My Daily Cultivation Life with a Clumsy Female Disciple

Chapter 122 There is something in the fog

Qin Ran did not put on the bubble film before entering this mushroom space. He put on an extra layer of bubble film from the beginning, that is, before entering the fog, when he persuaded others to wear bubbles.

After all, if you are worried that the microorganisms in the fog will enter your mouth and nose, don’t you worry that they will enter your skin?

And the facts here prove that the microorganisms here really can enter your skin...

The mushroom in the middle of the mushroom space is constantly emitting spores. Those spores melt the fog and open up this hemispherical space here.

And it is precisely because there are spores in the air here that when Chu Batian punctured the bubble on his head and tried to breathe, the spores in the air entered his body through his breath, attached to his internal organs, skin, and blood vessels, and then quickly took root and sprouted, and the rhizomes spread and grew mushrooms.

Chu Batian's entire person, including his flesh and blood, became nutrients for the growth of spores.

When the mushrooms completely sucked him dry, he died...

Jian Yuanjie was the first to exit the mushroom space. The remaining four people watched Chu Batian's figure slowly retreat, all the way back into the mist.

Before they retreated into the mist, they saw that Chu Batian had disappeared. He had turned into a human-shaped mushroom tree!

Standing in the mist, it was all white, and the few people felt as if they were in another world...Bai Ruoxi sobbed softly, and the four men were silent.

After a long while, Jian Yuanjie said, "Let's go!"

The few people wanted to move, but Su Changqing suddenly came to Qin Ran and said to Qin Ran, "Mushroom spores can dissolve with the mist. The spores are such a terrifying thing, but what about the mist? What's so terrifying about the mist?! You have been shrouded in bubbles all the time. Did you know it from the beginning?"

The others heard this and realized that the spores could kill a Jindan cultivator in an instant, so what about the mist?

They became nervous. Some of them looked at their exposed skin to see if there was anything abnormal; some of them looked inside to check if there was anything unusual inside their bodies; some of them pulled their long sleeves to try to cover their palms...

And Jian Yuanjie looked at Qin Ran with murderous eyes.

He must have deliberately kept silent so that he could kill himself, he said in his heart.

"I don't know, I'm just being cautious." Qin Ran replied with a normal look.

Recalling his understanding of Qin Ran, Su Changqing slowly calmed down. He nodded and said, "I'm not doubting you. I believe in Brother Qin's character... I was just excited just now. I apologize to you."

"No problem." Qin Ran replied.

"But since there may be something in the mist, please cast a spell and cover us with a bubble." Su Changqing asked sincerely.

"This is a small matter." Qin Ran said. He raised his hand and summoned a few bubbles, and put the remaining four people into them. The bubbles were close to the skin without any gaps.

"Thank you." Several people expressed their gratitude to Qin Ran.

Su Changqing and Qin Ran were both rational and smart people. They restrained themselves and quickly put their emotions in. Then they adjusted the team, determined the direction, and continued to walk deeper into the fog with a few people.

I don’t know if it was because of the lack of people or because someone died. The team of five people seemed much thinner than the team of six people. There was a sense of loneliness and desolation in their hearts. The suffocating feeling shrouded by the fog was even stronger. The pressure that seemed to be there was several times more than before.




I don’t know since when, their footsteps became very loud, and the ears could hear clearly, echoing in the fog.

Even, slowly, they felt noisy, the footsteps were too loud!

At a certain moment...

"Who?!" Su Changqing, who was walking in the front, suddenly shouted softly.


Qin Ran’s scalp was numb. There was someone in this broken place?

He hurriedly turned the pupil technique to the maximum and looked around...

There was really someone!

He saw a figure flashing in the thick fog ahead, running into the depths of the fog.

"Is there someone?!" Jian Yuanjie couldn't see it, and asked in panic.

"Is that a person?" Qin Ran asked.

Su Changqing looked back at Jian Yuanjie and Qin Ran, and just said, "Follow me!"

This look?

Qin Ran's heart sank, there was a deep meaning in Su Changqing's eyes, but through the fog, he didn't know if he was seeing things, but Su Changqing seemed to really look at him with a deep meaning.


He was puzzled.

But he didn't have time to think too much, Su Changqing in front of him had already sped up and chased after the figure in the fog, so he had to follow. And the others didn't think much, and ran after them.

"Is it unsafe to pursue rashly?!" Qin Ran asked in the middle of the team.

"Are we just going to walk in silence like that? Without any feedback, there is only the unchanging fog around?! Just keep walking like this?!" Bai Ruoxi asked back.

Qin Ran looked at the others. Although they didn't say anything, they obviously agreed with Bai Ruoxi's words. They had walked in this eternal fog for so long, but they didn't get any information about the Devouring Demon Willow...

Someone in the team even died. If they weren't all strong-willed people, they would have gone crazy a long time ago. Now that there has been a change, they must catch up and see what's going on.

Seeing that they were all like this, although Qin Ran felt uneasy, he didn't say much. He just secretly strengthened his vigilance and ensured that he was in the middle of the team.

They were all Jindan cultivators, and they were actually very fast. Even if they deliberately slowed down to ensure the integrity of the team, it didn't take long for them to catch up with the figure.

There was still some distance between them, Qin Ran could only see that it was a figure, and Su Changqing said, "Brother in front, we have no ill intentions, can we have a conversation?"

The figure in front did not respond and just continued to run.

Su Changqing tried to persuade them again, but it was still useless, so he pointed his sword forward and slashed forward, slashing out a silver-gray sword energy, which disappeared in the mist like a silk thread and slashed on the figure.


A strange scream that didn't sound like a human voice suddenly came from the front, and then the figure disappeared out of thin air.

The figure seemed a little familiar, Qin Ran frowned and asked, "Where did the figure go?"

Su Changqing didn't answer, and the others couldn't see it at all, so naturally they couldn't say anything.

The team didn't stop, and followed Su Changqing's footsteps, and soon came to the place where the figure disappeared. Su Changqing took two steps forward, and suddenly squatted down as if he saw some important clues.

The people behind him were moved and hurriedly surrounded him.

Qin Ran came to Su Changqing and saw the thing in front of Su Changqing, and then his heart skipped a beat.

That was, a section of...

tentacle? !

That thing looked very much like an octopus tentacle, black, as thick as an adult's arm, with slippery mucus on it, smooth on one side and barbs on the other.

Moreover, this section of tentacle was still wriggling on the ground, as if it was still alive.

"Isn't it a human?" Qin Ran couldn't help but ask, "How could it be...a tentacle?"

"Is this the thing we are chasing?" Jian Yuanjie also asked.

"It should be..." Su Changqing pointed to the section of the tentacle and said, "There is my sword intent left there, which I just cut off."

Qin Ran looked over and saw that the section was oozing blue-black blood. The blood was corrosive and was corroding the ground, and on the section, there was an inexplicable sharp intent.

Sword intent?

There is a saying among sword cultivators that sword energy is easy to practice, but sword intent is difficult to comprehend!

This Su Changqing actually has sword intent?

Qin Ran couldn't help but look at him twice more, he is indeed a genius of Lingnan Xianzong.

At this moment, Su Changqing suddenly changed his color to fear and shouted: "Be careful!!"

Then Qin Ran also felt something, stood up and looked forward...


In the deep fog ahead, there was a huge, terrifying, and extremely oppressive black shadow coming towards this side.


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