My Daily Cultivation Life with a Clumsy Female Disciple

Chapter 189 An old farmer grows vegetables in the snow

"This is your own mission, I don't want to say anything." Qin Ran drank a glass of wine and said slowly, "But considering that this is your first time to go out on a mission, I still want to remind you a few words."

He picked up a piece of fish and mixed it in the oil dish, and said to Li Shiyin:

"The first point, which is the most important point, is to be in awe of this world. No matter what the mission is, you must be steady and cautious! If something unexpected happens, don't do it if you are not 100%... 98% sure. Remember, your own safety and life are always the first priority. If the sect mission can be completed, complete it, and if it cannot be completed, forget it.

"The second point is that before the mission, you must make sufficient preparations and fully understand all the information about the mission. Everything that needs to be prepared in the mission must be prepared in advance. Before carrying out the mission, don't leave any questions. This can minimize the occurrence of accidents.

"Third, when performing a mission, you are not allowed to relax at all. You must be on your toes at all times. You must be on your toes because a strong enemy may attack you in the next second. At the same time, you must try your best and go all out. You are not allowed to have any contempt. Even a lion will fight a rabbit with all its strength.

"Fourth, no matter what situation you encounter during the mission, you must stay calm and don't panic. Panic, fear and escape will not solve any problems. Only calmness can give you a chance..."

He kept talking while drinking and eating meat, and finally listed a total of 18 items. He seemed to be drunk and talking in his sleep; he was like a nagging old woman whose daughter was going on a long trip; he was more like the chatterbox Tang Monk who could make the goblins collapse.

In the end, Li Shiyin's ears were covered with calluses.

Outside the pavilion in the middle of the lake, the snow was still falling. The mountains, water and pavilion had long been connected in white, and the rime was thick; inside the pavilion in the middle of the lake, the fire was still burning vigorously, and the hot steam from the pot was rising, steaming and smoky.

Someone was talking, someone ... People were laughing, some were toasting, and some cats were trying to eat.

When dusk fell, the people in the pavilion were full of food and wine, and the cold wind blew. Some people were slightly tipsy and talked drunkenly; the white snow outside the pavilion reflected the cold light.

The darkness faded, and dawn came. In the wind and snow, Li Shiyin and Tian Wenjin flew away from Danfeng.

The second of the five beauties, flying together in the wind and snow, can also be called a beautiful scenery.

Qin Ran stood in the snow and watched them leave for a long time, until he turned white, and then he turned his eyes back.

He patted the snow on Zhuifeng's head and said, "Go and bring your wooden frame. We will transplant all the vegetables from the back mountain to the greenhouse today. "

The vegetable greenhouse that Qin Ran planned was actually built before the Devouring Demon Willow was cut down, but when the Devouring Demon Willow was cut down, Tushan Youyou and the Devouring Demon Willow had a chaotic fight and destroyed the greenhouse.

In the past few days, Qin Ran took Li Shiyin and Zhuifeng to repair the greenhouse.

Zhuifeng was not afraid of snow or cold. In order to send Li Shiyin and accompany Qin Ran, he lay in the snow and fell into the snow. He almost merged with the snow.

...I envy a certain poisonous snake to death.

He opened his mouth and yawned lazily. Yang stood up, shook off the snow, and then slowly ran to the storage room, found his wooden frame, put it on his mouth, and ran out with it.

This wooden frame was made after he demolished the house to punish him and make him do labor reform.

At that time, he could also pull the wooden frame, but he was very small at that time, and the wooden frame was very big, which looked very pitiful and funny; but now, he has grown up, and if he breaks this wooden frame again, it seems that this wooden frame is not big enough.

Qin Ran rubbed Zhuifeng's increasingly rough fur twice, and walked towards the back mountain with him.

Back Mountain There are many caves opened up by the predecessors of Danfeng. These caves are scattered in the back mountain.

But most of the predecessors who opened the caves have passed away. A few have joined higher sects, and a very small number of them are training outside, and their lives and deaths are unknown.

These caves were uninhabited. They were originally idle and useless. Later, Qin Ran came and transformed them with the attitude that they were idle anyway, and finally they had various uses.

Or they were used to cultivate medicinal herbs; or they were used to domesticate wild plants to cultivate some special vegetables and fruits; or they were used to store failed experiments, about formations, about elixirs; or some strange other uses.

Qin Ran brought Zhuifeng to one of the caves. There was a kind of dwarf herb plant planted in the cave, with green branches and leaves, and occasionally some red fruits.

Zhuifeng knew that he didn't like that kind of red fruit, because eating that thing would make his mouth burn. He didn't know why his father liked that strange thing.

"This is a chili..." Qin Ran sighed, "Dad, I spent a lot of effort to finally cultivate it. I went through so much hardship just for this spicy taste. "

... He dug up all the pepper plants and put them into the wooden frame that Zhuifeng was dragging.

He left the cave and turned to the cave next to it. There were some light yellow oval fruit-like things stored there.

Zhuifeng liked this thing very much. It tasted soft, sweet and sticky when cooked. He hurried forward to help Qin Ran put it away.

"These are potatoes, potatoes..." Qin Ran said.

He walked from cave to cave, and found peppers, potatoes, corn, peanuts, etc. Some of them were originally in this world, and some were not in this world but were cultivated by Qin Ran. However, in order to satisfy his appetite, Qin Ran planted them all.

He moved all these things from the cave in the back mountain and officially transplanted them to the greenhouse beside Xijian Lake.

The greenhouse was designed according to Qin Ran's previous greenhouse, except that the technological means were replaced by the means of cultivating immortals.

Oh, there are also some effects that the technological means of the previous life could not achieve, such as space technology. Qin Ran arranged a space array in the greenhouse, making the space size inside and outside the greenhouse reach ten to one.

Although it looks like a small piece of land between Xijian Lake and the research building from the outside, it looks quite large from the inside.

The vegetable greenhouse was neatly divided into many rectangular blocks by Qin Ran, each block was separated invisibly by the array, and different plants were planted in each block.

Either crops to satisfy the appetite, or herbs needed for alchemy... Of course, more crops are used for eating at present.

It was snowing outside, and it was minus three or two degrees. But the temperature in the greenhouse was not affected by the outside world at all. In the array, the plants in each block enjoyed the most suitable temperature.

After working for most of the day, Qin Ran transplanted all the plants in the cave into the greenhouse.

He packed up and went back to the living room, where he picked up a book to read, but he couldn't finish it no matter how hard he tried.

Long Qiqi was annoyed and said, "If you are worried, why let her go?"

"Alas..." Qin Ran sighed, "She must face the cruelty of the cultivation world independently. Otherwise, what will she do if I die suddenly?"

"Hehe! You are really funny, cursing yourself for no reason." Long Qiqi laughed, but as sharp-tongued as she was, she still said a few words of comfort, "Shiyin is a little stupid, but she can't live without you. ... Look at Tian Wenjin, isn't she living a good life?

"It's just a small task, she will definitely complete it easily. You actually didn't realize that she is very good."

Qin Ran was restless and got up. He looked outside through the window glass.

It was still snowing outside. Zhuifeng was dozing on the cat climbing frame. He looked into the distance, as if he could see Li Shiyin far away through the snowflakes.

"Maybe!" He sighed.


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