The rain in summer was a heavy rain after all, not to mention the rain last night was caused by two demon kings. When I got up in the morning, the rain had already stopped.

The rain has purified the air, and the world is fresh. There are birds dancing on the branches in the forest, and a girl is dancing a sword on the lawn in front of the house.

The girl is indeed a girl, with a soft and slender body ready to bloom, and her light green clothes are blowing in the wind, but the swordsmanship posture she dances is not girlish at all. Every move is fierce and powerful, and when the long sword is dancing, the sword edge is The sound of breaking through the sky sounded from time to time.

Qin Ran was sitting under the eaves reading a book. The book contained text related to the Mysterious Spirit Tiger. Next to his chair lay a civet cat...and the cub of the Mysterious Spirit Tiger.

The sound of the sword cutting through the air continued to be heard. He looked over there. Li Shiyin's flexible and strong figure and her strong and swift sword style made him admire the power contained in that slender daughter's body. .

This silly apprentice was born to practice swordsmanship. She was only practicing the most basic skills and the most basic sword styles, but each move already had extraordinary power.

Qin Ran secretly commented in his heart, not to mention that Tian Wenjin had already established a foundation, if she didn't cheat and flew into the air to fight Li Shiyin head-on on the ground, it was not certain who would win.

After watching the silly apprentice dance with his sword for a while, Qin Ran continued to read and study how to raise this mysterious tiger.

Legend has it that the first Xuanming Spirit Tiger in the world was born in darkness, bathed in darkness, and born to master the laws of darkness, and is the king of darkness. It feeds on darkness and uses darkness as its power.

It is said that every time it swallows darkness, a black stripe will appear on its body, and its power will increase to a higher level. Until its whole body is covered with black stripes, it can soar with the sun.

After reading the book, Qin Ran turned his head to look at Zhui Feng beside the chair. It had black markings all over its body, and even its tail had circles of black stripes. He suddenly felt that the records in the book might not be reliable.

"What legend, what rumor? Isn't what I'm reading the marketing account of the world of cultivating immortals?" He closed the book and took a look at it, "The Complete Explanation of Divine Beasts", "Maybe the author who wrote the book has never seen the Xuanming Spirit Tiger. "

With this thought in mind, he threw the book aside and into Zhui Feng's face.

Zhui Feng, who was sleeping soundly, was suddenly hit by a book. He jumped up in excitement. His big blue eyes saw the flying book and opened its pages. As if he had seen a treasure, he pounced towards it.

But it failed to pounce on the book, and its head hit the spine of the book. The book was knocked into the grass outside, and it fell where it was.

Seeing the naive look of the king in the darkness, Qin Ran laughed.

Zhui Feng got up and tilted his head to look at Kieran, wondering what the two-legged beast was laughing at. It didn't care, and pounced forward again, landing on the books on the grass.

After a while, the book turned into scraps of paper.

Qin Ran watched Zhui Feng tearing up the book and secretly apologized to the book.

"Master!" Li Shiyin suddenly called him.

He looked over and saw that Li Shiyin had stopped practicing her sword for some time. When she reached the river, she was squatting in front of the Awakening God Grass, turning around and waving to him.

"Master, it's sprouted!" Li Shiyin said loudly with a smile.

"Has it sprouted?" Qin Ran's heart moved, he hurriedly stood up and walked over.

Next to the extremely lush Awakening Grass, there is a piece of soil that has been renovated. Several green heads wearing black hats emerged from the soil, which is full of vitality.

This is the Crane Crown Immortal Grass that was planted before. Qin Ran couldn't afford the spiritual soil, so he only planted one as an experiment... Unexpectedly, it actually sprouted, and there were four more plants.

Kieran was quite surprised and quickly pushed Li Shiyin away and squatted down to check carefully.

These new shoots seem to be a little slender compared to the normal Crane's Crown Immortal Grass. Moreover, normal Crane Crown Immortal Grass, even if it has just sprouted, should still be full of spiritual energy, just like a monk who can breathe in the spiritual energy of heaven and earth through cultivation, but these plants do not.

"It sprouted, but it was malnourished." He sighed softly.

