My Daily Cultivation Life with a Clumsy Female Disciple

Chapter 180: The Invincible Female Swordsman of Danfeng

Zhu Jian was ignored by Li Shiyin, but he didn't dare to raise a bit of dissatisfaction. Because the moment the sword light came on, he really felt that he was infinitely close to death.

At that moment, he felt that he seemed to have nothing to hold back in front of Li Shiyin, and his weaknesses were exposed; it seemed that Li Shiyin had seen through him completely. When he faced Li Shiyin, it was as if he was facing a high-level sword cultivator, not a foundation-building cultivator.

He knew that if that sword stabbed him, he would be powerless to resist.

The Qingxing Sword that fell from the sky did not save Li Shiyin, but Zhu Jian.

Although he hadn't really made a move, he had already lost.

And this was not only known to Zhu Jian himself, but also to the people behind him.

When Li Shiyin passed Zhu Jian to ask them, some people couldn't help but take a step back because they couldn't stand Li Shiyin's pressing sword energy, and then retreated again and again.

Some people retreated, some didn't; some retreated with the trend, and some stood under pressure. There were still eight people who stayed in place, either with strength or hard resistance.

Those who retreated were already defeated; those who did not retreat were not defeated yet.

Under great pressure, someone gritted his teeth, drew his sword, and attacked Li Shiyin.

Li Shiyin did not underestimate him. She used the Starlight Technique and the Fairy Question. With a flash of starlight, she disappeared from Zhuifeng's back, knocked his sword away with a sword, and then instantly returned to Zhuifeng, as if she had not moved.

"What a strong power!" The man looked at his flying sword, and his hand holding the sword trembled. At the same level, he was defeated by one sword.

No matter what the reason, when a swordsman can't hold his sword, he should die. Because the sword is the swordsman's life. If the swordsman can't hold the sword, he can't hold his own life.

"Next." Li Shiyin said.

Another person came with a sword...

Then the figure of the sword-holding girl kept flashing in the crowd, on the path, and on Zhuifeng's back. Some people were defeated with one sword, and some people held on for two or three swords, but in the end no one held on to the end, and no one won.

Finally, Li Shiyin stood in front of the retreating crowd with a sword in hand. Behind her were seven or eight people who were defeated and lost their souls. Their magic weapons and flying swords fell to the ground. She asked the people in front of her, "Are there any more?" Some of these people had enthusiastic and excited eyes, some were cowardly and retreating; there were no provocative eyes with high fighting spirit. They looked at this invincible girl who was so beautiful that no one dared to draw their swords.

Li Shiyin waited for a while, and swept the crowd with a cold eye, ignoring their enthusiasm, because God never cared about believers. She sheathed her sword and said, "Please go back! Everyone!"

The defeated picked up their weapons and walked back dejectedly; the cowards used magic, or flew swords or clouds, and left in high spirits.

After today, there will be a legend in Daojianmen that the Danfeng girl sword fairy is invincible. They will say that she picked up a Jindan period cultivator with one sword, and defeated seven or eight Jindan cultivators with seven or eight sword qi. The disciples of Daojianmen will forget that she is one of the five most beautiful women, but will remember that she is one of the ten most beautiful people, and remember her sword energy that shines like stars.

After dozens of people walked away in a scattered manner, the fog of the mountain protection formation in front suddenly dissipated, and more than a dozen disciples of Daojianmen walked out of it. These were all disciples who tried to break through the formation or wanted to break the formation, but in the end they were lost in the mountain protection formation.

They walked out of the mountain protection formation and looked back at the mountain protection formation.

Those who had no foundation in formations were confused and even forgot when they got lost; those who had a foundation in formations were terrified, because this seemingly basic formation was all-encompassing and contained countless changes. They thought they understood it, but found that they didn't understand it at all.

Qin Ran's voice rang in the air: "This time it's an illusion formation, and next time it's a killing formation."

Those who had a foundation in formations didn't dare to stay and hurriedly cast spells to escape; those who didn't have a foundation in formations were confused on the spot.

"Zhuifeng..." Li Shiyin said, "Let's go home."

Zhuifeng held his head high, walked with the elegant steps unique to cats, and walked with Li Shiyin through those confused people, into the fog, and finally disappeared in the fog.

These confused people still had the backs of the white tiger and the girl in their eyes.

After passing through the fog and returning to Danfeng, Li Shiyin looked up and found that the master was still checking the trees he had planted these days by the lake. He looked calm and leisurely, as if it was not him who shocked those challengers.

The birds, beasts and insects in Danfeng were still chirping, and the mountains and rivers here were very quiet. The noisy challengers outside did not affect them at all.

Even Long Qiqi was still studying the building to refine the poison pill, and Tu Shanyouyou was still studying mathematics in the back mountain.

Sensing that the two naughty guys had returned, Qin Ran looked up at them, with a half-smile on his face, and said: "Zhuifeng ran away, right? You went to catch Zhuifeng, right? You spent the whole day catching him, right?!"

Li Shiyin ran away in the morning, and now it was almost dark in the afternoon. She had been out playing for a whole day... After all, it would take some time to let all the monsters in Danfeng know that their king had a big sister.

As soon as she saw Qin Ran's look, Li Shiyin knew that he was not really angry. She came over shyly with the sword in her arms, and made a sound from her nasal cavity: "Master... Master..."

How could this be the female sword fairy whose temperament was sharper than the sword energy? She was obviously a little girl who was good at acting coquettishly.

Qin Ran got goose bumps all over his body when he heard it, but he was actually very happy in his heart. He suppressed the smile on his lips, and saw Zhuifeng rolling on the ground on the side, exposing his belly and begging for forgiveness.

With a smile, he said fiercely: "Don't try this on me, it's useless!"

Whether it works or not, everyone knows.

He pointed to the open space between Xijian Lake and the research building and said, "Starting tomorrow, you two will build a shed for me! Moreover, you two will be punished by not having any food tomorrow!!"

It is a very severe punishment to punish a cultivator to not eat... No, it seems that one of these two is not a cultivator. Zhuifeng is a demon beast. He needs flesh and blood spiritual food. It is indeed a very severe punishment for him. So, it can only be said that it is always the little Zhuifeng who gets hurt.

But it doesn't matter. This guy is stupid enough. He doesn't know that he is the only one who gets hurt.

He has no idea that he is not actually grounded and he should not have been punished from the beginning; he also doesn't know that this punishment actually only punishes him.

This guy even stopped to roll around, his white fur was stained with a lot of mud, and he smiled to Qin Ran: "Thank you, Dad!"

Qin Ran pointed at him and smiled bitterly. Fortunately, this stupid tiger followed him. If he followed someone else, he would not know when he was sold. He would definitely help count the money... If he also learned arithmetic at that time.

"Yes... Master!" Li Shiyin replied weakly.

So the next day, Danfeng's invincible female sword fairy and her Xuanming Spirit Tiger companion began their glorious labor reform.


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