After beating Li Shiwen, Li Shiyin felt refreshed. She took out a bottle of good healing elixir from the Qiankun bag and threw it to Li Shiwen like a distinguished guest in a brothel throwing reward money. She laughed and said: "Take it, take it!"

Then she smiled like a villain, clapped her hands and turned around to leave. She had the air of "taking off her clothes and hiding her merits and fame".

Li Shiwen, a dignified man of eight feet, now looked like a little wife who had been prostituted for nothing. She hugged herself pitifully, and then tightened her clothes tightly because Li Shiyin broke her clothes to prevent her beauty from being exposed. His eyes dodge, and it wasn't until Li Shiyin disappeared in the distance that he returned to normal.

The younger sister doesn't know how to love others. She only thinks about how to step on his head and become a sister. Only my wife knows how to love others.

Yu Chizhen in the pavilion felt very distressed when he saw Li Shiwen being beaten like that. He ran over and put a robe on him, then carefully helped Li Shiwen up and walked slowly back to the pavilion.

Yuchi's body is really that of a normal girl. If you look at her alone, she actually looks tall. Simply converting her height, she is about over 1.6 meters tall.

But when she stood in front of Li Shiwen, she looked small and exquisite.

Because Li Shiwen's figure is about 1.9 meters and about 190 pounds. And because his whole body is full of muscles, his weight is actually closer to 200.

With his physique, how could Yuchi really support him?

It's just Li Shiwen pretending.

Rather than saying that Yuchizhen was supporting him, it was better to say that he was holding Yuchizhen; rather than saying that Yuchizhen was putting the mink velvet robe on him, it was better to say that he was wrapping Yuchizhen in his arms with the mink velvet robe.

When they arrived at the pavilion, Li Shiwen asked Yuchi Zhenzhen to feed him healing elixirs; and he was not afraid of the cold and exposed his breasts, asking Yuchizhen to apply healing plasters on him...

Li Shiyin was obviously beaten violently because of his show of affection, but after being beaten, the show of affection between the two became even more foul.

All this was clearly seen by Li Shiyin in the distance. She clenched her fist and wanted to go back and beat Li Shiwen again.

But as she thought about it, frustration suddenly rose in her heart. She looked at Li Shiwen's disgusting expression as a love expert, and couldn't help but think of her master. If the master had one-tenth of Li Shiwen's methods... No, if the master had given him those The city government devoted one ten thousandth of its scheming to her. She doesn't feel sick over there at the pavilion now.

"Alas!" she sighed.

Then she turned her thoughts back and realized that if the master was not so emotionally pure and lovely, she would not like him; and with the master's city, if he really focused on women, he might not be able to wait for her.

Although she had no choice but to think this way, she finally felt a little better after thinking this way.

Li Shiwen could no longer play happily together. Li Shiyin wandered around the house and finally found her mother. She found her mother reading in the room, so she opened the door and walked in.

It was freezing and freezing outside, but inside the house was as warm as spring. My mother lit some incense, made some tea, leaned back in her chair, and read a book, looking at ease and contentment.

Hearing her coming in, her mother looked up at her and asked, "Didn't you go out to go crazy today?"

"Mom~" She closed the door softly, ran to her mother happily, and said softly, "How can you say that to me? I'm a girl!"

How could she look like the big devil who just beat Li Shiwen? There is no rumored sword fairy posture.

Yang Yanqi tapped her forehead with his index finger and said angrily: "You are the most naughty, and you are still a girl. You don't look like a girl at all."

"Well..." Li Shiyin put her head on Yang Yanqi's lap, like a puppy.

But she was thinking in her mind, is it because the master didn't take the initiative to attack her because she didn't look like a girl at all?

But what are girls like?

She was thinking in a blur, and then thought of the time when Li Shiwen took her to Jiaofangsi when she was a child. Does the beautiful sister in the Jiaofang Division look like a girl?

Yang Yanqi's personal maid poured a cup of hot tea for Li Shiyin and distributed some melon seeds and fruits beside her. She casually picked off a raisin and held it in her mouth. She tilted her head to look at the book in Yang Yanqi's hand and asked curiously: "Mom, what book are you reading?"

"Just take a look and pass the time." Yang Yanqi replied.

Li Shiyin took Yang Yanqi's hand and raised her head to see what was written in Yang Yanqi's hand. She saw some words like "soldiers", "terrain", "camping" and so on, so she knew it was the art of war.

She lay down again and asked lazily: "Why are you watching The Art of War?"

Yang Yanqi patted her head gently with a book and asked her, "What does your family do?"

"Hmm~" Li Shiyin thought for a while, "You're just fighting!"

"What do you want to see in a general's house if you don't see the art of war?" Yang Yanqi asked.

"That's right..." Li Shiyin nodded.

She lay on Yang Yanqi's lap like a child, eating snacks and drinking tea, which made Yang Yanqi restless and unable to read anymore.

She shook her thighs, shook Li Shiyin's head, and scolded: "How old are you? You're still like a child."

"Hehehe..." Li Shiyin giggled, "I will always be a child in front of my mother!"

Yang Yanqi really had nothing to do with this shameless person. She put the book on Li Shiyin's head, paused, and asked, "When are you going back to the mountains?"

"It's time to celebrate the New Year!" Li Shiyin said.

"Don't you have any restrictions on going down the mountain in Daojian Sect? Can you go back if you want to, and not go back if you don't want to?" Yang Yanqi asked.

"Yes!" Li Shiyin nodded, "I won't go back, I can stay at home every day. But the master said it's not good."


Yang Yanqi caught this word, and she asked: "How are you and your master? You are in your twenties, an old girl."

"Oh!" Li Shiyin felt shy and irritated, and finally sat up and got off Yang Yanqi's thigh. She pouted and said, "Don't meddle in the affairs of monks."

Yang Yanqi knew her daughter so well that she saw at a glance that she was probably heartless. She asked tentatively: "Could it be that you Master doesn't like you, a little girl?"

"No!" Li Shiyin rejected it flatly, "I'm so cute, Master can't wait to like me!"

"What's the situation with you?" Yang Yanqi was puzzled, "Do you monks and immortals also care about the ethics of master and apprentice?"

"What's the ethics of master and apprentice? Those monks can live for hundreds and thousands of years, how can they care about the ethics of master and apprentice?" Li Shiyin sneered, "Besides, Master is only nine years older than me, and looks younger than Li Shiwen. Brother is about the same, Master..."

"Nine years older, also twenty-eight or twenty-nine, nearly thirty. Not young anymore." Yang Yanqi said.

Li Shiyin took a cup of tea and drank it in her hand, and said listlessly: "I don't know why... Master doesn't actually reject me, and he doesn't refuse when I get close to him. I know Master likes me and cares about me. But he doesn't take the initiative...

"Not rejecting, not taking the initiative. I don't know what Master is thinking."

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