My Daily Cultivation Life with a Clumsy Female Disciple

Chapter 310: Separation of Life and Death

They got married in November of the first year, and in January of the next year, at the beginning of the new year, Li Shiwen fortunately worked hard for two months and finally made Yuchi really pregnant, and new life came with the new year. .

Li Shiyin looked at Yuchi Zhen's belly and felt the new life inside, feeling an indescribable special feeling.

And then, she is going to be an aunt! When that new life appeared, she became a generation older out of thin air.

"But now that I am an aunt, I will be considered an adult from now on." Li Shiwen stood next to Yuchizhen, looked at her and smiled, "After leaving Dao Jianmen and returning to the practice world, we must not be like before. Be more willful and naughty.”

"Brother, what are you talking about?" Li Shiyin felt that Li Shiwen was weird and a little too sad, "I've always been the most obedient and well-behaved one, okay!"

"Yes, yes..." Li Shiwen responded, "You are the most obedient."

He pointed to the child in Yuchizhen's belly and explained to Li Shiyin, "If this child is a boy, he will be called Li An; if it is a girl, then he will be called Li Ping. You have to remember these two names and don't forget them. "

Something is wrong, something is so wrong! Li Shiyin frowned and asked Li Shiwen again: "Brother, what's wrong with you?"

"No, I'm just afraid that you won't be able to remember your nephew because of your heartlessness." Li Shiwen covered up his sadness with a smile.

After all, Li Shiyin was not a sad person. Although she felt something was wrong, she only thought about the sadness of separation and tried her best not to show that she cared.

She also laughed and said to Li Shiwen: "Actually, I can tell it's a boy or a girl? Do you want me to tell you?"

"You don't have to tell me. Whether it's a boy or a girl, they are all the continuation of the Li family's bloodline." Li Shiwen shook his head and said, "What's the use of having a son like me and wasting my life in the end? What's the point of having a daughter like you who can become an immortal or a god?" glory?"

" are also very powerful!" Li Shiyin quickly comforted her. She knew that Li Shiwen could not get over that failure.

Li Shiwen sighed: "If you want to leave, just leave quickly! Mom is reluctant to see you off and is crying in the house, while dad is with me. Only my brother and sister-in-law are here to see you off, so don't worry too much."

"It's weird... It's not like I won't come back. I'll be back at the end of the year." Li Shiyin replied, "Actually, I don't have to leave. It's just that I'm really not suitable to stay at home all the time." Sword God Jiang Xiaobai ’s visit made Li Shiyin completely understand why the master said that monks cannot stay with mortals.

Jiang Xiaobai is an upright person. He wanted to challenge Li Shiyin, so he came to the door openly and openly. After losing the fight, he also left calmly through the front door;

If there is such an evil person who wants to challenge her and comes to her home, but uses Li Shiwen, Li Zhan, Yang Yanqi and others to limit her strength, or directly kills everyone in the Li family to disturb her state of mind, What should she do?

Li Shiyin is no longer the novice who just entered the spiritual world. She has long understood that monks in the spiritual world have no concept of morality. Massacre of a whole family is a high probability event.

Therefore, she cannot stay at home for long periods of time.

"It doesn't matter whether it's suitable or not!" Li Shiwen said, "It doesn't matter whether you are at home or not. You just need to know that we all love you and will always remember you."

"Hey..." Li Shiyin had goosebumps all over her body. With one move of her sword, she summoned the Qingxing Sword, lightly jumped onto the sword, squatted down on the sword, and asked Li Shiwen with a smile, "Do you want to try wielding a sword? Very fun!”

Li Shiwen shook his head: "No need, you should set off early and get to Daojianmen early."

"Hey, why are you so serious today?" Li Shiyin felt bored and flew up to the sky with her sword. But halfway through the flight, she remembered something and returned to the ground again, saying to Li Shiwen, "Well...have you forgotten something?"


Li Shiyin pointed at Yuchi Zhen's belly and asked Li Shiwen: "Do you want him to take the path of spiritual practice?"

"Practice?" Li Shiwen was stunned, but couldn't make up his mind. He turned his head to look at Yuchi Zhen, "What do you think Zhenzhen?"

"Can my baby also become a god?" Yuchizhen asked Li Shiyin with wide eyes.

"If you want, it doesn't matter whether he has spiritual roots or not." Li Shiyin said, "But there are good and bad ways to follow the path of cultivation..."

She looked at Li Shiwen and said, "Brother, you probably know something."

Firstly, the path of spiritual practice is not easy to walk; secondly, once you embark on the path of spiritual practice, your relatives will become passers-by from then on. She, Li Shiyin, was just lucky enough to meet Qin Ran. After four years of training, she was still a young girl when she came back.

Li Shiwen was silent, but still looked at Yuchi Zhen. It was difficult for him to make a decision on this kind of matter alone.

But Yuchi really didn't know the seriousness of the problem. She only knew that the gods were very powerful, so she nodded excitedly: "Of course the gods are better."

"Okay!" Li Shiyin took a deep breath and said to Li Shiwen and Yu Chizhen, "The first step in practice is to feel the Qi, find the innate Qi in your body, and then use this innate Qi to attract the spiritual energy of heaven and earth into the body , the two merge, take root in the Dantian, and become mana seeds to build the foundation.

"Mana seeds are extremely important and affect a monk's entire practice career. This seed can be the weather aura introduced by oneself, or it can be some special genius treasure, or it can be the mana of a high-level monk.

"What I have to do now is to plant a seed of my sword energy into the baby's Dantian to become his mana seed.

"In this way, under the influence of my master's elixir, he will be a foundation-building monk from birth. He uses my sword energy to build the foundation, and he is a natural swordsman monk."

She condensed a purple-black original sword energy and spun it on her fingertips. Finally, she confirmed with Li Shiwen, "If he is good enough in the future, this sword energy will be his stepping stone to help him go higher; if he is not talented enough, this sword energy will be the guarantee of his practice and help him go more steadily."

Li Shiwen nodded.

Li Shiyin pointed her finger, and the sword energy in her hand flew into Yuchi Zhen's stomach and merged into the body of the child who had not yet formed.

"Hmph, if he can be as good as me in the foundation-building period, that's not bad!" After doing it, Li Shiyin clapped her hands arrogantly and said, "This is my gift to him. I won't come back after he is born."

"I will try to go home less often."

"Yeah!" Li Shiwen nodded and waved to Li Shiyin, "Take care."

Li Shiyin stood on the sword and saluted Li Shiwen seriously, but after the ceremony, she couldn't hold it back. She laughed first, then waved and said: "Take care of you too, see you at the end of the year! "

After saying that, she flew away on her sword, and in the blink of an eye, she was in the sky, and in another flash, she was in the distant sky.

Li Shiwen looked at Li Shiyin's receding back, and tears slowly flowed from the corners of his eyes. Li Shiyin thought it was just an ordinary separation, but he knew it was very likely a separation of death.

"Shiyin is so powerful, why don't you let her stay to fight against the Xuanqin army?" Yuchi Zhen held his hand, wiped away his tears, and asked in confusion.

"Because Xuanqin has more cultivators..." Li Shiwen sighed.

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