"Senior Ji Devouring Demon Liu and I had a friendly exchange, fully exchanged our opinions, and finally reached an agreement on various solutions..."

In the living room of the cabin, after activating the isolation formation, Qin Ran briefly talked to a few people about what happened between him and the Extreme Devouring Demonic Willow.

...As for the fact that the Extreme Devouring Demonic Willow is still alive, they deduced it themselves and it has nothing to do with Qin Ran. Qin Ran did not violate the soul contract.

"So..." Tushan Youyou hugged her big breasts, stood against the window, and asked Qin Ran, "You have colluded with the Extreme Devouring Demon Willow?"

"What collusion? It sounds so ugly!" Qin Ran sat on the long wooden chair in the living room, holding a cup of hot tea in his hand, and said, "We have reached a peace agreement and conducted friendly cooperation. For the future of him and Danfeng Paving the way for development.”

"Who is the Extreme Devouring Demon Liu and you dare to cooperate with him?" Tushan Youyou sneered when he heard this and said, "You are not afraid of death."

"Senior is a level nine monster. It is a great honor for me to cooperate with him. Why not?" Qin Ran replied.

Long Qiqi sat cross-legged on the ground and leaned on the coffee table. She looked at Kieran and felt that Qin Ran was a little strange today. His tone of voice was false and empty, and there was no real content in what he said.

She suspected that Qin Ran had been taken over or controlled by the Demonic Willow Devourer. After all, the Devouring Demon Willow is a monster and cannot speak human language.

She quickly pointed her eyes at Tushan Youyou by the window, "This may not be Kieran."

Tu Shan Youyou received Long Qiqi's look and asked, "Are you Kieran?"

"Ah!" Long Qiqi slapped his head helplessly. Why did he ask directly? She shouldn't have faith in monsters when it comes to intrigues, even if it's a vixen.

"Of course." Qin Ran said.

"how to prove?"

"Chasing the Wind can prove it."

Tushan Youyou looked at Zhuifeng, who nodded and said, "It's indeed dad."

In fact, Tushan Youyou also felt that something was wrong with Kieran. She looked at Kieran a few more times, thought about it, and asked, "So what deal did you make?"

"Don't say it." Qin Ran shook his head.

Tushan Youyou thought to herself that she really shouldn't inquire about the ninth-level monster.

But Long Qiqi's eyes narrowed and he realized something was wrong. He couldn't say it because he was forced to say it. She no longer believed in Tu Shan Youyou, and asked herself: "How much strength does the Ji-devouring Demon Liu have left now?"

"Not sure."

Long Qiqi used her sinister thoughts to speculate on Qin Ran and the Demonic Devouring Willow, and after getting some ideas, she asked: "If Sister Youyou wants to challenge the Demonic Devouring Willow, what are the chances of winning?"

Qin Ran glanced at Long Qiqi appreciatively, knowing that this little girl knew how to break the situation.

He replied: "Yuyou's strength is indeed strong, but it does not pose a life threat to Senior Devouring Demon Liu."

Long Qiqi immediately realized that she could beat him but couldn't kill him. She asked again: "Where's the stupid tiger?"

"Don't say it." Qin Ran shook his head repeatedly.

...Zhui Feng has the ability to threaten the life of the Devouring Demonic Willow.

Long Qiqi asked Kieran some minutiae questions in a roundabout way, and Kieran tried his best to answer Long Qiqi without triggering the soul contract.

The two said a bunch of incomprehensible words, and the other three looked at each other, not knowing what they were talking about.

After a while, Qin Ran got up and went out, saying, "I'm going to see Senior Devouring Demon Liu."

The four people sat down in the living room. Li Shiyin looked at Long Qiqi and asked hurriedly: "Qiqi, what's going on?"

"Kinran made some deals and reached some agreements with the Absolute Devouring Demonic Willow. Among these agreements, at least the true situation of the Absolute Devouring Demonic Willow cannot be revealed. Once revealed, Kieran is likely to suffer some kind of harm."

