Song Ze, who is thirty-six years old this year, was accepted as a disciple of He Daoguang, the leader of Qi Peak thirty years ago, and became his direct disciple. He started practicing at an age that was most suitable for practice.

He had a charming temperament, a very beautiful face, and a gentle temperament, which was loved by people at that time. He was also extremely talented, often studied hard, had solid cultivation, and was proficient in countless magical powers.

Regardless of his image or cultivation, he is worthy of his status as one of the top ten geniuses of Dao Jianmen, so he has countless fans.

So when I heard that someone wanted to challenge my brother, the Daojian Sect was filled with excitement and excitement.

The female cultivator at the Qi Peak said angrily: "The top ten geniuses are ten people, and no one else will challenge me. If you insist on challenging my brother, are you bullying my brother for his gentle temperament?"

"If you want to challenge my brother, you have to pass me. I want to see how strong she is!"

A well-informed person said: "It is said that the challenger is an unknown person with low cultivation level. Is she worthy?"

"That woman seems to be one of the so-called top five beauties..." someone analyzed, "I suspect that bitch is maliciously trying to get close to my brother!"

"Danfeng, what kind of backwater is Danfeng? He actually has the nerve to show off!" Someone simply launched a personal attack.

Of course, in addition to these Song Ze fans, there are indeed many passers-by who came to watch the game today.

Some came to watch the show: "I got news that the Foundation Establishment Stage is challenging the Golden Core Stage. The challenger is really not afraid of death. Song Ze is a genius, and she wants to challenge even more. I came to see how she cried. "

"Crying?" Someone shook his head and said, regardless of life or death on the Taoist platform, "If you can't control your magic power, I'm afraid someone will die today."

Some of them came to see the beauties: "It is said that the challenger is one of the five most stunning beauties, the so-called Sword Fairy in White. He has a long sword, is dressed in white, has sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes, black hair and red lips. Even women fall in love with him when they see him. I want to see it." See what it looks like.”

"I saw it once on the main peak, and I have something to say..." someone replied, "I have no regrets in this life."

There are very few people who come here for the battle: "They told me that it is a challenge to a higher level or a higher realm. I am looking forward to it..."

"Actually, the challenger is extremely talented. The leader of Sword Peak also wanted to accept her as his disciple, but she refused." Someone said, "I don't think she has a chance."

The news that someone wants to challenge Song Ze, one of the top ten geniuses, has been released by Dong Zhongyuan a long time ago. People who feel sorry for their brother, those who watch the fun, and those who like to fight, all gathered at the Dao Forum today. at.

So today's Dao Forum was extremely lively, and could be described as a sea of ​​people. At a glance, it seems that most of the low-level monks from Daojian Sect have come to watch the battle.

Li Shiyin was the challenger. She was very conscious and came to the forum early.

Today she is dressed in snow-white clothes, with a white jade belt around her waist, a sword-shaped pendant on the belt, black-soled white-faced boots, and a light-colored headband to tie her long, smooth black hair behind her head. The whole outfit highlights the four characters of cleanliness and neatness.

She held a long sword and stood on the side of the discussion platform with her eyes closed, quietly waiting for Song Ze to arrive.

Her face is as white as jade, her lips are as red as clouds, and she has an aura that makes her look heroic or charming.

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It's always eye-catching.

Li Shiyin came to the Taoist Forum at noon and stood on the platform waiting until the sun went down, but Song Ze never came.

She actually remembered her master's teachings and should remain calm at all times. As a challenger, she stood on the stage with her heart still.

Then the disciples who had been waiting in the audience couldn't help it anymore.

Someone who saw the joke said: "I'm afraid that Song Ze didn't take her seriously at all. You see her as serious, but she acts sentimental, like a clown."

"The gap in cultivation is too big, so Song Ze should not fight."

Some people complained: "Song Ze is really arrogant. If he doesn't want to fight, he can say it in advance. If he comes and doesn't come, he won't fight, he really doesn't deserve to be a son of man!"

"He is used to being praised by the stars. He has become arrogant and arrogant. He did such a nasty thing, but it was expected."

Someone with a good attitude said: "It doesn't matter whether Song Ze comes or not. Junior Sister Li is indeed as good-looking as the rumors say. This trip to watch the battle is worthwhile. I will watch as long as Junior Sister stands there!"

"Everyone's eyes are on me, all eyes are on me! Let me announce something. From now on, I am Junior Sister Li's dog!!"

As the sun set and the moon rose, until the sky was filled with stars, Song Ze finally arrived at the forum in a graceful manner.

"Look! That's Song Ze. Sure enough, he's quite as handsome as I was when I was young!"

"Brother, come on, brother is the best!"

"Give my brother a monkey..."

Song Zeguo was quite popular, and before he could even settle down on the forum, the crowd was already excited.

There was a smile on his lips, quite a bit of grace, and he held a paper fan in his hand and clasped his fists at Li Shiyin to apologize: "Junior sister, please forgive me. Senior brother has comprehended the new gist of the spell and lost track of time. I'm sorry, I'm really sorry."

