Among the seven demon beasts controlled by the Devouring Demon Willow, there are four level six demon beasts, namely:

The silver-back demon ape leader is nearly two feet tall;

The jade-horned anaconda has a horn on its head, has the blood of a dragon, and its waist is too big for an adult to hug;

The dark golden fear-claw bear is about ten feet tall and can cut gold and silver with nails more than a foot long;

There is a blue-eyed eagle with a wingspan of more than two feet, claws like black iron, and blue eyes that penetrate bluestone.

It is worth mentioning that the jade-horned anaconda is the giant python that Qin Ran and Li Shiyin encountered that night, which is not a golden clouded leopard.

There are two level seven demon beasts, namely:

The body is about ten feet tall, with eight piercing spider legs, hundreds of soul-stealing compound eyes, a human face under the belly, and a terrifying soul-devouring human-faced spider;

The body of an ordinary fox, but with pure white hair, seven tails behind the buttocks, petite, cute, charming and moving seven-tailed demon fox

It is worth mentioning that the two level 7 monsters are much smaller than those level 6 monsters, especially the seven-tailed fox, which is like a tiny thing, extremely ordinary and has no deterrent power.

From this, we can see that even in the monster world, size is not the only factor that determines victory or defeat.

There is an eight-level monster, which is a Thunder-controlling Unicorn!

It is worth mentioning that the Thunder-controlling Unicorn that was chased to the Daojian Gate by Zhuifeng's mother on that rainy night was the partner of this Thunder-controlling Unicorn.

It was a rainy night, the sky was dark, and it was far away. Qin Ran could not see it very clearly. His impression of the Thunder-controlling Unicorn was only the last divine thunder that struck him. He thought the Thunder-controlling Unicorn was just like that.

But now facing a Thunder-controlling Unicorn head-on, Qin Ran silently traveled back in time and took back that sentence.

The Thunder-controlling Unicorn in front of him was more than five feet tall, with a blue and black color scheme, as powerful as thunder, with the fierceness and violence of thunder and lightning, and very domineering. The blue horn on the top of his head was so black that people could see the electric cone in the hand of the Thunder God.

Looking at this guy, Qin Ran couldn't help but think, Zhuifeng is really a fierce tiger, he can catch this thing for food! He also thought, can Zhuifeng, that fool, beat this thing when he grows up? He also thought, can Su Changqing beat this thing? ! !

Thinking about it, he couldn't help but look at Su Changqing.

Su Changqing raised the tracking disk in his hand and said to the others: "The tracking disk has been activated, everyone, good luck!"

After that, he put the tracking disk on his body, raised the sword, flashed forward, and came to the side of the Thunder Unicorn.

Compared with the huge body of the Thunder Unicorn, Su Changqing seemed like a kingfisher on a rhinoceros, inconspicuous. But the next moment, a huge silver-gray streak suddenly slashed down from this world, slashing on the Thunder Unicorn.

"Moo..." The Thunder-controlling Unicorn screamed in pain, and a blue arc of electricity flashed on its body, heading straight for Su Changqing.

Su Changqing rushed out to start the battle, and Qin Ran had no chance to refute. He wanted to say that he couldn't even beat a level 4 monster, but he didn't have the chance to say it anymore... The only way now was to find a weaker opponent to kill time. For example, the terrifying soul-eating human-faced spider.

But just as he drew his sword and hadn't rushed out, a white shadow suddenly appeared from behind him, and Bai Ruoxi's voice came from the white shadow, saying, "Brother Qin, that seven-tailed fox is easier to deal with, so I'll leave it to you!"

"???" Qin Ran was confused.

The seven-tailed fox is easy to deal with? Are you coaxing a child? !

Who doesn't know that the nine-tailed fox is a divine beast? How can a seven-tailed fox with the blood of the nine-tailed fox be worse than a wild soul-eating human-faced spider?

Qin Ran never expected that Bai Ruoxi was actually a fellow traveler, and he was caught off guard and got one step ahead.

Damn! !

Qin Ran gritted his teeth and looked at the charming, weak, pitiful and helpless seven-tailed fox.

This seven-tailed fox had fluffy white hair like snowflakes and cotton. When the wind blew, its hair gently parted. Its fox eyes were nine points charming, its fox lips were seven points charming, and it looked like a rare beauty in the world.

Qin Ran felt pity and couldn't bear to hurt it.

No wonder King Zhou was bewitched by Daji, it was understandable...

