My Daily Cultivation Life with a Clumsy Female Disciple

Chapter 115 My surname is Sun and my name is Wukong

What was Qin Ran doing in the fairy city this time?

Two things.

First, he wanted to build a mountain-protecting formation, but he didn't have all the materials for the formation, so he needed to find an auction venue to try it; second, he wanted to refine the Fusion Spirit Pill, but he still lacked a lot of medicinal materials.

He walked into the auction venue and found that although it was already midnight, it was still brightly lit and people were coming and going, making it very lively.

...After all, if you can't stay up late, how can you be called a cultivator?

Qin Ran found the counter in the hall, went over and said to the woman behind the counter, "I want to auction some pills."

"What elixir?" the beautiful woman asked.

Qin Ran smiled and said: "Some pills needed by the foundation-building monks."

The woman then looked at Qin Ran and found that he was just a rough guy, which did not match the image of an alchemist in her impression, so she had some doubts.

"Is there any elixir?" she asked.

Qin Ran took out a bottle of Spirit Gathering Pill and put it on the counter: "Can you identify it?"

This woman only has some cultivation, she has just sensed the qi but has not condensed the cyclone. How can she identify it?

I saw her breaking open the jade seal, pretending to look at it, and found that it seemed to be a real elixir... In an instant, her attitude changed to several hundred degrees of respect.

"It's really an elixir." She put the jade seal on it, bowed to Qin Ran, and said, "Please come with me, sir."

After saying that, he took Qin Ran upstairs, found the person in charge of the elixir at the auction house, and introduced Qin Ran to him.

"Mr. Mo, this guest wants to auction the elixir."

The gray-bearded Mr. Mo looked towards Qin Ran and asked, "What kind of elixir are you taking?"

The beautiful woman handed the spirit-gathering pill to Mr. Mo.

Mr. Mo took the elixir bottle, poured out one, and appraised it a little. He was immediately shocked and said: "High-quality spirit-gathering elixir?!"

He looked at Qin Ran, "You are an alchemist?"

"Do you still need to check the eighteenth generation of ancestors for the items being auctioned in your auction house?" Qin Ran asked with a smile.

"Haha!" Mr. Mo laughed awkwardly and replied, "No, no, I'm just curious."

He asked again, "May I ask what your name is?"

"My surname is Sun and my first name is Wukong." Qin Ran said.

"Oh, hello, Mr. Sun!" Mr. Mo said politely, "The quality of your spirit-gathering pill is extremely high. Are you going to auction it?"


"The base price of a top-grade spirit-gathering pill is one hundred spirit stones. There is no upper limit on the bidding price in this auction house..." Mr. Mo and Qin Ran introduced the rules, "And in the end, the auction house will take a 10% commission based on the final transaction price. . Then there are ten high-grade spirit-gathering pills in this bottle. We will auction them separately at that time. Do you have any objections, Mr. Sun?"

"No, it makes sense."

Mr. Mo asked someone to come over and register with Qin Ran. He watched Qin Ran sign and asked with a smile, "May I ask if Mr. Sun has any other elixirs that we need our services for?"

"Hmm..." Qin Ran pondered for a moment, seeming to be hesitating. Finally, he put down his pen, took out five more porcelain bottles from the Qiankun bag, handed them to Mr. Mo, and said, "I can take pictures of these too."

Mr. Mo reached out to take it, but Qin Ran suddenly took his hand back and said, "But I have a request."

"Mr. Sun, if you have any requests, feel free to ask. As long as we can help you, we will definitely help." Mr. Mo said quickly.

"I want three materials, Spirit-Suppressing Wood, Qingyuan Stone and Lingluo Xuanjin." Qin Ran said, "Do you have any here?"

Mr. Mo turned around, took an auction list, handed it to Qin Ran, and said, "This is what we are going to auction tonight. Is there anything Mr. Sun needs on it?"

