Long Qiqi and Tu Shanyouyou went to such great lengths to achieve nothing but Danfeng's biggest hidden danger, the Devouring Demon Willow!

They were going to cut down the Demon Willow without Qin Ran's knowledge!

As the saying goes, how can you allow others to sleep soundly beside your bed? The Devouring Demon Willow, a demonic hero, was obviously not of the same style as them. If they were not removed early, they would cause trouble sooner or later.

Qin Ran had done a systematic study of the Devouring Demon Willow a long time ago, when he first encountered the catkins of the Devouring Demon Willow. After encountering various incidents with the Devouring Demon Willow, he further improved his research;

And his research results were "accidentally" seen clearly by Long Qiqi.

With Qin Ran's research on the Devouring Demon Willow, Long Qiqi deduced a poison recipe for the Devouring Demon Willow. With the poison recipe, medicinal materials, furnace and conditions for refining medicine, it was very simple to refine the poison.

It didn't take Long Qiqi long to refine three bottles of poison specifically for the Devouring Demon Willow.

In the living room, she distributed the poison to Tushan Youyou, Li Shiyin and Zhuifeng, and sighed: "It would be better if Sister Youyou's formation progress was faster. We first set up the extinction formation, and then use poison to kill, which can minimize the crisis."

Good guy, this method is exactly the same as Qin Ran. Li Shiyin couldn't help but look at her several times when she heard it, and muttered in her heart, are you the master's apprentice or am I the master's apprentice?

"You need to pay attention to the following points..." After sighing, Long Qiqi looked serious and told the few people the final precautions,

"First, the poison may not have as much impact on the Devouring Demon Willow as I deduced; second, the killing move is always the Tribulation Thunder Pill; third, the Devouring Demon Willow is stronger than the Yuanshen, and I don't know how much strength it has left, so be extremely careful.

"According to my guess, its body is actually very good, but the Yuanshen is difficult to deal with."

Li Shiyin and Zhuifeng looked at each other, knowing what Long Qiqi meant, and nodded to her to show that they understood.

"Okay! "Long Qiqi encouraged the morale, "Come on, we must get rid of it!"

Li Shiyin came out with a sword first. She practiced swordsmanship in front of the wooden house as usual. While practicing, she came to the Sword Washing Lake, and at a certain moment, she accidentally came to the shore.

Suddenly, a porcelain bottle slipped off her body and broke right next to the Devouring Demon Willow.

"Sorry, senior! I didn't mean it." She hurriedly apologized to the willow tree and squatted down to pick up the porcelain bottle fragments.

But Long Qiqi's heart was vicious, and the poisons he prepared were all for strong toxicity. As soon as the poison went down, the Devouring Demon Willow reacted. It can be seen with the naked eye that the trunk of this willow tree was as thick as an adult man's fist, and its willow leaves quickly turned yellow.

"Poison? "An old and angry voice exploded out of nowhere.

The next moment, several willow branches stretched out and whipped towards Li Shiyin.

Li Shiyin had been paying attention to the movements of the Devouring Demon Willow. Seeing the movement of the willow branches, she had already held the sword in her hand, turned over and retreated, and another sword energy was slashed out, slashing on the willow branches.

The sword energy and the willow whip intersected and cut off a willow branch.

Seeing this, Li Shiyin was certain that the ninth-level monster Devouring Demon Willow could be cut off by her. It seems that what Long Qiqi said about its weak body is true.

The Devouring Demon Willow was poisoned, and Li Shiyin did not want to fight hard. She retreated to the surface of the Xijian Lake, not too far away, so that the Devouring Demon Willow could not calm down to remove the poison, and she did not have to face the Devouring Demon Willow alone.

"Chasing the wind! "She shouted, signaling Zhuifeng to come out.

As soon as the voice fell, a white shadow suddenly rushed over from the wooden house and went straight to the Devouring Demon Willow.

Zhuifeng approached to poison, and Li Shiyin was worried. She used all her strength to activate the War Spirit Art and rushed forward to share the power of the Devouring Demon Willow with Zhuifeng.

By now, the Devouring Demon Willow has mobilized more willow branches to fight, as many as fifteen or sixteen. Li Shiyin fought ten alone. Even if she fought at full strength, it would be difficult to resist the whip that could be whipped from all directions. It didn't take long before she couldn't hold on and was whipped away.

