Qin Ran was floating in the darkness. He stretched out his hand and couldn't see his fingers. He couldn't see how high he was when he looked up, and he didn't know how deep he was when he looked down.

He didn’t know whether he was alive or dead, he didn’t know why he was here, he didn’t know where he came from and where he was going, he didn’t know what he was doing, he was light, confused, unexamined, and confused. Chaotic.

In the darkness, he drifted for an unknown amount of time when he suddenly heard a sound in the distance. The sound was too far away for him to hear clearly. He subconsciously flew towards the sound.

When the sound stopped, he stopped. When the sound started again, he continued flying towards the sound.

He didn't know how long he had been flying, but he heard the voice shouting "Master, Master".

He didn't know who was shouting, he didn't know who was shouting.

After flying in the darkness for a long time, he suddenly heard the voice saying, "Master, Shiyin misses you so much."

Master, Shiyin?

His confused head became somewhat clear. He remembered that he had a disciple, one named Li Shiyin.

The sound was intermittent, and he flew intermittently.

He heard the voice say:

"Master, we are back to Danfeng... The animals and trees on Danfeng are all dead... Vixen and Bai Ruoxi followed to Danfeng. Oh, Li Shiwen is here too, and his soldiers. Danfeng is so lively all of a sudden "

"Master, Bai Ruoxi said that you are not dead, but there is a possibility that you will never wake up in this life... Master, Shiyin believes that you will wake up... Even if you never wake up, Shiyin will always take care of you... …”

"Master, Shiyin wanted to cook for Li Shiwen and the others today, but Shiyin still doesn't know how to cook...it's embarrassing again."

"Master, Shiyin wanted to build a house for Bai Ruoxi and Tushan Youyou, like the one you built for Zhuifeng and Qiqi, but I can't... In the end, Li Shiwen and the others set up a temporary tent."

"Master, Huang Feiyu and Tian Wenjin came to Danfeng today. I think Huang Feiyu is a little abnormal, he seems to be crazy...Tian Wenjin followed him and lost his own opinion, so dangerous....I think Wenjin was better without Huang Feiyu before. "

"Master, Shiyin went to the main peak today and heard that the leader was injured in the Hengduan Mountains and went into seclusion. ...According to Bai Ruoxi, Elder Ning died... So many Yuanying cultivators died that day, it was scary. Bai Ruoxi said that the matter is in trouble, and the Lingnan Immortal Sect will definitely send someone to deal with the matter..."

"Master, it seems that Youyou wants to live in Danfeng. She dug a fox hole in the back mountain and said that the back mountain will be her territory from now on..."

"Master, Shiyin will start learning alchemy from today, and must refine the elixir to wake you up."

"Master, Shiyin should wait until you wake up before learning alchemy... Master, today I started digging the lake again. Now Shiyin is very good, and I will dig the lake soon. Master, when you wake up, I will The lake where I saw Danfeng. Master, I want to call this lake Shiyin Xijian Lake, do you think it’s okay?”

"Master, master, master! Shiyin succeeded. The food Shiyin cooked today, Li Shiwen said it was delicious!! Master, wake up quickly, Shiyin will cook it for you!"

"Master, Li Shiwen went back today. He said he was going back to the capital to be punished... because he failed to protect the Hengduan Mountains. I don't think it's any of his business. He asked me to go back with him, but I didn't. I still have to take care of the master. "

"Master, Bai Ruoxi touched Qiqi's root today. She said she has never seen such a bad root... Qiqi clearly has poison and fire spiritual roots. What's the difference? Although both spiritual roots are low-grade. ...Master, I think she is too harsh on Qiqi. It would be great if Shiyin could also touch the bones..."

"Master, I read a book today but fell asleep."

"Master, today a senior sister from Qi Peak came to Danfeng. She is so gentle and beautiful. She practices wood-based skills and said she wanted to help Danfeng restore vegetation... It would be great if Shiyin was so gentle... "

"Master, the lake has been dug. When will you wake up..."

"Master, Zhui Feng is getting more and more aggressive now. He bites everyone he sees and doesn't leave home every day... Master, if you don't wake up, Zhui Feng will leave us."

"Master, Qiqi said that she has acquired the cultivation technique and wants to find a quiet place to practice...Master, Qiqi seems to want to leave too..."

Qin Ran kept flying following the sound. The closer he got to the sound, the more awake he became.

He gradually regained consciousness and regained his memory. He knew that he was Qin Ran and that the person speaking was his apprentice Li Shiyin.

He listened to his silly apprentice talking to him every day, sharing his daily life and thoughts. He felt like he had never been so close to her.

Kieran has always known that he is not a good person and has coveted his apprentice's beauty from the beginning. However, because he is a master and apprentice, he has always been very restrained and did not dare to get too close and tried to keep a distance.

During this time, he had never felt so good or peaceful.

"Sure enough, women are a man's eternal home." To be honest, Kieran wanted to sleep like this forever. He was fascinated by such a beautiful and quiet feeling.

But he knew it wouldn't work. Just as a woman is a man's eternal home, a man is also a woman's eternal support. He has a family and needs this family to rely on.

He moved forward hard towards the voice, and soon saw the light in the darkness. He continued to move towards the light, and the light became bigger, and then bigger...

Kieran opened his eyes and saw the ceiling, the wardrobe in front of him, the bookshelf... This was his bedroom.

He turned his head and looked. Beside the bed, there was a master's chair. On the master's chair, there was a girl holding a large book in her hands.

The girl is not reading a book, she is sleeping.

Qin Ran looked at the girl's face and found that she was much thinner than before he died. The cute baby fat on her face was almost gone. He didn't know how much she had suffered in recent days.

She had sword-like eyebrows, almond eyes, peach cheeks, thin lips, pearly teeth and a beautiful nose. Qin Ran had seen her many wild girls, but he had rarely seen such a quiet and gentle girl.

She was good when she was lively and beautiful when she was quiet.

Qin Ran looked at her and felt at ease and happy. He smiled unconsciously... Then he knew that he really liked this girl.

He looked at her for a long time, but the girl didn't wake up. She really loved books and couldn't bear to read them. She was so gentle that Qin Ran cried to death.

After all, he couldn't lie down all the time. Qin Ran used his magic power to dredge the blood in his body, and then pressed his hand on the edge of the bed, ready to get up.

But he felt that before he exerted any strength, the edge of the bed suddenly sank.

... He sat up and looked at his hands, a little confused. How could his body become stronger after he died? How did they save themselves?

Qin Ran got up carefully, opened the door and went to the corridor outside. He looked up and saw the familiar yet unfamiliar Danfeng.

It was familiar, but unfamiliar because the plants were gone, only some newly grown buds.

"Danfeng!" He stretched and sighed comfortably.

There were thousands of sails, but none of them were as pleasant as Danfeng.

Li Shiyin finally woke up and was ready to continue reading, but suddenly found that the master on the bed was gone. She was startled and got up suddenly. She turned around and was about to draw her sword, but she found that the familiar figure was standing in the corridor outside...

"Master!" She screamed and threw herself forward into Qin Ran's arms.


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