A social student returns to a social life, but because someone ate too much dog food at home, he was in love at that time, so he still had to plan to capture the master.

...that stinky master, she must find a way to marry him home.

Before planning to take down the master, there were some things that Li Shiyin needed to confirm.

The first and most important thing to determine is her own mind.

She must figure out whether she really likes her master, whether she must be a master in this life, and whether she can't live without her master.

Regarding this question, Li Shiyin took three seconds to confirm and got a positive answer. She would die if she could not get a master... A world without a master is an imperfect world... Practicing in this life is not to become an immortal, but to become an immortal. In order to meet the master in the world of mortals...

After confirming your own mind, the next thing to confirm is the master's mind.

Although Li Shiyin probably knew that the master liked her, it was still the master after all. She knew that the master was evil-hearted, so who could guarantee that the master's love for her was not just an act or some kind of trick?

But it was too difficult for Li Shiyin to know what the big bad master, the master, was thinking.

She thought about it for a long time, but couldn't figure it out, so she decided to run to the back mountain and ask Tushan Youyou. Professional things should be done by professional people. Tushan Youyou is a vixen who specializes in seducing men. It is definitely right to ask her for help with this kind of thing.

"How do you know if a man likes you?" Tu Shan Youyou heard Li Shiyin ask, and her attention came out of the formation model on the desk. She looked at Li Shiyin strangely, "What? There are other people in Dao Jianmen who dare to Intrigued by you?"

From Tushan Youyou's point of view, there must be nothing wrong with the fact that the two masters and apprentices are interested in having a concubine, and they usually fight each other without hiding it.

The person Li Shiyin wanted to make sure was definitely not Qin Ran.

In the current Taoist Sword Sect, not only she, Tushan Youyou, can see clearly, but also everyone who knows the master and disciple can clearly see the relationship between the master and the disciple, and will not pursue Li Shiyin just to make a joke; and those who do not Those who know this pair of masters and disciples, and those who come to pursue Li Shiyin's affections, can use the word "dare".

"Oh, no..." Li Shiyin denied Tushan Youyou's question and wanted to explain, but felt shy. Seeing Li Shiyin like this, Tushan turned around and sat down, looked at it carefully, and then slowly realized that this was spring. The girl is pregnant with spring and her heart is full of spring.

"Oh..." She suddenly smiled, with the "I understand" smile of an experienced driver, and she continued, "You need to determine whether a man likes you and determine his heart. There are many external ways. Diverse, but its inner core is actually only one.”

He is indeed an expert! You didn't find the wrong person.

Li Shiyin's eyes lit up and she asked repeatedly: "What is it?"

"A man's feelings depend on whether he is interested in you or not." Tushan Youyou didn't show off, she smiled, her smile was very vixen, and she said pointedly, "A person's heart may be deceiving, but a person's The body tends to be very honest!”

Li Shiyin blinked and didn't understand. What kind of heart, what kind of body, what kind of deception, what kind of honesty...

"How can your body be honest?" she asked.

How do you evaluate Li Shiyin’s appointment of Tu Shan Youyou as a love mentor?

The answer is that she may have found the wrong person.

Indeed, Tushan Youyou is a vixen who understands people's desires best and is the best at seducing men.


Tushan Youyou is a vixen! What she wants is a man's body, his essence, blood, cultivation, and soul, not his feelings.

All she cares about is the man's body, not his emotions.

And what does Li Shiyin want? What she wants is the master's affection. What she wants to know is that she likes the master, does the master like her?

One is asking about romance, and the other is answering about Jin Ping Mei.

If Li Shiyin is a small white flower that is pure and flawless from the inside out, then Tushan Youyou is a colorful seven-color flower on the outside, but a simple small yellow flower on the inside.

However, complete yellow should also be pure.

"How can the body be honest?" Tu Shan smiled charmingly, raised his eyebrows with Li Shiyin, and said, "A certain organ of a man will change many times in size under certain circumstances. Even if he talks about benevolence, justice and morality, But that’s what he really thinks.”

When Li Shiyin heard this, she thought seriously. After a while, she understood what Tu Shan Youyou was talking about. You know, she, Li Shiyin, is a woman with psychic eyes. During a battle, no subtle changes in her opponent can escape her eyes.

"Pupillary! Really? When they are scared, no matter what nice words they say, their pupils will enlarge and shrink rapidly, and will change several times, seriously affecting the combat vision." She nodded, indicating that she understood Tu Shan Youyou means, "Master said that eyes are the windows to the soul. Do you want to tell me that I can determine my feelings for me through my master's eyes?"

Tushan Youyou was speechless. Eye? As for Kieran's dead fish eyes, Li Shiyin was so simple, she could tell a lot of shit.

"It's Yang..." She was about to reveal the correct answer, but something suddenly occurred to her and she looked Li Shiyin up and down again. This girl, who was as innocent as a blank sheet of paper, hesitated for a moment and asked aloud, "You...just, you know How do men and women have children?”

"I know!" Li Shiyin smiled confidently, "Just get married! When a man and a woman get married, the woman will have a baby. My brother got married at the end of last year, and my sister-in-law got pregnant at the beginning of this year. She has a baby, and then she can have children."

"I know it!" Tushan Youyou was speechless.

It should be noted that until now, no one has taught Li Shiyin about the knowledge of the two sexes (when she was sixteen or seventeen years old, she was going to get married, and it was the time when Yang Yanqi taught her these knowledge, but at this time she ran to Daojianmen), and there were no relevant books, movies, etc. to help her learn and understand. So, she didn't know anything about men and women.

"Do you know how to have a bridal chamber?" Tushan Youyou didn't give up and asked again.

"Drink wine, and then sleep with a woman." Li Shiyin said, this is what she saw and heard.

"Do you know how to sleep with a woman?"

"Just sleep like that!" Li Shiyin looked at Tushan Youyou strangely, "What else is there to say about sleeping?"

What a pure and flawless little white flower in the world!

Tu Shan You You could no longer communicate with her, because she felt that every word she was about to say was a taint to her, and also a statement of her filthiness.

"I can't teach you..." She said to Li Shi Yin seriously, "You go find Long Qi Qi."

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