Li Shiyin stabilized her body in the distance and looked towards the Devouring Demon Willow. She saw that Zhuifeng was covered with whip marks and was also whipped away by a whip.

"? "Li Shiyin was puzzled. She fought ten whips alone, so why was he beaten so badly by five or six whips?

She was about to scold Zhuifeng for being useless, but suddenly found that there were two fewer black rings on Zhuifeng's tail. She looked around quietly and saw a little black tiger holding a porcelain bottle crawling into the shadow of the Devouring Demon Willow.

Li Shiyin immediately understood that Zhuifeng not only poisoned, but also hid the Thunder Pill and Earth Flame Pill under the Devouring Demon Willow.

So, according to Long Qiqi's plan, the first and second steps were perfect. After poisoning and leaving the Thunder Pill, Li Shiyin shouted again: "Tushan Youyou!"

Another white shadow came out of the cabin and flew in front of the Devouring Demon Willow.

Judging from the perfect progress of the first and second steps, this third step, if nothing unexpected happens, should be an accident.

Then a smile appeared on Tushan Youyou's beautiful face, and she smashed the last porcelain bottle on the Devouring Demon Willow. She smiled and said: "Uncle Liu! I didn't expect that Youyou would send you off in person in the end! ! "

"Youyou ah..." The old voice sounded out of nowhere, but there was no panic, and the voice was full of laughter. He sighed, "You are finally here, good boy, uncle has been waiting for you for a long time! ! "

Hearing this, the smile on Tushan Youyou's face disappeared little by little, because she suddenly realized a problem. She had her own little calculations. She knew Qin Ran had a plan, and she also knew that Long Qiqi had a plan. Then, as a thousand-year-old cunning man and a demonic hero, would the Devouring Demon Willow have a plan?

Must have! ! !

So what's his plan? ! ! It’s obvious…

Tushan Youyou felt fear in her heart. She didn't dare to stay at all and just wanted to escape.

But the Extreme Devouring Demon Liu finally managed to trick her here, how could he let her escape so easily?

In an instant, all the willow branches on the branches of the Devouring Demonic Willow stretched and thickened, and they all headed towards Tushan Youyou. These willow branches were shadowy and intertwined into a network, making the sky full of willow branches. Tushan Youyou could not escape for a while, so he could only fight head-on.

So the Devouring Demonic Willow has made such a big circle, what is Tutu Mountain about?

Daoguo! !

Apart from the Lingnan Immortal Sect, the one with the most Dao Fruits is Tushan Youyou!

In the end, she deceived everyone except the Lingnan Immortal Sect. Although Qin Ran threw out more than a dozen Dao Fruits in order to save her life, there was no telling how many Dao Fruits were hidden in her bottomless ravine. Does anyone know...

Except for the Extreme Devouring Demon Willow, because the Tao Fruit is the Tao Fruit of his Extreme Devouring Demon Willow.

If it was worth risking one's life for fishing like Ji Ji Demon Liu, then Tushan Youyou might have more Taoist fruits than Kieran imagined.

Li Shiyin is a young foundation-building monk, Zhui Feng is a young Xuanming spirit tiger, and the Devouring Demon Liu really didn't pay attention to this ant-like creature. After Tu Shan Youyou appeared, all his thoughts were on Tushan Youyou has it.

After seeing the terrifying battle situation between Jiji Devouring Demon Liu and Tushan Youyou, Li Shiyin and Zhui Feng reunited. Li Shiyin did not speak and signaled Zhui Feng with his eyes. The tacit understanding between the two made Zhui Feng understand instantly. With a thought, he took back the shadow clone.

Li Shiyin then made a seal and activated the Tribulation Thunder Pill without any delay.

Regarding Long Qiqi and Tushan Youyou, Qin Ran had no reservations about academic issues, such as alchemy or formation.

However, only Li Shiyin knew how to seal the Fire Pill of Tribulation Thunder Pill.


Suddenly, a blue thunderbolt struck upward from the ground, penetrated the Devouring Demonic Willow, and tore apart the gray clouds in the sky!

"It's thunder again! It turns out to be you!! Qin Ran!!!"

A hoarse roar from the Devouring Demonic Willow resounded through the sky.

The clouds were torn open by thunder, and suddenly rain fell!


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