly and asked, "Dad...suo...?"

"I can't explain clearly..." Long Qiqi was disgusted that he was still a level 7 monster. She nodded and said, "I told you!"

Zhui Feng climbed up on the swing and wanted to make room for Long Qiqi, but the swing made him feel very comfortable and he was a little reluctant to let go. He sat and rocked for a while and suddenly said:

"Well...suo...you...door...ci...is...mine, Yuanyuan!"

"Don't make false accusations against a good person. Who wants to eat your beast-feeding pill?!" It was obviously vague talk, but Long Qiqi had a guilty conscience and heard it clearly. In an instant, he felt as if his tail had been stepped on. He became excited and kept shouting He said, "I am a human being who eats. Only monsters eat beast-feeding pills! I don't take beast-feeding pills!"

"Feeding Pill, so good!" Zhui Feng said.

"It's not delicious! It tastes like shit!" Long Qiqi replied.

"Okay... ci!"

So one of the two said it tasted good and the other said it didn't taste good, starting an endless cycle of children's quarrels.

At this time, a man flew over with a sword from outside.

Long Qiqi looked over in his busy schedule and found that it was the girl named Tian Wenjin. She came with the sword, staggered, and turned pale, looking like she was injured.

"Give it back... me!" Zhui Feng took the opportunity to pull out the loop and asked Long Qiqi for Yuanyuan.

"Big tongue..." Long Qiqi watched Tian Wenjin fall to the edge of the lake and casually replied to Zhui Feng.

"You... have a big, se... head!"

Qin Ran looked at Tian Wenjin who fell in front of him and asked, "How did you get hurt?"

"Guarding the mine, there was an underground monster attack, and then the miners rioted." Tian Wenjin said, "He was hit by the miners' magic."

Qin Ran threw a bottle of Dahuan Dan to Tian Wenjin and said, "Is there no problem in the mine?"

"No..." Tian Wenjin took the elixir bottle, opened the jade seal, and found that inside was the Great Return Pill of excellent quality. He closed it silently, put the elixir bottle on the table, and took out five hundred dollars from the Qiankun bag. The spiritual stones were also piled on the table, and Qin Ran said, "This is five hundred spiritual stones, still short of four thousand."

Qin Ran looked at the spirit stones and pill bottles on the table, was silent for a moment, and only said: "Be careful... don't die."

"Yeah." Tian Wenjin nodded.

She asked again, "Has Senior Brother Huang ever woke up...has the first phase been completed?"

"It hasn't been completed yet, probably because he is resisting subconsciously." Qin Ran said, "The situation is not very optimistic."

Tian Wenjin's face became a little ugly, and he said anxiously: "I'll go see him."

Qin Ran put away the pen and paper and accompanied Tian Wenjin to the Diyan room.

The two of them were outside the Earth Flame. Through the formation, they could see Huang Feiyu's body floating in the Earth Flame inside the Earth Flame. There were formations around him, which transported a steady stream of healing elixirs into his body.

Tian Wenjin looked at those healing pills and didn't dare to think about their specific value. She gritted her teeth, shook her head, made up her mind, pushed open the door of the Earthly Flame Room, and said, "I'll go and persuade him!"

"Be careful..." Qin Ran reminded, "be careful not to touch the formation, and not to be burned by the flames."

"Yes!" Tian Wenjin nodded and closed the door of the Earth Flame Room.

The temperature in the Earth Flame Room was extremely high, and she had to use magic to protect her body. She walked as close as possible to Huang Feiyu, looking at Huang Feiyu inside through the blazing flames, thinking of what she had experienced recently, and for a moment When sorrow arises from the heart, tears flow.

"Senior Brother Huang..." she cried, "I'm still waiting for you to wake up!"

Qin Ran leaned against the door, facing away from the door.

In fact, he should leave. He didn't like this crying scene, but he had to prevent Tian Wenjin from getting too excited and being burned by the flames of the Earth Flame or the Lion-Hearted Flame Beast, and he also had to pay attention to Huang Feiyu's condition.

Huang Feiyu should be in a state of consciousness. He can sense things in the outside world, but he cannot wake up. So if Tian Wenjin talks to him, he may react.

Tian Wenjin is really a very good girl. Qin Ran recalled the first time he met this girl. She had a sultry look and a strong competitive spirit. She would also take spirit-gathering pills in order to practice.

But after Huang Feiyu was injured, she never left him...

In his past and present lives, Qin Ran had only seen such love in works of art.

"Brother Huang, no matter what you become, I will always be by your side..." In the Earth Flame Room, Tian Wenjin cried and talked about her recent situation, and then said, "As long as you wake up..."

"We practice together and make progress together. Have you forgotten what you said, we will go to the end together and become immortals together?"

Suddenly, the Earth Flame jumped up.

Tian Wenjin was instantly excited and shouted: "Brother, I am Wenjin..."

Qin Ran outside felt the movement in the Earth Flame Room. It was Huang Feiyu who finally responded. He hurriedly opened the door and went in, holding Tian Wenjin.

"You go out first, I'll help him. "He said to Tian Wenjin.

Tian Wenjin had to go out.

"Alas..." Qin Ran looked at the pills slowly melting in the flames. The medicinal power flowing out mixed with the flames was absorbed by Huang Feiyu. He couldn't help but sigh.

Tian Wenjin said so much before, but Huang Feiyu was indifferent. Until he asked a question about becoming an immortal, Huang Feiyu reacted.

Qin Ran couldn't tell the inside story.

He used his magic power to help Huang Feiyu absorb the pills...

Soon, Huang Feiyu completed the first stage of transformation, and Qin Ran put the Crazy Flame Crystal at the center of the formation to help Huang Feiyu enter the second stage of transformation.

"After success, you will be the Lord of Flame!" Qin Ran knew that Huang Feiyu could hear it, so he said this sentence on purpose.

So, the flames in the Earth Flame Room were raging!

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