"It's over!" Qin Ran was shocked and shook his head fiercely, "Fuck! I got caught!"

There was no such thing as a charming beauty, that was the fox demon's charm!

"Unborn chaos, born universe..."

Qin Ran hurriedly started to practice Danfeng's nameless soul refining formula, closed his eyes, opened them for a moment, and felt his mind clear. Looking at the fox again, it was still a fox.

"Hu..." Qin Ran exhaled lightly, silently chanted the Soul Refining Technique, raised his sword, and slowly approached the fox demon.

Seeing Qin Ran break free from his charm in a very short time, the seven-tailed fox demon couldn't help but flash a trace of surprise in his eyes. Can a small Jindan cultivator have such a stable mind?

Seeing Qin Ran coming, it stood up, suddenly let out a strange cry, jumped forward, and suddenly disappeared.

The fox disappeared, Qin Ran hurriedly stopped, raised his sword, and carefully guarded in front of him.

All around, other battlefields:

Qi Yun and Jian Yuanjie were being chased by four level six monsters;

Bai Ruoxi was carefully circling the soul-eating human-faced spider to avoid the soul-eating human-faced spider's poison;

Su Changqing and the Thunder Unicorn were chasing and fleeing in the air. Looking up, I couldn't see their specific figures clearly, only sword energy and divine thunder fell from the air from time to time.

Suddenly, a seven-tailed fox pounced at Qin Ran from behind. Qin Ran stepped aside, turned around and slashed at the fox with his sword. The fox opened its mouth and bit the sword, then exerted force and the sword broke into pieces with a "snap". The fox then stretched out its claws and went for Qin Ran's brain.

Seeing that Qin Ran was about to be fooled, he lowered his head at the critical moment, turned around again, and a large cauldron appeared in his hand...

"Dang!" He knocked the cauldron on the head where the seven-tailed fox was coming.

Qin Ran knew shit about swordsmanship. He would always have a sword in his hand just to attract attention and confuse people. What he really knows is this simple and simple move of lifting a cauldron and smashing people.

The seven-tailed fox was knocked unconscious by the cauldron and almost came to its senses. Seeing Qin Ran smashing the cauldron without showing any martial ethics, it hurriedly retreated, cast another spell, and disappeared.

"Fuck, you can't afford it?" Qin Ran cursed secretly, "Damn it, you're invisible and I'm invisible too!"

With a sudden move in his mind, he performed a magic spell like a dream, transforming his body into a water form.

The water was originally transparent, and with his deliberate adjustment, it actually had an invisible smell. If you didn't look carefully, you wouldn't be able to see his figure.

The fox became invisible and disappeared, and Qin Ran also disappeared. As a result, there was no one on the battlefield here.

However, they all talk about invisibility, but the Seven-tailed Fox has innate magical powers, and Kieran's invisibility is not really invisible at all, it is easy to see. Not long after, he was seen through by the Seven-tailed Demonic Fox, and slapped him away. The invisible state fanned out.

After a head-on confrontation, a confrontation with supernatural powers, and two moves, the seven-tailed fox had a general understanding of Qin Ran's strength, and stopped pretending. He jumped out of invisibility, using both his mouth and claws, and rushed towards Qin Ran.

The seven-tailed fox went at full speed and attacked with all its strength. For a moment, it seemed like countless fox monsters were attacking Qin Ran.

Kieran was not good at fighting to begin with, and now he was carrying a heavy cauldron, even more unable to stop the seven-tailed fox's fierce attack.

Within a moment, countless scratches and teeth marks appeared on his body. He was tired of coping and always felt like he was going to die in a few moments.

"Oh shit!"

Qin Ran cursed secretly, and suddenly retracted the Nine Provinces Cauldron into the sea of ​​qi. When the seven-tailed demon fox attacked again, he resisted with force and used the Mirror Flower, Water Moon.

Then he saw the seven-tailed fox coming to bite him. Qin Ran couldn't avoid it and was hit by one head, knocking out more than a dozen figures. Those figures were thrown away in all directions.

The seven-tailed fox looked up and saw a dozen clones in the air. It was obvious that there was a sarcastic smile on the corner of its mouth...

Are you separated from the nine-tailed fox clan?

I saw its seven tails wagging, and the entire fox disappeared. In another blink of an eye, seven identical foxes appeared out of thin air. They all have only one tail above their buttocks.

One tail, one life. Compared with Kieran's poor quality water clone, this is called a serious clone...

The so-called natural talent!


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