"Chasing the wind! Chasing the wind! Let go!"

Kieran turned his back to grab Zhui Feng, but Zhui Feng's blood reacted instinctively and stretched out his nails to hook Kieran's shoulders. Qin Ran had no choice but to stop Zhui Feng.

"Zhui Feng, claws..." Qin Ran could only yell loudly.

It's cloudy today, with the sun occasionally emerging through the gaps in the clouds.

Beside the lake pit, Zhui Feng was pushed on the table by Qin Ran. He pinched the soles of his feet to reveal his nails. He took a pair of big scissors and cut Zhui Feng's nails.

It's a pity that Zhui Feng is a level 7 monster, and his nails are also known as the Claws of the Xuanming Spirit Tiger. They can't be cut off easily...

As a result, Qin Ran broke several pairs of scissors and failed to cut off Zhui Feng's fingernails.

"Master, give up!" Li Shiyin came up to drink water. Seeing that Qin Ran was still working hard, she couldn't help but persuade him, "It can't be cut."

Seeing Li Shiyin, Qin Ran suddenly reacted, mentioned Zhuifeng, and said: "You use sword energy to cut. It can train your control ability. If you make a mistake, Zhuifeng will lose a leg."

When Zhui Feng heard this, he trembled with fright and struggled to run away.

"I won't do it!" Li Shiyin shook her head and said, "Zhuifeng is so great! I can't bear to do it!"

"Stick?" Kieran pointed to the paw prints on his shoulders, then turned around to show Li Shiyin the tooth marks on the back of his neck, "If my body hadn't been strengthened just now, I would have become a ghost in his mouth!"

He said, still worried about what happened in the morning, and slapped Chai Feng on the head again.

"Well..." Zhui Feng held his head with his paws and screamed in grievance.

"Pretending to be wronged?" Qin Ran was so angry that he hugged the cat's head and rubbed it angrily.

And just when Qin Ran was rubbing the cat's head, there was sudden movement from the research building!

What came first was the terrifying aura of a high-level monster, and with this aura came wave after wave of heat waves.

Zhui Feng sensed the aura of the monster and turned over to escape from Kieran's hand. He stood on the table and faced the research building. In his round eyes, the golden pupils stood up, and an aura called the King of Beasts emanated from him...

He would never allow a monster to be so arrogant in front of him!

But this breath was not from the monster. Qin Ran stood up from the chair, looked at the research building, and said, "It's Huang Feiyu, his transformation is complete!"

After saying that, his figure disappeared.

"Master!?" When Li Shiyin saw Qin Ran disappear, she hurriedly shouted, summoned Qingxing Sword, picked up Zhui Feng, and followed him to the research building.

Huang Feiyu woke up. He thought he would never wake up again.

His memory still remains in the moment when he was slapped away by the Lion-Hearted Flame Beast's fatal palm, and then a mouthful of Lion-Heart Flame was sprayed at him, and he was unable to resist...

He thought he was dead, but he was not dead, he crawled out of hell.

Huang Feiyu looked up and saw that he was in a small room with an alchemy furnace next to it, a bed, and... earth fire!

He found that he was very hot and his whole body was full of explosive power. He looked down and found that his body had disappeared. His body had turned into a burning lion's heart flame!

He turned into flames! !

He survived, but...

"Ah!!!" Huang Feiyu couldn't accept it and was terrified.

He roared to the sky, and the flames on his body suddenly exploded, and endless flames rolled out. This infinite amount of flames crisscrossed the small earthly flame chamber, and was about to explode the earthly flame chamber. The entire research building is about to be blown up.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of running water. Water came from all directions, covering all the flames and Huang Feiyu. The water flow compressed and turned into a huge water ball wrapped with fire.

The water ball broke through the wall and came outside the research building.

Qin Ran was floating in mid-air, controlling the water polo. With a change of thought, he raised his hand and slapped the water polo into the lake pit, and then let go of the control...