Then he began to think again, "It has been planted for several days, why did it only sprout today? Is it because of the rain? Or is it related to the Thunder-yellow Horned Cow last night?"

"Master...Master..." As he was thinking, Li Shiyin's voice came over again.

"What's wrong?"

He turned around and saw that something was wrong with Li Shiyin. She seemed drunk, unsteady, her face was red, and her head was steaming. After careful identification, the hot air coming out of her head was not hot air, but wisps of spiritual energy.

At this time, a special attraction appeared on her body, attracting the surrounding spiritual energy. After a while, her whole body was foggy.

"Master, what's wrong with me?" Li Shiyin asked with blurred eyes. She was a little panicked and didn't know what happened.

But Qin Ran understood instantly, he smiled and said: "The timing of foundation building is here."

The attraction of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is a sign that Li Shiyin's inner world and the outer world are connected. To put it more mysteriously, this is the unity of heaven and man. To put it more simply, it can be used to build a foundation.

On the eleventh day when the silly disciple worshiped at the mountain gate, the foundation was finally built.

Foundation building is the beginning of the path to immortality, and the foundation building period is the first realm of spiritual practice.

Building a foundation requires condensing cyclones, and if you want to condense cyclones, you need to attract the spiritual energy of heaven and earth into your body. If you want to attract the spiritual energy of heaven and earth into your body, you need spiritual roots. Spiritual roots are a kind of talent. If you want to activate spiritual roots, you need To have Qi, if you want to have Qi, you need to have a sense of Qi.

Therefore, the sense of Qi is the beginning.

First, you have a sense of Qi, then use the Qi in your body to connect with the Qi outside your body, and then use your spiritual roots to introduce the spiritual Qi of heaven and earth into your body, and condense the Qi cyclone in your Dantian.

So, as long as you have a sense of Qi and connect with heaven and earth, you can build your foundation.

So why did Li Shiyin build her foundation only now when she had a sense of Qi on the first day?

This was done intentionally by Qin Ran...

Because, even in the foundation-building period, there are strong and weak points, and even Qi cyclones are good and bad.

He deliberately let Li Shiyin use the most basic exercises to polish the Qi in her body, and at the same time let her strengthen her body strength.

She has extremely pure Qi and an extremely strong body, so once she condenses a Qi cyclone, it can't be an ordinary Qi cyclone.

At this time, she hasn't started to condense the Qi cyclone, but there are already strange phenomena in heaven and earth.

The spiritual Qi of this world condensed and formed a mist around her, hazy, real and fake, visible and invisible, this is a mirage.

"Taiwanese?" How could Li Shiyin know English?

"Build the foundation! Quick, sit cross-legged!" Qin Ran said hurriedly, "Practice the "Basic Exercises", focus your mind on the Baihui point, and use the qi in your body to attract the spiritual energy into your body."

"Build the foundation..." Li Shiyin understood, sat down cross-legged as he said, closed her eyes, and practiced the exercises, but she soon opened her eyes, looked at Qin Ran, and asked, "Master, where is the Baihui point?"

Qin Ran was almost angry to death. He raised his hand to slap, but didn't slap him, but slapped himself, raised his hand again, pressed on the Baihui point on the top of Li Shiyin's head, and said, "Here!"

"Master, press it and don't move." Li Shiyin said, and closed her eyes again.

She practiced the exercises, and her mind came to the place where Qin Ran pressed, and saw that there were stormy waves and howling winds here, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was too manic because there was too much.

Her foundation was too solid, and she attracted too much spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

Li Shiyin took a deep breath, calmed down, and recalled the precautions for building the foundation that Qin Ran had told her...

She moved the qi in her body to Baihui, and then carefully rolled up a wisp of spiritual energy from the wind and waves, and brought it along the path of practice to the Qihai acupoint...inside the lower dantian.

In her consciousness, the lower dantian was originally pitch black, until this wisp of spiritual energy from heaven and earth entered, and then there was light. The practice method was running, and this spiritual energy swirled in the dantian and stretched into a wisp...

In this way, the first wisp of cyclone was considered successful.

Li Shiyin was not in a hurry, and her consciousness came to Baihui again, and then she completely let go, attracting the spiritual energy from heaven and earth to enter her body!

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