Zhuifeng doggy-paddled his way to the shore, without even calling his beloved "Dad". He quickly lay down, lit up the "Wang" pattern on his forehead, and released Li Shiyin's soul.

That was his ghost space. If he didn't release it, Li Shiyin would probably be invaded and become his ghost.

Li Shiyin came out of Zhuifeng's "Wang" pattern, slowly growing from a small dot on one side to a normal size, standing by the lake.

And seeing her soul bright and full of energy, she didn't look like she had experienced a life-and-death battle, but rather like she had eaten a feast of delicacies from the mountains and the sea.

"Zhuifeng, thank you!" She patted Zhuifeng's big head, and turned back to greet Qin Ran, "Master!"

Li Shiyin's soul strength was almost catching up with Qin Ran. Qin Ran nodded, knowing that she had benefited a lot this time.

"Hurry back, don't stay outside." He said to Li Shiyin.

Li Shiyin then flew back to her body holding the Muran Sword.

Seeing that Li Shiyin's soul had entered the sea of ​​consciousness, Qin Ran turned around and squatted, put his hand on Zhuifeng's cat head, and asked: "Does it hurt?"

"Yeah!" Zhuifeng nodded aggrievedly.

Although he had absorbed a lot of Liu Daoji's soul, repaired the damage to the ghost space, and made his soul and ghost space stronger, the previous damage and swelling still made him feel very uncomfortable.

Qin Ran rummaged through the Qiankun bag and found a bottle of elixir, which was the elixir he refined when he was studying the awakening grass. It is very good for the soul.

He poured out two pills and fed them to Zhuifeng.

Li Shiyin's soul returned to its place and adapted to the body. He flew over from the other side and squatted in front of Zhuifeng, pressing on his wet fur: "What's wrong with you?"

"Headache." Zhuifeng said.

"Didn't you absorb all of the soul of the Devouring Demon Willow? And you gave me some..." Li Shiyin was puzzled.

Zhuifeng scratched the "king" pattern on his forehead with his claws and said, "This has become stronger, but it still hurts inside."

Li Shiyin reached out to rub Zhuifeng's head to comfort him.

Qin Ran raised his hand, sucked all the water out of Zhuifeng's fur, made a water ball, and threw it into the lake.

"You go back first." He said, stood up and looked at Tushan Youyou.

It was still drizzling at this time. Tushan Youyou fell from the sky and stood by the lake looking at the messy lake surface.

Qin Ran walked to Tushan Youyou, looked at the lake and asked, "Even if Shiyin and Zhuifeng died, you don't plan to take action, right?"

For some reason, neither of them cast a spell to stop the rain from falling on them.

Tushan Youyou's hair was wet and stuck to her forehead. She reached out and tied up the hair in front of her forehead, but she was very charming.

She smiled and said, "They won't die because you won't let them die. I don't believe you don't have a backup plan."

Qin Ran was silent, because he did have a backup plan. In this round, the worst outcome is that he will die if he takes the risk of the backlash of his soul. But Li Shiyin and Zhuifeng will definitely not die.

However, now all these backhands are put aside. What he wants to say is that he is very dissatisfied with Tushan Youyou's slacking throughout the whole process.

If she hadn't watched the game, Li Shiyin and Zhuifeng wouldn't have fought to the point of desperately.

The silence ended, and Qin Ran suddenly asked: "When are you leaving?"

"Why should I leave?!" Tushan Youyou was surprised.

From her perspective, she was sold out by Qin Ran, and Qin Ran was sorry for her. Why should she give in? Want her to leave Danfeng? !

"I can learn the formation here, and I can practice in an absolutely safe environment..." She smiled, and her smile brightened the rainy sky a little, "I have no reason to leave."

In this way, Qin Ran might as well make it clearer. He gave Tushan Youyou a reason to leave, a reason to leave: "Danfeng, I don't like you very much."

He was personally very unhappy with her; I think Li Shiyin and Zhuifeng, who had experienced life and death, would not dislike her actions during the war. Then the two of them will never be friendly to her in the future.

Danfeng doesn't like Tushan Youyou.

The rain gradually got heavier, and the raindrops fell on the lake surface, stirring up layers of ripples. Tushan Youyou looked at the ripples, and her heart was also rippled.