Qin Ran glanced at it and found that there were only Spirit-Suppressing Wood and Qingyuan Stone inside, and he sighed, it seemed like he had to do it again.

He handed the elixir to Mr. Mo and said, "Find me a place."

"It should be." Mo Lao smiled.

He then identified the remaining bottles of elixirs and found that there were even barrier-breaking elixirs in them. His attitude towards Kieran became more respectful and he registered again. He asked the beautiful woman to take Qin Ran to the auction. field.

Mr. Mo's attitude was very good until Qin Ran disappeared behind the door, and the flattering smile on his face suddenly disappeared.

He looked at the elixir in his hand again, his eyes changed several times, and finally made up his mind. He asked someone to arrange the auction of the elixir, and then turned around and left the auction house.

A large auction house like this may not be as good as those auction houses privately established by monks in terms of cultivation resources, but its environment and services are several grades higher.

And because the people who auctioned the elixirs were all big customers, Qin Ran was actually placed in a certain compartment. There were free tea, snacks, fruits, tables, chairs and beds. Even the beautiful woman laughed. She was so charming, her soft body was close to Qin Ran, and she looked completely ready for the king to take advantage of her... But Qin Ran, a gentleman, drove him out with righteous words.

On the auction stage, the host was making a final speech, saying that this was the last auction of the day. Customers who wanted to buy something should hurry up and buy...

Kieran was sitting in the cubicle, meditating with his eyes closed. He didn't touch the tea, snacks or fruits, just waiting for the auction to start.

But unfortunately, before the auction officially started, he noticed something strange. Someone was occupying the compartment next to him, not on either side, but on both sides, up and down. Not long after that, eyes couldn't help but glance over the cubicle where he was.

"Send it!" Qin Ran couldn't help but shout in his heart.

Kieran didn't know whether it was because he was unlucky, that he would encounter this kind of thing every time he went out, or because the "Yuan" organization had great powers and came looking for him.

He flipped through the auction catalog and found that the two materials he wanted were a little far back.

"Take a chance?" he asked himself, "or just buy them directly?"

But he changed his mind and thought that since he had already found this place, it didn't seem to make much difference whether to buy them now or later...

Thinking this way, he actually sat down calmly, unaware of the ambush around him, and waited for the auction to begin.

After a while, the auction began, and the treasures were auctioned off one by one, as if it was normal. Qin Ran also occasionally bid, as if he was an ordinary customer, but except for the two things he really needed, he didn't really make a move for the others.

After buying the Zhenling Wood and Qingyuan Stone, Qin Ran stood up leisurely and went to the person in charge of the auction to make a handover...The spirit stones from the auction of the elixir offset the spirit stones from buying the Zhenling Wood and Qingyuan Stone, and Qin Ran finally received 700 spirit stones.

After receiving the spirit stones, and then the Zhenling Wood and Qingyuan Stone, Qin Ran found that there was no problem with the Zhenling Wood and Qingyuan Stone, and instantly knew where the problem was.

It's not the Linxian Auction, it's the "Yuan" organization!

Thinking to this point, he turned to the elixir appraisal office, found Mo Lao, and asked with a smile: "How is my elixir?"

"The quality is very high, very good." Mo Lao said, "I have never seen it before."

"Only seen in my life?" Qin Ran said, "Do you mean you have seen it before?"

"No!" Mo Lao said, "Today is the first time I have seen it."

Qin Ran smiled and said goodbye to Mo Lao: "See you later."

"Look forward to your visit next time." Mo Lao said.

Qin Ran turned and went out, his left hand popped out a bubble, and his right hand took out a porcelain bottle, poured some powder from the porcelain bottle into the bubble, and then the bubble shrank to a very small size, got into the house, collided with Mo Lao's clothes, and melted in.

And he himself hurried out of the auction house, and at the door of the auction house, his figure suddenly shook, and the whole person melted down and turned into a pool of water.


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