Perhaps because he was scolded by Kieran, Zhui Feng didn't run out again in the afternoon. After he finished eating the meat, he went to lie down by the lake pit and watched Qin Ran running around at the bottom of the lake with various strange measuring tools.

After lying down for a while, he suddenly found a sleepy white fox next to him. This fox has pure white fur and five fluffy tails. It is very beautiful. It is also lying on its stomach, looking at the bottom of the lake.

He growled politely at the fox.

"Ouch..." Tushan Youyou yawned lazily and casually replied to Zhui Feng.

A tiger and a fox are lying by the lake. On one side is a thick and powerful tiger tail, and on the other side is a cute and fluffy fox tail. They are of the same size, and both are pure white. They look like they complement each other, and they fit in well. .

Long Qiqi saw this scene on the locust tree. She didn't know why, but she suddenly felt sad. She murmured to herself: "I was the one who came first."

"Ouch..." the five-tailed white fox asked the Xuanming Spirit Tiger.

"Set up the formation." Xuanming Linghu replied.

The five-tailed white fox then pondered, not knowing what he was thinking. After a while, she stood up and transformed into a graceful and enchanting image of a peerless woman. Then she asked Qin Ran at the bottom of the lake: "Can you still form formations?"

Qin Ran turned around and saw the plump white curves on the shore of the lake. It was such a beautiful scenery that he looked away unnaturally.

"A little bit," he replied.

Tushan Youyou's eyes lit up and he asked, "How about you teach me?"

"Do you want to learn the formation?" Qin Ran asked.

"I still want to learn a lot! Formations, medicine refining, elixir refining, poetry, songs, music and chess, calligraphy and painting... I want to learn them all." Tu Shan said leisurely.

Qin Ran glanced at her and saw her studious look, remembering the fox demon in the legendary Zhiguai.

Those fox demons, firstly, like to seduce scholars, and secondly, they like to disguise themselves as students and sneak into the classroom to study. Both are related to reading. It seems that the fox demons are really easy to learn.

"There is no problem in teaching you. But what you want to learn is extensive and profound in every aspect. Even if you only go deep into one subject, you need to invest countless efforts. Especially the way of formation..." He and Tushan said leisurely, "I His intelligence is not bad, but he has been studying formations for nearly twenty years, and he is just a beginner."

"It doesn't matter, I can learn slowly!" Tushan Youyou changed from laziness to motivation, with a posture of wanting to learn all the knowledge one by one.

She jumped down from the lake pit, walked to Qin Ran's side, and asked, "Zhui Feng said you were setting up an array. Are you setting up an array? What are you going to do?"

She had a charming and strange fragrance on her body. Qin Ran couldn't resist it, so he quietly walked over and replied:

"Measure the distance to plan the size and distribution of the formation; measure the spiritual energy concentration to change the corresponding position of the formation; measure the spiritual energy and terrain direction..."

Qin Ran was taking the test while explaining to Tu Shan Youyou. He was not a stingy person either. Tushan Youyou wanted to learn, so he explained it to her in detail.

And Tushan Youyou was really easy to learn, and she listened very carefully... so her fragrant and moist body unconsciously got very close to Kieran.

In front of the wooden house, Li Shiyin finished her sword practice, sheathed her sword and came to Zhui Feng to see her beloved master. The result...

She saw her master and that vixen having a passionate affair there, an adulterer and an adulterer!

Li Shiyin's anger suddenly rose up. She gritted her teeth and said bitterly: "That's obviously my master!"

Zhui Feng, who was lying next to her, suddenly felt a chill. There were invisible sword energy running around in the air, making him shiver.

"'s so scary!"

Because Qin Ran's consciousness is strong enough, his senses are also sharp enough. He sensed danger coming from the shore and looked over quickly. He saw purple star flames emerging from Li Shiyin's eyes, and sword aura spreading out.

"Hey!" Li Shiyin pulled out the Qingxing Sword, and the extremely cold stars in the depths of the universe seemed to be shining on the sword.

She asked loudly, "Master, do you want to see if my sword is sharp?"

Qin Ran panicked for a moment and replied: "I'm just teaching her the formation!"

What does it mean to hide something hidden...

As soon as he said it, he felt something was wrong. He had a clear conscience and was teaching the formation. And the one above is still an apprentice! What is he afraid of? What to explain?

"Ahem!" Thinking of this, Qin Ran's expression condensed and he became very serious. Then he took out a detailed explanation of the basics of formations from his Qiankun bag, handed it to Tushan Youyou, and said seriously,

"This is the basic knowledge of formations. You should read it first. After you have thoroughly read this book, you can start studying the formations."

Well, although there are countless legitimate reasons, as a man, he can bend and stretch, and sometimes he still has to be cowardly.

Tushan Youyou took over the detailed explanation of the basics of the formation. It was a big, thick book, and it was very heavy. She almost lost her grip. She opened the page again and saw that it was filled with words that looked like little ants, which dazzled her.

"No, do you have to read such a thick book before you can start learning formations?" She flipped through the thick book, suspecting that Qin Ran was perfunctory, and couldn't help but ask, "When are we going to see you?"

"I have been reading this book on and off for five years..." Qin Ran said.

Tushan Youyou looked at Kieran carefully and found that he didn't seem to be lying.

"Okay..." It seemed that she really wanted to read such a book, so she had no choice but to accept her fate, picked up the book dejectedly, turned around and flew towards the lake.

Seeing Tu Shan Youyou left, Kieran breathed a sigh of relief. Although he didn't know why, he didn't do anything, but he just felt guilty as a thief.

Tu Shanyouyou flew to the lakeside, opened the detailed explanation of the formation, and read it while walking.

"Fox spirit!"

At this time, she suddenly heard someone beside her gritting his teeth and scolding her.

She felt puzzled, looked over, and said to the person who scolded her... Li Shiyin nodded: "That's right, I am a fox spirit!"

"Shameless, seducing my master..." Li Shiyin said again.

Tu Shanyouyou heard this, looked up and down at Li Shiyin, and only felt embarrassed when she looked at Li Shiyin, then sighed and shook her head, and continued to walk forward.

She left the lake, walked to the locust tree in front of the wooden house, and sat on the swing.

Tu Shan opened the book on her knees and looked up to see a thick poisonous snake on the locust tree spitting its tongue at her, with great malice. She felt puzzled and said, "I am a vixen, right?"

Long Qiqi spitted her tongue and cursed in her heart, "Ah, right, right!"

"Zhuifeng!" Qin Ran at the bottom of the lake shouted, "Move the formation materials here, come down to help me set up the formation..."

"Ah..." Zhuifeng yawned, got up and used the wind to roll up the formation materials that Qin Ran had prepared in advance and rolled them all to the bottom of the lake.

The big wooden barrel containing the formation materials fell to the bottom of the lake with a "clang". Qin Ran saw it and kicked Zhuifeng in the face, cursing, "Don't you know how to be gentle?! You don't feel sad if you hurt it, right?"

Zhuifeng was kicked and rolled several times at the bottom of the lake, and climbed up in a daze...

He felt that he was beaten for no reason.


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