Long Qiqi shared his analysis with them, "But through the series of exchanges just now, I still got some useful information."

"The agreement..." Tu Shan said leisurely, "It should be the soul contract."

"Soul contract?" Long Qiqi had never heard of this thing due to his cultivation and knowledge.

Tu Shan Youyou explained to her what the soul contract was, and finally said: "With the strength of Ji Ji Devouring Demon Liu, wouldn't it be a big disadvantage for Qin Ran to sign the soul contract with him?"

She doesn't know yet that the Extreme Devouring Demon Liu is better than being distracted, otherwise she will be even more worried.

"With Qin Ran's personality, he would not suffer such a loss." Long Qiqi shook his head. He didn't know if he was praising Qin Ran or not.

"Through the exchange just now, I got some information." She continued,

"First, Kieran cannot expose the Demonic Devouring Willow; second, Kieran cannot deal with the Demonic Devouring Willow; third, Kieran also received some kind of benefit from the Demonic Devouring Willow, which is probably part of their deal; Fourth, the Demonic Devouring Willow is seriously injured and is now very weak. Sister Youyou can easily defeat it; fifthly, Demonic Devouring Willow still has a backup plan and is difficult to kill; sixthly, Zhuifeng can deal with the Demonic Devouring Willow. I The guess is that only the soul of Jiji Devouring Demon Liu is very strong now..."

She is worthy of being as sinister as Kieran. An analysis of Kieran's actual successor shows that they are pretty much the same. Finally, she concluded:

"Kinran is not in danger for now, but that won't be the case in the future; Kieran can't take action against the Ultimate Devouring Demonic Willow, but he didn't say whether we can. According to my analysis, Kieran is hinting that we take action to get rid of the Ultimate Devouring Demonic Willow."

"Just that few willow branches..." Li Shiyin was puzzled, "Zui Feng killed him with just one paw. What's so powerful about it?"

"That's a level nine demon beast, equivalent to a cultivator in the Hedao stage! How terrifying are Hedao cultivators?" Long Qiqi looked at Li Shiyin and scolded, "He may have countless tricks up his sleeve, how could he be killed so easily? Lingnan Xianzong has been planning for many years, but he has not been completely eliminated.

"We have to think about this matter carefully!"

Qin Ran came out alone, came to the side of the Devouring Demon Willow, took out his Dao Fruit, spread it in front of the Devouring Demon Willow, and asked with a smile: "Senior Liu, the Dao Fruit is here, how do you want to take it? "

The willow branches in front of him moved, the tips of the willows bent, and lightly touched the Dao fruit, and then the Dao fruit turned into a liquid, flew up with the branches, and finally merged into the branches.

This Dao fruit originally belonged to the Devouring Demon Willow, so it was natural for it to absorb it.

After absorbing the Dao fruit, it was visible to the naked eye that the willows by the lake grew taller and bigger, and in a blink of an eye, they grew from Qin Ran's waist height to taller than Qin Ran; its trunk was as thick as a baby's fist, and the yellow buds on the branches grew and turned into tender yellow leaves.

"Congratulations, senior! "Qin Ran said.

The willow tree swayed its branches and leaves, and also seemed happy.

That night, with the lights on in the study, Qin Ran copied down the first level of "Nine Extremes Yuanshen Devouring Demon Art" and studied it word by word on paper.

He listed the various meanings, multiple interpretations, different origins, and so on of each word on paper. It was as if he was treating this magic skill as a classic with profound meanings for academic research.

Compared to Liu Daoji's expectation of being impatient, Qin Ran was not in a hurry to practice this Yuanshen skill. On the contrary, He did his research slowly and even planned not to practice this technique.

How cautious is Qin Ran? How could he practice someone else's technique casually? It is known that he did not even dare to lick the bag after killing someone, because he was afraid that practicing someone else's technique would be known.

He did not plan to practice this technique, but only to study it...

And studying techniques is a serious professional match for him, a technique rubbish collector with many years of experience in picking up leaks!



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