My Daily Cultivation Life with a Clumsy Female Disciple

Chapter 120 Caterpillars in the Immortal Relics Land

The fog in the Land of Immortal Relics looks very big and thick from the outside, but when you really get inside, you find...

The fog is getting bigger and thicker!

I can't see my fingers at all!

Not to mention the people, objects, and scenery around me, I can’t even see clearly what I look like.

At a glance, it was all white mist. If it weren't for a cover, I would have been suffocated by the mist.

Being in such an environment is the same as being in the dark, and people will be instinctively afraid.

The first time he entered the fog, Qin Ran activated his pupil technique to create an illusion. But he didn't know if it was a problem with the pupil technique or the fog. Even if he activated his pupil technique, he still couldn't see. Far.

He glanced around and saw only a few figures walking around not far away. They looked like Su Changqing and the others, but because he couldn't see clearly, he wasn't sure.

So it's a little weird...

"Hello? Hello? Fellow Taoists, can you hear me?" At this time, Su Changqing's voice suddenly came from the beads in his hand, "If you can hear me, please answer me."

"Junior Sister Bai?"

"Junior brother Chu Batian?"

He identified each name one by one.

"Brother Qin?"

When Qin Ran heard his name, he hesitated for a moment and then replied: "I'm fine."

"Fellow Taoist Jian Yuanjie?"

"Fellow Taoist Qi Yun?"

After confirming all the names, Su Changqing over there breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Everyone is safe."

He then said, "Fellow Taoists, please follow the guidance of the beads in your hands and come to my place for the time being."

As soon as he finished speaking, Kieran noticed that the bead in his hand had the power to move in a certain direction. The power was not great, and Kieran did not restrict it and just followed that power.

When Qin Ran left, he looked in the direction pointed by the force. There was indeed a figure standing there, probably Su Changqing. He looked at the people around him and found that they were also walking towards Su Changqing. go.

A few people walked without talking, as quiet as ghosts in the fog, which was indeed a bit strange.

He had just come in from the outside. It was actually not far away. Qin Ran walked over about ten meters. When he came to the figure, he walked closer and took a closer look. It was indeed Su Changqing.

"Brother Su!" He greeted Su Changqing.

"Brother Qin!" Su Changqing nodded.

Qin Ran looked to the side and saw four other figures approaching. They were still Bai Ruoxi and Jian Yuanjie. They had not been replaced, there were no more or less people.

After a few people exchanged brief greetings, Jian Yuanjie frowned and asked, "How can someone like this person, who can't see his fingers, find the Extremely Devouring Demonic Willow?"

"There is no other way to do this, but to explore deeper." Su Changqing said, "I hope this fog will not cover the entire Immortal Heritage Land."

"The land of immortal relics is so big, we have to find it in the year of the monkey and the month of the horse!" Chu Batian was very unhappy.

"Alas..." Su Changqing shook his head and said, "Let's go."

Others had no choice but to follow Su Changqing to determine the direction and find a direction that was roughly towards the depths of the Immortal Relics Land.

Before Qin Ran left, he quietly lowered his hand and dropped a stone engraved with formation patterns.

"Everyone should try to keep the same speed. Don't go too fast or too slow and lose touch with the team." Su Changqing reminded, "Go in this direction and you should be able to get out of the fog very quickly..."

However there is no...

The white mist was so vast that it was difficult to distinguish between east, west, north and south, the sky and the earth, and even day and night.

Not long after they walked, they realized that they had lost their direction. They used magic to move backward again before continuing to explore...

At the beginning, they still talked, but in fact they were not very familiar with each other, and soon there was no sound, and they just walked silently in the white mist, so they felt that the white mist was pressing on people, the mist was pressing on people, and the depth of the mist was unknown. There is something in the mist, which is scary.

After walking for a long time, they lost their direction again. Only then did they realize that the direction of the magic was very unstable.

At this time, they no longer knew how far they had walked!

"tnnd, I can't stand it anymore!" Chu Batian suddenly shouted, startling everyone and looking at him.

I saw him rising into the air, with aura flowing around his body. When he pushed out, a majestic force came out. The surrounding fog was instantly pushed away by him, clearing out a large piece of clean territory.

"The powerful magic power of Chu Dao's friendship!" Jian Yuanjie praised loudly.

When the mist is pushed away, the invisible pressure seems to be cleared instantly, which makes people feel happy.

Su Changqing also smiled and nodded in approval. But when he turned around, he found that Qin Ran was looking at something on the ground with a solemn expression, and he quickly followed it...

There are two caterpillars as thick as a thumb swimming in the grass over there.

"What kind of insect is that?" Su Changqing asked aloud, what kind of insect can survive healthily in the land of immortals?

"I don't know." Qin Ran shook his head. It was precisely because he didn't know that he was scared.

"Who cares what he is!" Chu Batian shouted, jumped from the air, and jumped directly towards the insect...

"Junior brother, don't!" Su Changqing hurriedly stopped him.

But Chu Batian didn't listen at all, and trampled both bugs to death with just one kick.

"This is the land of immortal relics. It's weird and abnormal. How can junior brother be so reckless?!" Su Changqing taught him a lesson.

"The land of immortal relics is so amazing again? What kind of bird immortal? I'll dig up his grave!" Chu Batian cursed as he walked towards this side.

"Chu...Senior Brother Chu?" At this moment, Bai Ruoxi suddenly pointed at Chu Batian and said.

"What's the matter?" Chu Batian couldn't see the frightened and weak look of this woman.

"Your feet..." Bai Ruoxi said in panic.

Chu Batian looked at his feet and suddenly found that the sole of his foot that was stepping on bugs had disappeared! Moreover, the force that makes the soles of his feet disappear is moving upwards, making his calves, thighs, and his entire body disappear!

And the weirdest thing is that even though the soles of their feet have disappeared, others are still walking normally! It was as if the feet were still on his body normally.

"This is..." He started to panic.

"Poison? Magical power?" Qin Ran said, "Law?"

The soles of the feet have completely disappeared, and the terrifying force is moving from the calves to the knees...

Chu Batian was extremely frightened, and a cold feeling rushed from his back to his scalp. He hurriedly speeded up and rushed towards Qin Ran.

But when he realized that his foot was gone, his foot was really gone!

He stepped forward, missed his footing, and fell to the ground...

"The fog is rolling back." Jian Yuanjie reminded urgently.

Su Changqing looked and saw that the mist was rolling back very fast, and right behind Chu Batian, it looked like a wild monster that was about to devour Chu Batian in the next moment!

He didn't dare to think about what would happen if Chu Batian was swallowed like this. He just subconsciously unfolded his body, merged the two index fingers of his right hand into sword fingers, rushed forward, and instantly came to Chu Batian's side, pulling his legs Cut off and catch him at the same time.

Su Changqing didn't stop, caught Chu Batian, and then retreated back with Chu Batian in hand.

"Ah!" Chu Batian screamed in pain and looked down to see that his entire leg was gone, "Leg, my leg!"

But no one paid attention to him at this time. Everyone else was in a defensive posture, wary of the mist rolling back...

Soon, the mist filled the vacancy again, and nothing weird happened.

Su Changqing then looked at Chu Batian and saw that Chu Batian's body did not continue to disappear. He breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "Junior brother, how are you feeling?"

"My legs!" Chu Batian squeezed Su Changqing's hand, "It's gone!!"


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