Behind her, Li Shiyin rubbed Zhuifeng's forehead, and the two walked towards the cabin.

Tushan Youyou knew that it was absolutely wrong for her not to contribute during the war, but...

"It was you, Qin Ran, who treated me as a chess piece first, and I returned the favor later!" She said, "Repaying justice with justice, this is fair. What right do you have to drive me away?"

"Chess piece?" Qin Ran looked at Xijian Lake, looked at the fog farther away, looked at the gray sky, and said softly, "My only apprentice Li Shiyin is a chess piece, Zhuifeng, who I brought up, is a chess piece, and Long Qiqi, who learned alchemy from me, is a chess piece. It's not just you who is a chess piece. It's not that my relationship with you is the same as the relationship between a chess player and a chess piece...

"Of course, the point is not this, the point is the result of the matter, Danfeng doesn't like you. "

Tu Shanyouyou remained silent. She looked at the ripples one after another for a long time. She was soaked by the rain, and her beautiful body was looming in the rain.

She gave her final answer: "I won't leave."

"Heh!" Qin Ran looked up at the sky. The gray sky seemed to have rain falling from nowhere.

He raised his hand, drew the rain off his body, rolled it into a ball, and then turned it into a cover, blocking the rain on his head like an umbrella.

He walked towards the cabin and said, "It's up to you." Tu Shanyouyou was drenched in the cold rain by the lake all night. She saw the charred Devouring Demon Willow that was struck by lightning grow new buds, but she didn't leave Danfeng in the end.

She went back to the fox cave and didn't come out for a long time.

When Li Shiyin and Zhuifeng were fighting Liu Daoji, Long Qiqi was in front of the glass window in the living room of the cabin.

She watched Li Shiyin and Zhuifeng fall into a disadvantage, watched Zhuifeng desperately eat Liu Daoji, watched Li Shiyin chase into the ghost space without knowing whether to live or die, watched Zhuifeng struggle painfully in the sword washing lake, and she heard Zhuifeng's painful howling in her ears, but she could do nothing.

She had just built her foundation, her qualifications were poor, and her cyclone was extremely unstable. In that kind of battlefield, a burst of evil wind and a leak of sword energy could cost her life.

So she could only watch, expressionless.

Fortunately, the battle was won, Li Shiyin and Zhuifeng were fine, and she finally felt relieved.

At this time, she took a deep look at Tushan Youyou.

When Li Shiyin and Zhuifeng came into the house, Long Qiqi was sitting on a wooden chair drinking tea with a calm face, like a peerless strategist who was planning thousands of miles away.

She casually asked Li Shiyin, "Is Zhuifeng okay?"

"No, he will be fine after two days of rest." Li Shiyin said.

Long Qiqi looked at Li Shiyin again and asked, "What about you?"

This was not in line with the style of a peerless strategist.

"I am even more fine!" Li Shiyin laughed, "I had a lot of fun fighting this time. I also learned a new sword technique. It is the one that makes the soul leave the body and can hurt the soul. It is a very powerful sword technique. I will ask the master to give me a powerful name later!"

Looking at Li Shiyin's silly and happy look, Long Qiqi hesitated to say something, and the word "sorry" never came out.

She did not calculate that the soul of the Devouring Demon Willow was so strong. She thought that the soul of the Devouring Demon Willow should be just like a candle in the wind... Fortunately, the final result was good.

Long Qiqi was still pretending to be calm while drinking tea, but Li Shiyin had already taken the Go board on the coffee table and shouted:

"Zhuifeng, come, let's fight for another 500 rounds!"

When Qin Ran came back, Li Shiyin and Zhuifeng were fighting each other. Long Qiqi was watching from the side and shook his head. Seeing him coming, he asked, "What's wrong with her?"

"I don't know yet." Qin Ran said.


Li Shiyin was playing chess. Seeing Qin Ran coming, she raised her hand and said, "Master, please give me another awesome name!"

"Do you also need to give a name to your move of controlling the sword with the spirit?" Qin Ran asked.

Although Li Shiyin was embarrassed, she still nodded. Why can't she give a name to the sword move she realized with her own ability?

"Then let's call it Fengchen Jue Nian!"


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