Li Shiyin opened her eyes, looked at Song Ze, noticed the emerald green jade lever on his thumb, and said in a cold voice: "It's a good move to kill my fighting spirit."

The master has something to say, one can make a great effort, then it will weaken, and three times it will be exhausted.

She came for a challenge this time. At the beginning, her fighting spirit must be high, and it was the strongest time. If Song Ze did not face the challenge at this time and avoided the edge, her fighting spirit would inevitably weaken;

If she is resentful, duplicitous, impure and less willing to fight because of Song Ze's breach of contract, and Song Ze challenges him again at this time, her chances of winning will be at least 50% higher.

Seeing that Li Shiyin saw through his strategy at a glance, Song Ze couldn't help but stare at Li Shiyin. He looked at Li Shiyin for a second. She was not just a beautiful warrior with a beautiful appearance.

However, Song Ze firmly believed that a lion should use all its strength to fight a rabbit, and he was not ashamed of his strategy.

"Junior sister, you are joking." He laughed.

"Too stupid!" Li Shiyin made such an evaluation. She looked up at the sky, which was full of stars. "You don't know the skills I practice. You only know how to delay time in a programmed way..."

Hearing Li Shiyin's evaluation, Song Ze's face changed slightly. He really didn't know Li Shiyin's skills. He only knew that she was a Danfeng sword cultivator. Could her skills be related to the night?

"So arrogant!" Some of Song Ze's fans were angry and cursed, "What right do you have to say this about my brother, you bitch?

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"So arrogant! I like it so much..." But some passers-by said so.

In short, as soon as Li Shiyin said this, the audience was boiling and the discussion was loud.

The sky was full of stars, and Li Shiyin's eyes also had two stars. She ignored the voices from the audience and only looked at Song Ze, saying with the arrogance of a superior cultivator to a lower cultivator: "I allow you to attack first!"

"Oh... roar!" Someone in the audience was about to be stunned by Li Shiyin's handsomeness.

Under Li Shiyin's unreasonably strong aura, Song Ze almost forgot that he was actually a whole realm higher than Li Shiyin, and he had the illusion that he was the challenger.

He didn't take Li Shiyin seriously, but at this time, with his cautious mentality, he was really afraid of losing the battle. Wen Chun smiled: "It's nothing more than a competition, it doesn't matter who attacks first and who attacks later. Since Junior Sister said so, Senior Brother would rather obey her."

He felt a subtle sense of shame for being a high-level cultivator who attacked a low-level cultivator first, and he reminded her hypocritically, "Junior Sister, be careful!"

Then the jade plate on Song Ze's thumb lit up, and a magic light attacked Li Shiyin out of thin air.

Li Shiyin didn't even look at it, and her figure flashed past the spell.

Seeing that Li Shiyin's body movements were amazing, Song Ze didn't hide it. In an instant, he opened fire with all kinds of spells, such as wind blades, flames, and thunder, all of which were directed at Li Shiyin.

Li Shiyin's figure flashed in these spells. She had not drawn her sword, and had been looking for an opportunity. At a certain moment, she had been staring at Song Ze, and her eyes suddenly condensed... Song Ze's spells were numerous and varied, but not refined, and there would be pauses between casting spells.

Although this pause was extremely small and almost invisible, but...

"Fairy from the sky!" Li Shiyin silently chanted in her heart.

The Qingxing Sword was unsheathed, and the Tianshan Star River was flowing. A sword energy composed of the power of the stars condensed out of thin air, and a huge dazzling light suddenly lit up. The sword energy moved forward, and the Qingxing Sword returned to its sheath.

The sword rose, the sword was put away, and the sword light went out. In just a moment, the people below the stage looked up at the stage again, but they saw that the stage was clean, without magic, without sword energy, only Song Ze and Li Shiyin standing opposite each other.

Li Shiyin held the sword at her side, as if the long sword had never been unsheathed. Her cold starry eyes looked at Song Ze without emotion, and then she unfolded her body skills and turned around to fly into the night sky.

Everyone's eyes could not help but be attracted by her all the time, and followed her. She was glowing in the night sky, like a meteor approaching the earth.

On the stage, Song Ze's mouth was bloody, and there was a sword mark on the root of his thumb with a wrench. If he hadn't tried his best to protect it, his thumb, his life weapon, would have been destroyed by that sword.

He suffered severe internal injuries and knelt down on the stage powerlessly...

Perhaps he would never forget this sword tonight in his life.

A sword flies to the immortal, a sword approaches the earth! A fairy from the sky!!

I believe that those who came here to watch the battle today will not forget this amazing sword, the foundation-building stage fought against the golden elixir stage, and defeated with one sword!

What an invincible and elegant demeanor? ! !

With just one sword, Song Ze lost the title of Tianjiao. She, Li Shiyin, became the new generation of Tianjiao of Daojianmen with her foundation-building cultivation.

(End of this chapter)


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