An explosion no less than a huge amount of explosives caused flames to fly all over the sky, and the entire Dan Peak shook.

There is white gas emerging from the bottom of the lake again...

Qin Ran sighed: "It's sealed in vain."

"Master, how is he?" Li Shiyin held Zhui Feng and flew to Qin Ran's side, asking.

"The transformation is very complete. He turned into fire and kept his cultivation level, but..." Qin Ran said, "I don't know if he can accept himself."

"The whole body is burning with flames, how majestic it is! Why can't he accept it?" Li Shiyin didn't quite understand.

Kieran glanced at her, and with her mind, it was difficult for him to explain clearly to her.

Wait, Qin Ran suddenly discovered a problem, Li Shiyin, Zhui Feng...

"Where's Qiqi?!" he shouted.

Isn't it still under the lake pit?

"Ah? I don't know!" Li Shiyin replied.

She quickly reacted and went to the lake pit to check.

"I'm here!" Long Qiqi's helpless voice came.

Qin Ran and Li Shiyin looked down and saw Long Qiqi, a small figure standing there outside the research building, with a look of helplessness on his face.

There was such a big movement here, and she was also a monster. How could she not react? Naturally, I will come along to check it out.

But what she didn't expect was that no one would remember her... Kieran didn't think of her when he threw the bomb into the lake pit. This made her somewhat sad.

"He turned into fire. Will he not be able to have babies in the future?" But she quickly adjusted and discovered her blind spot, "I can no longer enjoy the pleasure of bed..."

She thought of the beautiful Tian Wenjin again, and shook her head repeatedly, "How pitiful!"

How else to say that snake nature is inherently obscene?

Qin Ran looked at her desperately, at such a young age, with such a big head, how could he be thinking about such things? !

Look at Li Shiyin again, all she thinks about all day is eating, sleeping and fighting! I didn't see her enlightened. Think about the things between men and women.

Qin Ran also shook his head repeatedly.

"What are you regretting?" Li Shiyin's big eyes were full of doubts.

After the flames at the bottom of the lake subsided, Qin Ran flew over from the air, looked at the golden-red burning man hidden in the white spiritual mist, and asked loudly: "Are you feeling better?"

The white mist rolled quietly for a while, then boiled. The burning man flew up from the bottom of the lake and came to the opposite side of Qin Ran. He looked at Qin Ran and asked, "Did you do this?"

"I did it," Qin Ran said.

The flames on Huang Feiyu's body began to boil, and there were flames coming out of his eyes. He made a fist and was about to hit Qin Ran.

"So, are you going to take action against your savior?" Qin Ran said, gesturing to Li Shiyin and others who were following him to avoid him.

"Savior?!" Huang Feiyu clenched his hands into fists, looked down at himself, and yelled, "Am I still a human being like this?"

"Then before you take action, I hope you know two things." Seeing that Huang Feiyu did not rush over directly, Qin Ran breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that he is still rational. If he is rational, it won't be a big problem.

"First, without your own conscious help, the transformation of the flames would be impossible; second, in order to save you, it took a demon pill and a mad flame crystal from the Lion-Hearted Crazy Flame Beast, as well as countless pills; Third, it was Tian Wenjin who sacrificed everything to save you!"

Huang Feiyu stayed in mid-air. At this time, his mind was very confused. He was suffering from the primitive violence of the flames, he was unable to accept himself, and he also had some unspeakable complex emotions...

"Ah!!!" He looked up to the sky and roared, turned around and flew away, disappearing over Danfeng.

"He just left like that?" Li Shiyin came over and asked.

"Otherwise? Beat me up and then leave?" Qin Ran asked.

Li Shiyin nodded with regret on her face. She really should have beaten her master before leaving.

"What's going to happen to him?" she said.

"This is the Dao Sword Sect, what can happen to him?" Qin Ran shook his head.

Li Shiyin hesitated to speak, and finally whispered: "Wen Jin is so pitiful..."


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